Displaying 51 - 100 of 168

The External Researcher in Participatory Action Research

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Geraldine Dickson
Kathryn L. Green
Educational Action Research, vol. 9, no. 2, 2001, pp. 243-260
Discusses the role of a external researcher wanting to use participatory research in an Indigenous community.
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Federal Sexual Crimes

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Leslie A. Hagen
United States Attorney's Bulletin, vol. 69, no. 2, Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons: Legal, Prosecution, Advocacy and Healthcare, March 2021, pp. 189-208
Describes Chapter 109A of the US federal criminal code regarding sexual crimes and the need for tribal sexual violence guidelines created with cooperation between tribal and legal authorities. Entire issue on one PDF. To access article, scroll down to page 189.
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First Nations Data Governance, Privacy, and the Importance of the OCAP® Principles

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Graham Mecredy
Roseanne Sutherland
Carmen Jones
International Journal of Population Data Science, vol. 3, no. 4, Conference Proceedings for International Population Data Linkage Conference 2018 , 2018, p. [?]
Looks at the creation of the OCAP prinicples to help researchers appropriately collect data collaboratively with Indigenous communities.
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From Mauka To Makai: The River of Justice Must Flow Freely

Alternate Title
From Mauka To Makai: The River of Justice Must Flow Freely: Report on the Reconciliation Process Between the Federal Government and the Native Hawaiians
Documents & Presentations
Contains report and plan of action needed to continue the reconciliation process and urges the Federal Government to use the process to rectify injustices and compensation for harm.
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From Truth to Reconciliation: Transforming the Legacy of Residential Schools

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Healing Foundation Research Series
Fred Kelly
Brian Rice
Anna Snyder
Tricia Logan
John Amagoalik
Stan McKay
Beverley Jacobs ...
Cindy Blackstock
Madeleine Dion Stout ...
Robert Andrew Joseph ...
Debra Hocking
Garnet Angeconeb
David Joanasie
William Julius Mussell ...
Maggie Hodgson
Marlene Brant Castellano
Aboriginal Healing Foundation Research Series
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Government Responses to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement in Canada: Implications for Australia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bradford W Morse
Australian Indigenous Law Review, vol. 12, no. 1, 2008, pp. 41-59
Gives overview of the events leading to the Settlement Agreement including: history of the system, criminal, civil, and class action cases, the Official Apology, Settlement Agreement and the establishment of The Truth and Reconciliation Commission. As well, discusses lessons that may be learned when considering a resolution with Australia's Aborigine population.
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Guide to Relationships and Learning with the Indigenous Peoples of Alberta

Web Sites » Organizations
College of Alberta School Superintendents
Interactive resource designed to educate school superintendents. Includes written information, videos and links to supplemental material focused on the topics of identity, language, learning from the land, treaties and agreements, laws and policies, reconciliation and relationships.
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"Healing on Both Sides": Strengthening the Effectiveness of Prison–Indigenous Community Partnerships Through Reciprocity and Investment

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Colleen Varcoe
Helen Brown
Kelsey Timler
Melissa Taylor
Elizabeth Straus
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, The COVID-19 Pandemic and Indigenous Peoples, 2020, pp. 1-26

Examines the participation of inmates in the Work 2 Give program, were the inmates made items for Indigenous communities, and how participation in the program helped with the inmates healing process.

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Honouring Water: The Mistawasis Nêhiyawak Water Governance Framework

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Maria F. Mora
Anthony B. D. Johnston
Michelle Watson
Lalita Bharadwaj
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 13, no. 3, 2022

Examines a collaborative water governance framework to improve Indigenous participation into water governance that reflects their own cultural beliefs.  

