Displaying 451 - 500 of 834

The Metis and the Spirit of Resistance

Documents & Presentations
Darren R. Préfontaine
Leah Dorion
Presents an educational module for students learning about the 1869-70 and 1885 Metis Resistance.
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Metis casualty

Images » Photographs
James Peters
Metis casualty, identified as John Ross shown lying dead on the ground. He was the Metis who shot and killed General Strange, commander of platoon of scouts at Batoche. The scouts lassoed this man and dragged him behind horses until his body was mutilated as shown. He was believed to be 18 years old. [Source: Wes Fineday. Another source says he shot Capt. French.
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Métis Culture

Web Sites » Organizations
Yvonne Vizina
Our Legacy
Introduction to the history to Métis culture and the fur trading history.
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The Métis in Manitoba

Articles » General
Jean Legasse
Transactions of the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, no. 15, Series 3, 1958-1959, p. [?]
Brief history of the Métis, as well as author's assessment of their major problems and possible solutions.
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Métis Killed During the 1885 Resistance

Documents & Presentations
Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
List based on names taken from monument at Batoche National Historic Park, with further information from Lawrence J. Barkwell of the Manitoba Métis Federation.
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Métis Life After 1885

Alternate Title
2010 - The Year of the Métis
Articles » General
David Morin
Eagle Feather News, vol. 13, no. 6, June 2010, p. 17
Describes the deplorable living and working conditions many Métis endured following the Resistance. Article found by scrolling to page 17.
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Metis prisoners in courtyard

Images » Photographs
Oliver B. Buell
Metis prisoners in courtyard of Regina Court House, 1885. Many of the men are hand-cuffed together.
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Métis Resistance Part 1

Alternate Title
Métis Resistance Part 2
[Cluster 3: Becoming a Sovereign Nation (1867-1931]
Documents & Presentations
[Kerri Martin]

Part 2. Social Studies Grade 10.  Power points look at the issues and events that were the impetus for the Red River and the North-West Resistance.

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[Métis Scrip]: Lesson Plan

Alternate Title
[Homeland History]
[Foundational Knowledge Resource]
Documents & Presentations
[Rupertsland Institute, Education Team]

Designed for Grades 4-9.

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Metis Settlement in the North-West Territories

Alternate Title
Le Métis Canadien
Métis Settlement in the North-West Territories
Articles » General
Marcel Giraud
Saskatchewan History, vol. 7, no. 1, Winter, 1954, pp. 1-16
Describes the movement of Métis from the Red River Settlement following the Red River Resistance to western Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Translation of a portion of Le Métis Canadien. Entire issue on one pdf file, scroll to page 1.
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Metis Timeline Game

Documents & Presentations
Learning Bird

Students participate in game involving the events leading up to and following the Red River Resistance, with special attention to Louis Riel.

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Michel Dumais - Portrait

Images » Photographs
Portrait etching of Michel Dumais. Note on photograph: "Michel Dumas (not Dumais) from an old newspaper 1885".

Historical note:

Michel Dumais, prominent South Branch Metis. Dumais was one of the delegates sent to retrieve Riel from Montana in 1884 along with Gabriel Dumont and James Isbister. He was farm instructor at the One Arrow Cree Reserve until 1885. After fighting in the Resistance he fled to Montana alongside Gabriel Dumont.
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Militia to North-West Fifty Years Ago Today - Newspaper clippings. - 5 July 1923.

Articles » General
Folder of clippings relating to the 50th anniversary of the Northwest Resistance. All clippings from the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix except where noted. Clippings glued to paper: 1. Almighty Voice's Prison; 2. Poundmaker's Surrender Highlight of Rebellion; 3. Last Buffalo Herds Seen On Western Plains in 1881; 4. Poundmaker's Forces Had Advantage at Cut Knife; 5. Surrender of Big Bear Marked End of Rebellion. Loose clippings: 6. Back in the Bone Age (clipping and photograph); 7. Bloody Massacre, Fifty Years Ago, at Frog Lake Climax of Indian Revolt; 8. Mounties in Riel Rebellion (photograph); 9.
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The Mission of Dr. Lavell / The Lavell Report - 1963.

