[Missing and Murdered Women]

Alternate Title
ReVision Quest
Media » Sound Recordings
Darrell Dennis
Gladys Radek
Warren Goulding
Bruce Hulan
Muriel Stanley Venne
Host speaks with one of the founders of Walk 4 Justice, author of Just Another Indian, RCMP officer in charge of Project E-Pana, which is investigating disappearances and murders along the "Highway of Tears", and the founder of the Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women. Duration: 27:30
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A Missing Genocide and the Demonization of Its Heroes

Book Reviews
Chris Arnett
BC Studies, no. 188, Winter, 2015/2016, pp. 117-118
Book review of: A Missing Genocide and the Demonization of Its Heroes by Tom Swanky. Entire book review section on one pdf. To access this review scroll to p. 117.
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Missing Pathways to Self-Governance: Aboriginal Health Policy in British Columbia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Josée G. Lavoie
Annette J. Browne
Colleen Varcoe
Sabrina Wong
Alycia Fridkin ... [et al.]
The International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, January 2015, pp. 1-18
Discusses the shift in health policy and self-government discussions in British Columbia, Ontario and New Zealand.
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Missing Women Commission of Inquiry: Forums

Alternate Title
Accepting and Investigating Missing Person Reports
Building Strong Police - Community Relationships
Enhancing Police Accountability
Innovative Approaches to Protecting Vulnerable and Marginalized Women
Missing Women Commission of Inquiry Public Policy Forums
Oppal Commission
Police Relationships with Victims’ Families, the Community, the Public and the Media
Preventing Violence Against Aboriginal and Rural Women
Preventing Violence Against Sex Trade Workers
Public Policy Forum 1: Ensuring the Safety of Vulnerable Women
Public Policy Forum 2: Vulnerable and Intimidated Witnesses in the Criminal Justice Process
Public Policy Forum 3: Improving Missing Person Practices
Public Policy Forum 4: Inter-jurisdictional Collaboration and Coordination Among Police
Public Policy Forum 5: Enhancing Police Accountability
Public Policy Forum 6: From Report to Substantive Change – Healing, Reconciliation and Implementation
Web Sites » Organizations
Doreen Binder
Patrick Kelly
Melina Buckley
Videos of forums held to give Commissioner input about changes to improve safety for vulnerable women and the way police deal with missing persons investigations. Also includes the keynote speech Innovative Approaches to Protecting Vulnerable and Marginalized Women.
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The Missing Women's Commission of Inquiry

Alternate Title
The F Word
Media » Sound Recordings
Laura Wood
Jeannette Corbiere Lavell
President of the Native Women's Association of Canada discusses the validity of British Columbia's inquiry, the reasons for the organization's withdrawal from the process, and the need for a national inquiry. Duration: 44:31.
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Mobility Patterns of Aboriginal Injection Drug Users Between On- and Off-Reserve Settings in Northern British Columbia, Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Russell C. Callaghan
Joey Tavares
Lawren Taylor
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 66, no. 3, 2007, pp. 241-247
Study concludes that high patterns of movement presents critical public health concerns and reinforces the need for Aboriginal-directed support for accessible and appropriate services to reduce harms.
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Modern Treaties in Canada

Alternate Title
[Land Claims Agreements Coalition Free Online Courses]
Media » Sound Recordings
Land Claims Agreements Coalition

Links to six one-hour courses on comprehensive land claims agreements. Themes include general overview, modern treaties and land, self-government, and regional economics, modern treaty governments, and environment protection, regulation and assessment.

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Modifying Photovoice For Community-Based Participatory Indigenous Research

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Heather Casteden
Theresa Garvin
Huu-ay-aht First Nation
Social Science and Medicine, vol. 66, no. 6, March 2008, pp. 1393-1405
Evaluates the use of photovoice, a research method that uses participant photography and dialogue to create social change, which was used in a research partnership with the Huu-ay-aht First Nation.
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Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John Lutz
The Beaver, vol. 84, no. 5, October/November 2004, p. 8
Brief description of the events leading to the Chilcotin War and its historical signifigance.
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Montréal Homelessness & Indigenous Housing: A Policy Report with Recommendations for Action

Documents & Presentations
Lou Seltz
Dimitrios Roussopoulos
Description of the current context followed by discussion of policy responses at the international, federal, provincial, and municipal levels, and Indigenous social housing. Includes two case studies: British Columbia's housing strategy and the Lu’ma Native Housing Society in Vancouver.
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Mothers, Babies and Jail

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Rebecca Johnson
University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class, vol. 8, no. 1, 2008, pp. [47]-70
Comments on the case of Lisa Whitford who is raising her infant in a provincial remand centre.
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Moving Beyond Good Intentions: Indigenizing Higher Education in British Columbia Universities through Institutional Responsibility and Accountability

