Displaying 1 - 31 of 31

Aboriginal Inquiry: Lifting All Learners: An Impact Assessment of the Aboriginal Enhancement Schools Network (AESN)

Documents & Presentations
Catherine McGregor
Evaluation of professional network for teachers, administration, and support staff employed in British Columbia public schools established to improve learning outcomes for Aboriginal students and enhance understanding of Aboriginal culture and history. Includes explanation of the network's operation, literature review, and case studies.
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Missing Women Commission of Inquiry: Forums

Alternate Title
Accepting and Investigating Missing Person Reports
Building Strong Police - Community Relationships
Enhancing Police Accountability
Innovative Approaches to Protecting Vulnerable and Marginalized Women
Missing Women Commission of Inquiry Public Policy Forums
Oppal Commission
Police Relationships with Victims’ Families, the Community, the Public and the Media
Preventing Violence Against Aboriginal and Rural Women
Preventing Violence Against Sex Trade Workers
Public Policy Forum 1: Ensuring the Safety of Vulnerable Women
Public Policy Forum 2: Vulnerable and Intimidated Witnesses in the Criminal Justice Process
Public Policy Forum 3: Improving Missing Person Practices
Public Policy Forum 4: Inter-jurisdictional Collaboration and Coordination Among Police
Public Policy Forum 5: Enhancing Police Accountability
Public Policy Forum 6: From Report to Substantive Change – Healing, Reconciliation and Implementation
Web Sites » Organizations
Doreen Binder
Patrick Kelly
Melina Buckley
Videos of forums held to give Commissioner input about changes to improve safety for vulnerable women and the way police deal with missing persons investigations. Also includes the keynote speech Innovative Approaches to Protecting Vulnerable and Marginalized Women.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples 140: Opening Prayer and Opening Remarks by Commissioners Paul Chartrand and Bertha Wilson

Documents & Presentations
File contains an opening prayer and opening remarks for a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at the Highliner Inn of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, on Tuesday, May 26, 1993. Commissioner Paul Chartrand and Bertha Wilson welcome the participants and discuss the mandate, goals, and composition of the Commission.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Closing Remarks by John Stewart and Closing Prayer

Documents & Presentations
File contains closing remarks by John Stewart, and a closing prayer. Stewart thanks the Commissioners for listening to the concerns of urban people in Prince Rupert, and expresses the hope that they will hear from the Commission in the near future. Following this is a closing prayer which adjourns the days' sitting of the Royal Commission.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Chief Gerald Wesley, Kitsumkalum Band

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation by Chief Gerald Wesley of the Kitsumkalum Band. Chief Wesley welcomes the Commission, expresses his hopes for it, and gives some demographic, cultural, and territorial information on his people. Chief Wesley discusses the political structure of his people, their relationship to other Aboriginal groups, and the federal government.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Christie Clifton, North Tribal Council Education Centre

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation Christie Clifton, North Coast Tribal Council Education Centre. Clifton discusses her centre's mandate and operations serving Haida, Tsimshian, and Nisga'a people. Clifton discusses its' range of post-secondary programs, its' success in the community, and its' frustration with current funding arrangements. Following the presentation Commissioners Chartrand and Wilson discuss some of the issues raised with Clifton.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Erminio Pucci, City of Prince Rupert

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Erminio Pucci of the City of Prince Rupert. Pucci, presenting on behalf of the Mayor and City Council, discusses British Columbia land claims negotiations and the city's stance on them. Following the presentation Commissioners Paul Chartrand and Bertha Wilson discuss land claims negotiations in British Columbia with Pucci.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Joy Thorkelson, United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Joy Thorkelson, United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union. Thorkelson, the Union's Northern Representative, delivers a presentation "from a Northern perspective of a fishing community that has a great deal of Native participation and certainly within our Union we have many First Nations people...Seventy-five to eighty per cent of our members." Thorkelson discusses a range of environmental, trade, and economic issues effecting the West Coast fishery, and its various communities.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Ken Harris, Meensganist Housing Society

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Ken Harris, Meensganist Housing Society. Harris discusses his organization, a non-profit low-rental organization...not affiliated with any tribal councils or villages. We are actually independent." Harris discusses his organization's activities and associated housing concerns. Harris also discusses his relationship with the government and funding agencies, off-reserve migration of Aboriginal people to Prince Rupert and associated issues, and a series of questions about government policy.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Louisa Smith, North Coast Tribal Council, and Bernice Goldie

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Louisa Smith, North Coast Tribal Council. Smith discusses First Nations education issues, a dispute she had with School District 52, funding issues, administrative problems in schools, teacher issues, special needs students' issues, and teacher racism in schools. Bernice Goldie discusses her experiences as a teacher, administrative abuses, bureaucratic practices which detrimentally effect students, and related concerns.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Mary Anne Wilson, Skidegate Caregivers

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Mary Anne Wilson, Skidegate Caregivers. Skidegate is a small reserve of the Haida Gwaii people on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Wilson discusses the administrative structure of the band, its' health needs, and her organization's composition and mandate. Wilson discusses the need for a healing house for the people there, and some of the needs it could address in the community such as addictions, general and cultural education.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Northwest Urban Aboriginal Society of Prince Rupert

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by the Northwest Urban Aboriginal Society of Prince Rupert. Vern Brown, President of the Prince Rupert Local of the Council of Haida Nations introduces his fellow presenters John Stewart, Bill Wright, and Fred Anderson. Brown discusses the urban Aboriginal population in Prince Rupert, its' demographic make-up, educational and language concerns, the need for facilities and resources, land claims issues, housing issues, seniors issues, disabled people's issues, health issues, and general urban and off-reserve concerns.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Sandra Green, First Nations Women's Group, and Isabelle Hill, Daughters of Kitkatla

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Sandra Green, First Nations Women's Group. Green, a member of the Haida Nation and Eagle Clan, discusses the mandate and issues of the First Nations Women's Group of Prince Rupert. Their mandate is to "preserve the First Nations family in a healthy and positive way" and their issues include "social issues of family violence, alcohol and drug abuse, sexual abuse" AIDS, and high youth mortality generally. Green goes on to highlight a number of root causes of these problems, and recommend solutions to the Commission.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Tricorp, Frank Parnell, Cliff Anderson

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Frank Parnell and Cliff Anderson of Tricorp. Tricorp is the Tribal Resources Investment Corporation. Parnell delivers an overview of "economic development in how it evolved in the northwest here right from our involvement in the village that I'm from to where we are at today" and then makes four recommendations to the Commission regarding it. Following Parnell's presentation, he and Anderson field questions from the assembled Commissioners.
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Totem Pole - Prince Rupert BC.

Images » Photographs
McRae (photographer)
A Caucasian man and child posing in front of totem pole in Prince Rupert, BC.; summer scene. Title from front of postcard.
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