Documents & Presentations
Douglas Library Notes
Dr. Michael Lavell
Includes Dr. Michael Lavell's report on Louis Riel's sanity based on interviews with him in his Regina jail cell in November 1885. Also includes a letter from Sir John A. Macdonald to Dr. Lavell outlining the purpose of his commission.
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Mistahimaskwa's (Big Bear) Camp, 1885

Images » Photographs
Image of wooded area overlooking Loon Lake, site of the Battle of Steele Narrows or Battle of Loon Lake (June 3, 1885). Note on back reads: "This is the site of Big Bear's Camp when he was surprised by Steele in 1885. Picture taken from S.W. from up the hill."
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Monsieur Batoche

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Diane Payment
Saskatchewan History, vol. 32, no. 3, Autumn, 1979, pp. 81-103
Author used government records, correspondence of the Oblats de Marie Immaculée, homestead files, and Métis testimony to illustrate the far reaching influence of the Métis generally, and specifically of the family and community of François-Xavier Letendre dit Batoche in the North West in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Entire issue on one .pdf, scroll to p.81.
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More On One Arrow, the Métis and Canadian History

Articles » General
Brenda Macdougall
Robert Alexander Innes
Eagle Feather News, vol. 10, no. 12, December 2007, p. 20
Comments on the responsibility of Aboriginal scholars to reinterpret historical events and delve into "where it went wrong". Article located by scrolling to page 20.
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Mrs. Ada Ladue and Mrs. Beatrice Nightraveller Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ada (Mrs.) Ladue
Christine Welsh
Beatrice Nightraveller
Indian History Film Project
Ada Ladu was born on the Mistawasis Reserve, worked for wages in the 1930s, married and mother of five. Beatrice Nightraveller, daughter of Josie Cuthand, was born on the Little Pine Reserve, Saskatchewan, worked for wages in the 1930s, also married with five children.They share: a story of a white baby girl abducted and raised by Indians in the Prince Albert, Saskatchewan district; accounts of the Riel Rebellion (1885), especially the aftermath in the North Battleford district; philosophies of child-rearing; loss of portions of Little Pine Reserve and the death of Little Pine.
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Mrs. Adelaide Ranger

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Adelaide (Mrs.) Ranger
Carol Pearlstone
Indian History Film Project
Mrs. Ranger was born in Batoche around 1892. She gives an account of the Riel Rebellion of 1885 as told by her mother, shares childhood memories of Gabriel Dumont, the effects on the Metis community by the Depression and the two world wars and gives her impressions of how the Metis are treated by various outside groups.
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Mrs. Alexandrine Nicolas Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Alexandrine (Mrs.) Nicolas
Carol Pearlstone
Indian History Film Project
Mrs. Nicolas, nee Fleury, was born in Duck Lake in 1887. After a brief period in the U.S. where she attended school she returned to the Duck Lake area where she has lived ever since. She shares her experiences of raising her family of ten plus three foster children, her childhood, schooling and life on a mixed farm including the Depression years. She also gives an account of the Frog Lake Massacre as told by her grandfather, and of relatives who fought in WWI, WWII and the Korean war.
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Mrs. Emma Moulin Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Emma (Mrs.) Moulin
Carol Pearlstone
Indian History Film Project
Born in 1890, Mrs. Moulin remembers Gabriel Dumont and heard a great deal about the 1885 Rebellion from her grandmother. She shares what she remembers being told by her grandmother about the 1885 Rebellion and the leaders.
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Mrs. Marion Dillon Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Marion Dillon
Mary Mountain
Indian History Film Project
An interview that includes stories of hunting, trading and food gathering. Also included are stories about the Frog Lake massacre and Wihtiko (cannibal monster)
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Mrs. Mary Jacobson Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Mary (Mrs.) Jacobson
Carol Pearlstone
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with Mary Jacobson, the daughter of a Hudson's Bay manager. She talks about job discrimination against Indian and Metis, how welfare payments have destroyed the old way of life and tells a story of the Riel Rebellion of 1885 that her mother told her.
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Mrs. Peter Nadjiwon Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Mrs. Peter Nadjiwon
Hugh MacMillan
Indian History Film Project
Mrs. Peter Nadjiwon discusses her family's move to the Cape Croker Reserve in Ontario. Transcribed by Heather Yaworski.
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Murphy Diary

Archival » Archival Items
George B. Murphy
Extracts from the diary of George B. Murphy, of Qu'Appelle, transport officer of the Battleford Column, Second Division of the North West Field Force, sent out to suppress the 1885 resistance. Entries from March 17 - July 16, 1885. Entries mostly include communications regarding troop movements.
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Images » Photographs
Black and white photograph of Muskwa, the son of Four Sky Thunder, Big Bear's Councillor.
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The Mystery of the Bell

Alternate Title
The Mystery of the Bell: Teacher Resource Guide
Doc Zone
Media » Film and Video
Mark Starowicz
Wayne Chong
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

Documentary looks into the disappearance and re-appearance of the 'The Bell of Batoche' which was proported to have been seized by soldiers during the North-West Resistance. Duration: 45:09.

Related Material: Teacher Resource Guide.

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Narratives and Drama in 1885

Documents & Presentations
Alan Long
Our Legacy
Examines the continued interest in the 1885 North-West resistance and the personal connection some people have with this history.
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