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michelle Pidgeon
Journal of American Indian Education, vol. 53, no. 2, 2014, pp. 7-28
Using Indigenous wholistic framework, analyzes responses gathered from faculty, student affairs staff, administrators, advisory committee members, Elders and Aboriginal students at three universities.
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Moving Mountains to Address HIV/AIDS in Northern BC Through Community Based Research

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jamie Reschny
Andrea Langlois
Tiegan Daniels
Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research, vol. 6, Winter, 2014, pp. 27-37
Reports on a three day event held to hear from researchers, academics and other interested parties on developments in community based research (CBR) in HIV/AIDS in northern British Columbia.
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Moving Toward Reconciliation in Indigenous Child Welfare

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andrea Auger
Child Welfare, vol. 91, no. 3, Services for Native Children and Families in North America, May/June 2012, pp. 31-45
Describes the Touchstones of Hope reconciliation movement in Canada.
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Mowatt v. Clarke

Web Sites » Governmental
British Columbia Courts
1999 BCSC [British Columbia Supreme Court] 1341Docket 7838. Judgement regarding St. George's Indian Residential School (Anglican Church of Canada) and the sexual abuse of children. Findings of liability made in relation to federal Crown and Anglican Church for actions of dorm supervisor Derek Clarke.
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Municipal Colonialism in Vancouver: City Planning and the Conflict over Indian Reserves, 1928–1950s

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jordan Stanger-Ross
Canadian Historical Review, vol. 89, no. 4, December 2008, pp. 541-580
Looks at the conflict of city planning with settler claims to Indian reserves in Vancouver, and discusses the municipal governments decisions regarding land-use planning, land claims, and their attempts to acquire and control the Kitsilano and Musqueam reserves.
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Murdered and Missing Women: Performing Indigenous Cultural Memory in British Columbia and Beyond

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Peter Dickinson
Theatre Survey, vol. 55, no. 2, May 2014, pp. 202--232
Focuses on the anniversary production of The Ecstasy of Rita Joe directed by Yvette Nolan and the work of Marie Clements and Rebecca Belmore in terms of the way they challenge mainstream representations of the women as expendable victims.
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Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Housing Committee: Survey of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Band Members to Support the Design of an Affordable Housing Program: Final Report

Affordable Housing Program Development Committe
Outlines the results of initial survey conducted to gather information on urban band members' wants, needs and abilities in the area of home ownership. Report forms part of the Bridges and Foundations Project on Urban Aboriginal Housing.
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Musqueam Celebrates 'Huge Win' to Protect Ancient Burial Site

Articles » General
David P. Ball
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 8, November 2012

Comments on a protest to halt construction on a condominium project.

Page 1 of insert entitled Raven's Eye: Special Section Providing Aboriginal News from BC & Yukon.

Entire issue on one pdf. Scroll down to access article.

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Musqueam Reference Grammar

Book Reviews
Dorothy Kennedy
BC Studies, no. 149, Spring, 2006, pp. 91-94
Book review of: Musqueam Reference Grammar by Wayne Suttles. To access this review, scroll to page 91.
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Musqueam Weavers: Musqueam Weaving Through The Personal Stories of Weavers

Alternate Title
[MOA Sourcebooks]
Documents & Presentations
Janna Becker
Debbie Campbell
Vivian Campbell
Lynn Dan
Linda Gabriel
Cecelia Grant
Wendy John
Cynthia Louie ... [et al.]
Sourcebook developed as a result of a digital module in the exhibit Gathering Strength: New Generations in Northwest Coast Art.
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[My Great-Grandfather Keesta; Development of an Indigenous Theory]

Alternate Title
[Principles of Tsawalk: An Indigenous Approach to Global Crisis]
E-Books » Chapters
E. Richard Atleo
Discusses the Nuu-chah-nulth concept of heshook-ish tsawalk which means "everything is one" and how this differs from Western philosophy. Prologue and introduction from: Principles of Tsawalk: An Indigenous Approach to Global Crisis by E. Richard Atleo.
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My Name is Seepeetza [by] Shirley Sterling: A Novel Study

Alternate Title
Teacher Reference Sheet
Documents & Presentations
Regional Vancouver Island Aboriginal Circle

Recommended grade level 8 and up. Book is about a girl's life at residential school and her contrasting life at home before she was sent there.

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My Reflection of that Time

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jeannette Armstrong
BC Studies , no. 200, 50th Anniversary, Winter, 2019, pp. 19-26
Armstrong gives her personal account of the Indigenous rights movements that took place in British Columbia and across Canada, connecting the events and attitudes of the time to the larger Civil Rights Movement taking place across the continent and to other contemporary social/cultural shifts.
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My Seasonal Round: An Integrated Unit for Elementary Social Studies and Science

Documents & Presentations
Janet Bartz
Leanne Baugh
Jean Bowman
Anne Hill
Ken Lees … [et al.]

Seasonal round refers to First Nations groups' cycle of moving from one resource-gathering area to another throughout the year. This resource looks patterns in four geographic regions in British Columbia and explores topics such habitat, natural resources, and stability and change. Revised version.

Related material: Blackline masters.

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