Displaying 1 - 50 of 194

2019 Climate Change Report

Documents & Presentations
Carole Brazeau
Naomi George
Rebekah Elkerton
Based on interviews with Indigenous women and Elders about relationships to the environment, observed changes, traditional practices on the land, and the health of their families and communities.
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Access to a Nutritious Food Basket in Eeyou Istchee: Project Report

Documents & Presentations
Marie-Paule Duquette
Candice Scatliff
Janine Desrosiers Choquette
Main goal of study was to establish the cost and availability of Nutritional Food Basket items in the region and nearby urban centres; secondary objectives were to determine the cost of food by category, the variation in average minimal cost of items, and verify expiration date of some of the items in the basket.
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[Arctic Food Security]

Book Reviews
Joanna Kafarowski
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 33, no. 1-2, Education and Transmission of Inuit Knowledge in Canada, 2009, pp. 263-265
Book review of: Arctic Food Security edited by Gérard Duhaime, Nick Bernard.
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Arctic Food Security

Alternate Title
Occasional Publication Series (Canadian Circumpolar Institute) ; no. 58
Gérard Duhaime
Nick Bernard
Sophie Thériault
Ghislain Otis
Christopher Furgal ... [et al.]
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The Association of Household Food Security, Household Characteristics and School Environment with Obesity Status Among Off-Reserve First Nations and Métis Children and Youth in Canada: Results from the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jasmin Bhawra; Martin J. Cooke; Yanling Guo; Piotr Wilk
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, vol. 37, no. 3, March 2017, pp. 77-86
Results show Indigenous children are at risk of being overweight or obese if there is very low food security and a poor school environment that exposed them to racism, bullying, and drugs.
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Challenges to Arctic Nomadism: Yamal Nenets Facing Climate Change Era Calamities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andrei V. Golovnev
Arctic Anthropology, vol. 54, no. 2, 2017, pp. 40-51
Author challenges mainstream narratives about the Nenet cultural and historic practice of reindeer herding on the Yamal peninsula; suggests a system of herding based on movement, traditional herd navigation and laws of Nenet-land relationship.
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Clearing the Plains

Media » Film and Video
James Daschuk
Author of Clearing the Plains speaks about how government policy, use of food as a weapon to force First Nations to sign treaties, and its failure to fulfill treaty obligations contributed to the famine and disease which decimated Indigenous population. Duration: 1:40: 58.
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Climate Change and Food Security in Regional Inuit Centers

Alternate Title
ArcticNet Annual Research Compendium (2013-2014)
Climate Change and Food Security in Regional Inuit Centres
Documents & Presentations
James Ford
Elaine Power
Christopher Furgal
Susan Chatwood
William Gough
Overview of project aimed at Identifying and characterizing the vulnerability and resilience of food systems. Phase two looked at policy linkages and attempted to identify opportunities and priorities for adaptation intervention in high risk populations.
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Collaborating toward Improving Food Security in Nunavut

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jennifer Wakegijig
Geraldine Osborne Sara Statham
Michelle Doucette Issaluk
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 72, Supplement 1, 2013, p. article no. 21201
Describes the efforts to increase political interest in and public engagement regarding the issue of food insecurity.
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Community Development to Feed the Family in Northern Manitoba Communities: Evaluating Food Activities Based on Their Food Sovereignty, Food Security, and Sustainable Livelihood Outcomes

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Shirley Thompson
Asfia Gulrukh Kamal
Mohammad Ashraful Alam
Jacinta Wiebe
Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, vol. 3, no. 2, Fall, 2012, pp. 43-66
Comments on the unacceptability of the high rate of food insecurity, the lack of safe drinking water, the need for healthy, and other necessary infrastructure for healthy living.
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Conceptualizing Food Security for Aboriginal People in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Elaine M. Power
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 99, no. 2, March/April 2008, pp. 95-97
Discusses how public health must take full account of the traditional food practices of Aboriginal people including the harvesting, sharing, and consumption of country and traditional foods.
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Contemporary & Desired Use of Traditional Resources in a Coast Salish Community: Implications for Food Security and Aboriginal Rights in British Columbia