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Indian Residential Schools & Reconciliation: Teacher Resource Guide 11/12: Book 1

Alternate Title
Indian Residential Schools and Reconciliation: Learning Resources for Senior Secondary
Documents & Presentations
First Nations Education Steering Committee
First Nations Schools Association
Three components: setting the stage for inquiry, relationship of 150 years, and research projects. Unit developed in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's call for development of age-appropriate educational materials. Access Book Two.
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Indian Residential Schools & Reconciliation: Teacher Resource Guide [Social Studies] 10

Documents & Presentations
First Nations Education Steering Committee
First Nations Schools Association
Four components: purpose of schools, assaults and their legacy, resistance and change, and action of reconciliation. Unit developed in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's call for development of age-appropriate educational materials.
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Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Policy

Alternate Title
Routledge Studies in Indigenous Peoples and Policy
Maggie Walter
Stephanie Russo Carroll
Tahu Kukutai
Donna Cormack
Raymond Lovett ... [et al.]
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Indigenous Geographies: Research as Reconciliation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cindy Smithers Graeme
Erik Mandawe
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 8, no. 2, Reconciling Research: Perspectives on Research Involving Indigenous Peoples -Part 1, April 2017, pp. 1-19
Discusses how research in a community based Indigenous project reflected personal stories of reconciliation.
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Indigenous Health Research and Reconciliation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Marcia Anderson
CMAJ, vol. 191, no. 34, August 26, 2019, pp. E930-E931
Author discusses the role that healthcare and health research can play in reconciliation. Stresses the need to attend to the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions’ Calls to Action and to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, to participate in disrupting systems of whiteness and colonial violence, and building explicitly antiracist systems of care.
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Indigenous Knowledge: Multiple Approaches

Alternate Title
CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT: Indigenous Knowledge: Multiple Approaches
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Priscilla Steele
Counterpoints, vol. 379, 2011, pp. 434-450
The author uses her own personal experiences to argues for an inclusion of Indigenous knowledge into the educational experience.
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Indigenous Methodologies and Educational Research for Meaningful Change: Parsing Postpositivist Philosophy of Science and Mixed Methods in Collaborative Research Settings

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Troy A. Richardson
Journal of American Indian Education, vol. 54, no. 1, Spring, 2015, pp. 33-62

Examines the integration of Indigenous worldviews into collecting research from Indigenous groups that will help grow their Indigenous self-determination.

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Indigenous Pedagogy on Childhood: A Consultation with the Two Anishinabeg Communities of Long Point First Nation and Rapid Lake, Quebec

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Carly Heck
Satya Cobos
Franco Carnevale
Mary Ellen Macdonald
Priscilla Pichette Polson
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 18, no. 1, Emerging Research from a Post-Pandemic World, 2023

A study on the education and engagement of Indigenous children to be used to build healthy relationships with professionals that can support reconciliation.   

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Insights from a Jordan’s Principle Child First Initiative in Alberta: Implications for Advancing Health Equity for First Nations Children

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Alison Gerlach
Meghan Sangster
Vandna Sinha
First Nations Health Consortium
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 15, no. 1, 2020, pp. 21-33

Examines the implementation of Canada's Child First Initiative and some of the challenges that it faced.

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The Institutionalisation of Sami Interest in Municipal Comprehensive Planning: A Comparison Between Norway and Sweden

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Therese Bjärstig
Vigdis Nygaard
Jan Åge Riseth
Camilla Sandström
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 11, no. 2, 2020, pp. 1-24

Examines the integration of the Indigenous Sami's interest with the interests of the Nordic governments through the Municipal Comprehensive Planning. 

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Intent For a Nation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Len Findlay
English Studies in Canada, vol. 30, no. 2, 2004, pp. 39-48
Discusses the Indigenizing of academia through cross cultural interactions and engagement.
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A Journey of Doing Research “In a Good Way”: Partnership, Ceremony, and Reflections Contributing to the Care and Wellbeing of Indigenous Women Living with HIV in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Doris Peltier
Carrie Martin
Renée Masching
Mike Standup
Claudette Cardinal ...
Carrie Bourassa ... [et al.]
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 11, no. 4, 2020, pp. 1-19

Looks at the importance of building relationships when conducting research with Indigenous women living with HIV.

