[2001 Census Aboriginal Population Profile for Kamloops, British Columbia (City)]
Data » Tables
Statistics Canada
Statistical table.
Historical note:
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Historical note:
This version has similar handwriting to Father LeJeune's "Chinook Vocabulary, Chinook-English" (2nd edition) printed in Kamloops in 1892. The content varies, however.Historical note:
In 1955 the Church of England in Canada became the Anglican Church of Canada.Brief article on Fred Sasakamoose being honored at the Kamloops Blazers First Nations Night.
Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.20.
Historical note:
Le Jeune published several issues of the Kamloops Phonographer to help teach the Duployan writing system.Historical note:
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Photoengravings of Mgr. De Mazenod and the Late Most Rev. A. Tache, O.M.IHistorical note:
Photoengravings: Coldwater Scenery (p. 100); and The Indian Chiefs of British Columbia (p. 106).Historical note:
Photoengravings: Douglas Lake Indians (p. 132); and Group at North Bend, B.C. (p. 134).Historical note:
Photoengravings: The Indian Chiefs of British Columbia (forty men and eight missionaries); St. Louis Mission - Sechelt Village; St. Louis Mission, Kamloops BC.Historical note:
Photoengraving: Rev. Father Martinet (p. 164).Historical note:
Photoengraving: The Indian Chiefs of British Columbia.Historical note:
Photoengraving: The Indian Chiefs of British Columbia (p. 7).Historical note:
Illustrations: St. Peter's Church, Rome (p. 59); Brooklyn Bridge (p. 60).