Alternate Title
Annual Meeting of the Society for Ethnobiology ; 26th, 2003
Documents & Presentations
Karen Fediuk
Brian Thom
Results from survey of 191 households conducted by the Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group (Cowichan, Chemainus, Penelakut, Lyackson, Halalt and Lake Cowichan First Nations) to determine actual and wished for levels of harvesting of traditional foods.
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The Context of Country Food: Understanding Aboriginal Food Security in the Canadian Arctic

Articles » General
Carly Donaldson
Capstone Seminar Series, vol. 2, no. 1, Belonging in Canada: Questions and Challenges, Spring, April 2012, pp. 1-19
Argues that the federal government's Nutrition North Canada program fails to meet the needs of northern residents because it fails to take into account the health and cultural aspects of traditional foods.
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Cost of the Revised Northern Food Basket in 2017-2018

Documents & Presentations
Nutrition North Canada
Shows cost in communities eligible for the Nutrition North Canada program. Amounts are estimates of what it cost to feed family of four a healthy diet for one week.
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Cost of the Revised Northern Food Basket in 2018-2019

Documents & Presentations
Nutrition North Canada
Shows cost in communities eligible for the Nutrition North Canada program. Amounts are estimates of what it cost to feed family of four a healthy diet for one week.
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Cost of the Revised Northern Food Basket in 2019-2020

Documents & Presentations
Nutrition North Canada
Measures cost of nutritious diet for a family of four for one week using 67 standard food items. Used by Nutrition North Canada to determine subsidies. Prices from 2011 to March of 2020.
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Defining Food Security for Urban Aboriginal People: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Jaime Cidro
Evelyn Peters
Jim Sinclair
Using Winnipeg, Manitoba, as a case study, looked at concept of food security, challenges of maintaining access to culturally valued food, and made recommendations concerning policy which would facilitate access. Information gathered through interviews and focus groups.
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Drinking Water Management: Health Risk Perceptions and Choices in First Nations and Non-First Nations Communities in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cheryl Waldner Lalita Bharadwaj
Ryan Plummer
Blair Carter
Rebecca Zagozewski ... [et al.]
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 11, no. 6, 2014, pp. [5889]-5903
A study on the health risks of rural communities tap water and its correlational to the purchasing of bottled water.
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Evaluation of an Entrepreneurship Education Intervention for American Indian Adolescents: Trial Design and Baseline Sample Characteristics

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Francene Larzelere
Lauren Tingey
Allison Ingalls
Feather Sprengeler
Sean Parker ... [et al.]
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, vol. 26, no. 3, 2019, pp. 1-20
Study examines the outcomes of a strengths-based Entrepreneurship Education program conducted with Aboriginal youth and articulates how a participant’s baseline socio-demographic, socio-cultural, and family/household characteristics are shown to influence outcomes.
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An Experience of Food Security and Food Sovereignty in Northern Ontario

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Marcie Romenco
Indigenous Social Work Journal, vol. 10, Issues That Relate to Indigenous Relations, 2016, pp. 59-68

Provides an Indigenous social workers insight into food security and sovereignty challenge for Indigenous communities. To view article scroll down to page 59.

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Exploring and Revitalizing Indigenous Food Networks in Saskatchewan, Canada, as a Way to Improved Food Security

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Fidji Gendron
Anna Hancherow
Ashley Norton
Health Promotion International, vol. 32, no. 5, October 2017, pp. 808-817
Project involved exploring state of current networks, creating a Facebook page, organizing volunteer opportunities, and surveying workshop participants regarding knowledge and interest in traditional foods.
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Final Report: Summative Evaluation of INAC's Food Mail Program

Documents & Presentations
[Lorraine Gabor
Jason Pelletier
Martine Vadnais
Natalia Chenier
Janine Hunt ... et al.]]
Evaluation looked at rationale and relevance; design and delivery; accountability; effectiveness; cost effectiveness; and alternatives.
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