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"The Legacy Will Be the Change": Reconciling How We Live with and Relate to Water

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lindsay Day
Ashlee Cunsolo
Heather Castleden
Alex Sawatzky
Debbie Martin ... [et al.]
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, The COVID-19 Pandemic and Indigenous Peoples, 2020, pp. 1-23

Looks at the Indigenous approach towards water knowledge and how this approach can be used in collaboration with Western knowledge systems for water policy making and research.  

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Module 1: Primer on Touchstones for Leadership

Alternate Title
Touchstones for Leadership: Reconciliation in Indigenous Child Welfare
Documents & Presentations
Margaret Kovach
General course overview of the curriculum intended to bring participants through the four phases of reconciliation based upon the Touchstones of Hope principles.This module discusses the goals and hopes of the reconciliation movement to re-develop community-developed visions of healthy children and families. Material presented as exhibit 47 from Phoenix Sinclair Inquiry.
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Module III: West (Transformations) — Focusing on the Self-Determination Touchstones

Alternate Title
Touchstones for Leadership: Reconciliation in Indigenous Child Welfare
Documents & Presentations
Margaret Kovach
General course overview of the curriculum intended to bring participants through the four phases of reconciliation based upon the Touchstones of Hope principles. This module focuses on initiative aimed to build on collaboration among the child welfare system and Aboriginal communities in the context of traditional Aboriginal worldviews to reconciliation and healing. Material presented as exhibit 47 from Phoenix Sinclair Inquiry.
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Module IV: North (Inward Reflections) — Focusing on the Non Discrimination Touchstone

Alternate Title
Touchstones for Leadership: Reconciliation in Indigenous Child Welfare
Documents & Presentations
Margaret Kovach
General course overview of the curriculum intended to bring participants through the four phases of reconciliation based upon the Touchstones of Hope principles. This module explores the process and goals for reconciliation against racial discrimination as they apply to child welfare. Materials presented as exhibit 47 from Phoenix Sinclair Inquiry.
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Module lI: South (Beginnings) -- Focusing on the Culture, Language and Holism Touchstones

Alternate Title
Touchstones for Leadership: Reconciliation in Indigenous Child Welfare
Documents & Presentations
Margaret Kovach
General course overview of the curriculum intended to bring participants through the four phases of reconciliation based upon the Touchstones of Hope principles. This module explores worldview approaches that reflect and reinforce the intrinsic and distinct aspects of Aboriginal cultures, customs and languages. Material presented as exhibit 47 from Phoenix Sinclair Inquiry.
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Module V: East (Wisdom) — Focusing on the Structural Interventions Touchstone

Alternate Title
Touchstones for Leadership: Reconciliation in Indigenous Child Welfare
Documents & Presentations
Margaret Kovach
General course overview of the curriculum intended to bring participants through the four phases of reconciliation based upon the Touchstones of Hope principles. This module explores proactive strategies to identify and address systemic and structural barriers that impact the well-being of Indigenous children, families and communities. Material presented as exhibit 47 from Phoenix Sinclair Inquiry.
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More Than Words: Outlining Preconditions to Collaboration Among First Nations, the Federal Government, and the Provincial Government

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nathalie Lachance
Teresa Rose
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 11, no. 2, 2020, pp. 1-24

Looks at the work towards creating a more collaborative relationship between the different levels of government and its Indigenous populations.  In particular the articles focuses on the precondition phase of the collaboration process.  

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Moving Toward Reconciliation in Indigenous Child Welfare

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andrea Auger
Child Welfare, vol. 91, no. 3, Services for Native Children and Families in North America, May/June 2012, pp. 31-45
Describes the Touchstones of Hope reconciliation movement in Canada.
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Ne-Iikaanigaana Toolkit 'All Our Relations': Guidance For Creating Safer Environments For Indigenous Peoples

Documents & Presentations
Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (IPHCC)

Discusses strategies health care organizations can employ in areas of community, education, relationships, Indigenous partnership, wholistic continuum of care, self-determination and culture in order to create a inclusive environment for Indigenous patients.

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