Sharing One Skin

Articles » General
Jeanette Armstrong
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 30, no. 4, Land & Resources in the Americas, Winter, 2006
Comments on the essential responsibility of the Okanagan people to bond with the land.
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Sharing the Box of Treasures

Articles » General
Joyce Gregory Wyels
Americas, vol. 56, no. 1, January/February 2004, pp. 6-15
Provides information about the potlatch ceremony in British Columbia.
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Sharing the Story: Experiences of Six Communities

Alternate Title
Good Public Works Management in First Nations Communities
Neegan Burnside
Miawpukek First Nation, Moose Cree First Nation, Oujé-Bougoumou Cree Nation, Peigan First Nation, Six Nations of the Grand River and Westbank First Nation.
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Sharing the Wealth: First Nation Resource Participation Models

Documents & Presentations
BC First Nations Energy & Mining Council
"This report is intended to provide BC First Nations with some insight into the approach and models that can be considered to implement these rights with respect to specific projects in traditional lands".
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Shaunee Casavant - Backstory: Nuuchaanulth Ceremonial Curtains and the Work of Ki-Ke-In

Alternate Title
Global Encounters Initiative, University of British Columbia
Itineraries of Exchange: Cultural Contact in a Global Frame March 4-6, 2010 University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Media » Film and Video
Chief Councilor of the Hupacasath Nation shares her story, place of being and knowledge about ceremonies, designs on Ceremonial Curtains and her own Ceremonial Curtain. Duration: 1:03:13.
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She Rewarded Good Behaviour

Articles » General
Dianne Meili
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 5, August 2012, p. 26

Brief profile of role model Elder Norma "Rose" Point.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.38.

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Shell-Heaps of the Lower Fraser River, British Columbia

Alternate Title
Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History ; v. 4. Anthropology ; v. 3
[Publications of] the Jesup North Pacific Expedition ; v. [2], pt. 4
E-Books » Chapters
Harlan I. Smith
Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History
Forms part of Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History, v. 4 (p. [133]-191).
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Shellfish Aquaculture and First Nations' Sovereignty: The Quest for Sustainable Development in Contested Sea Space

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Alyssa L. Joyce
Terre A. Satterfield
Natural Resources Forum, vol. 34, no. 2, May 2010, pp. 106-123
Identifies perceptions of the risks and benefits of the shellfish aquaculture tenuring system, and presents the results of 56 interviews conducted with individuals involved in shellfish production in BC.
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Media » Film and Video
Kate Kroll
Marilyn Thomas
Brief video based on children's book of the same name which tells the story of a young girl taken from her family and sent to residential school. Duration: 6:05.
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Shin-chi's Canoe

Alternate Title
ADL's Book of the Month
Documents & Presentations
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

Children's book about a brother and sister's experiences at residential school. Age range 6 to 10 years old.

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Silencing of Voice: An Act of Structural Violence: Urban Aboriginal Women Speak Out About Their Experiences With Health Care

Articles » General
Donna L. M. Kurtz
Jessie C. Nyberg
Susan Van Den Tillaart
Buffy Mills
Journal of Aboriginal Health, vol. 4, no. 1, Aboriginal Womens Health, January 2008, pp. 53-63
Research study reveals that assumptions and inequities contribute to Aboriginal women's marginalization by the health care system.
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Alternate Title
Sins of the Father
Articles » General
Lisa Hobbs Birnie
Saturday Night, vol. 109, no. 1, February 1994
Comments on an affair between a priest and one of his former residential school students.
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Sinumwak: Bella Colla Oolichan Run

Alternate Title
West Coast Oil Ports Inquiry
Media » Film and Video
James Bizzocchi
Peter Kellington
Looks at Oolichan fishing and the process of rendering the grease from the fish. Duration: 19:59.
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The Sissauch Dance

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Fillip B. Jacobsen
Richard L. Bland
Arctic Anthropology, vol. 34, no. 2, 1997, pp. 28-44
Translation of Jacobsen's first hand account of a sacred Northwest coast ceremony with legends, masks, feasts and potlatch described; first published in Ymer in 1891.
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Site C Clean Energy Project: Treat 8 First Nations Comments; Post-Panel Stage Consultation

Alternate Title
Site C Clean Energy Project: Treaty 8 First Nations Comments: Post-Panel Stage Consultation: Final, August 19, 2014
Documents & Presentations
Treaty 8 Tribal Association
Presents concerns voiced by Doig River, Halfway River, Prophet River and West Moberly First Nations to the Site C Clean Energy Joint Review Panel regarding the Project and consultation about the environmental assessment.
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Sixth Report on the North-Western Tribes of Canada

Alternate Title
Remarks on the Ethnology of British Columbia: Introductory to the Second General Report of Dr. Franz Boas on the Indians of That Province
Second General Report on the Indians of British Columbia
Franz Boas
Horatio Hale
Committee appointed to research physical characters, languages and industrial and social conditions of the peoples of British Columbia including the Kwakiutl, Tsimshians, and Salish peoples.
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SKC Provides Online IT Classes at Crownpoint

Alternate Title
Salish Kootenai College Provides Online Information Technology Classes at Crownpoint
Articles » General
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 18, no. 2, Traditional Wisdom Our Strength, Winter, 2006
Looks at the online information technology classes offered to American Indian students in the United States and to Indigenous students in Alberta, British Columbia, and Australia.
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Sketch of the Kwakiutl Language

Alternate Title
American Anthropologist. New Series ; vol. 2, Oct.-Dec., 1900
Franz Boas
Presents the Kwakiutl or Kwak'wala language which is a Wakashan language of the Northwest Coast (British Columbia).
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Sliammon First Nation: Agreement in Principle

Documents & Presentations
Sliammon First Nations
Government of Canada
Governmnet of British Columbia
Agreement between the Sliammon people, Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia signed on the 6th of December 2003 at Sliammon, BC.
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A Small and Charming World

Book Reviews
Henry S. Maas
BC Studies, no. 19, Indians in British Columbia, Autumn, 1973, pp. 129-130
Book review: A Small and Charming World by John F. Gibson. Scroll down to page 129 to read review.
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Smallpox in the Pacific Northwest: The First Epidemics

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert Boyd
BC Studies, no. 101, The First Nations in British Columbia, Spring, 1994, pp. 5-40
Looks at smallpox epidemics in British Columbia during the late 1770s, 1801-02, 1836-38, 1853 and 1862-63.
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SNIT...E...: Learning From a Traditional Place

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John Elliott
Joshua Guilar
Tye Swallow
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 32, no. 2, 2009, pp. 105-116
Looks at stories and teachings concerning relationships that are inherent and interconnected in traditional values of thankfulness, kindness, helpfulness, respect, and transformation.
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