Displaying 1 - 29 of 29

Alternative Financing for Indigenous Housing

Alternate Title
Research Highlight (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Documents & Presentations
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Researchers conducted interviews with Indigenous leaders, Indigenous financial institutions, mainstream lenders, housing developers, and the public sector, as well as a literature review. Discusses the unique challenges faced by First Nations and possible solutions.
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Bill C-23: First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Research Branch) ; LS-475E
Documents & Presentations
Tonina Simeone
Opt-in legislation proposes Establishment of four financial institutions: First Nations Finance Authority, First Nations Tax Commission, First Nations Financial Management Board, and the First Nations Statistical Institute. Targets mechanisms aimed at enhancing fund-raising capacity through taxation of leasehold interests on reserve land and access to long-term loans for community development.
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CANDO Economic Developer of the Year Awards 2004

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Teresa Callihoo
Sara Cardinal
Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 4, no. 2, Special Edition: The State of the Aboriginal Economy: 10 Years After RCAP, Fall, 2005, pp. 21-25
Looks at interviews with award winners on economic initiatives and the importance of capitalizing on resources found in the community.
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Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources

Web Sites » Organizations
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources
Non-profit, national organization developing and implementing solutions for environmental issues affecting First Nations lands and resources. Website contains links to full text articles in the CIER library and CIER publications and products.
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Correspondence and Circulars - Memorandum re: Leasing Procedure

Documents & Presentations
A memorandum from E.S. Jones, Regional Supervisor of Indian Agencies, Saskatchewan, to all Indian Agency Superintendents and Assistants relating to land leasing procedures for Aboriginals on reserves in Saskatchewan.

Historical note:

Harold Nelson Woodsworth served as an Indian Agent at a number of agencies in Saskatchewan.
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Exploring the Constitutional Sources of a First Nation’s Right To Tax

Articles » General
Devrin Q. Froese
Canadian Tax Journal, vol. 55, no. 4, 2007, pp. 777-802
Contends that the basis for generating revenues from property relies on one of two sources: section 91(3) of the Constitution Act of 1867, or section 35(1) of the Constitution Act of 1982 and that the scope of power may depend on which source has been used.
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Indian Oil and Gas Act (R.S., 1985, c. I-7)

Alternate Title
An Act respecting Oil and Gas in Indian Lands
Documents & Presentations
Government of Canada
Federal legislation providing for regulation of leases, licences and dispositions related to royalties from certain resources on First Nation lands.
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Individual Property Rights on Canadian Indian Reserves

Alternate Title
A Fraser Institute Occasional Paper
Public Policy Sources ; no. 60
Documents & Presentations
Tom Flanagan
Christopher Alcantara
no. 60
Focus on four regimes: customary rights, certificates of possession under the Indian Act, First Nations Land Management Act, and leases.
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Leases on Indian Reserves

Alternate Title
Conveyancing for Legal Support Staff: Advanced Issues
Practice Made Perfect CLEBC
Documents & Presentations
Bob C. Starkell
Looks at who controls the use of reserve land, how it can be leased to non-band members and what is the Indian Land Registry (ILR)
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[New Approaches to First Nation Infrastructure Development: The Nipissing First Nation Experience]

Alternate Title
Rural Ontario Foresight Papers 2019
[Northern Perspective: New Approaches to First Nation Infrastructure Development]
Documents & Presentations
[Amanjit Garcha]
Dwayne Nashkawa
Outlines challenges faced in addressing infrastructure needs and gaps, and discusses how this First Nation went about planning and financing improvements.
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Note: Implementing Aboriginal Self-Government Taxation and Service Responsibility in British Columbia

Alternate Title
Implementing Aboriginal Self-Government Taxation and Service Responsibility in British Columbia
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert L. Bish
Canadian Public Administration, vol. 36, no. 3, Fall, 1993, pp. 451-460
Focuses on the taxation of leasehold property as a method of gaining revenue and the ramifications of the number of actors involved (federal, provincial, municipal).
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Providing Land and Resources for Aboriginal Peoples

Alternate Title
[Aboriginal Peoples and Constitutional Reform. Background Paper]
Documents & Presentations
Bradford W. Morse
Explores legal mechanisms for implementing the transfer of land and the range of options for the way in which legal title can be held.
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