Aboriginal Treaties

Documents & Presentations
Jim R. Miller
Outlines the history of treaty making in Canada between Aboriginal peoples and the Crown.
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Aboriginal Tribes (North America, New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land and British Guiana) Return to Several Addresses to His Majesty, Dated 19 March 1834, for, Copies or Extracts of all Such Reports from the Governors or Lieutenant-Governors of British Possessions in North America ...

Alternate Title
Parliamentary Papers / Great Britain. Parliament (1833-1841), House of Commons ; 617, 1834
Return to Several Addresses to His Majesty, Dated 19 March 1834, for, Copies or Extracts of all Such Reports from the Governors or Lieutenant-Governors of British Possessions in North America, and of the Answers Thereto, as May Throw Light on the Present
E-Books » Chapters
Great Britain. Colonial Office
Contains correspondence, or copies of dispatches, of Upper and Lower Canada regarding "Aboriginal Tribes in British Possessions" which also included Australia.
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Aboriginal Veterans & Warriors

Documents & Presentations
[Suzanne Methot]
Teacher resource suitable for Grades 6, 7, 8 and 10. Primarily uses 55 Years of Resistance Comic Book by Gord Hill and Native Soldiers, Foreign Battlefields by Janice Summerby.
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Aboriginal Ways of Seeing and Being: Informing Professional Learning for Australian Teachers

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lisa Buxton
AlterNative, vol. 14, no. 2, June 2018, pp. 121-129
Study looks at way to increase efficacy in incorporating Indigenous ways of seeing into classroom settings; teacher-participants evaluated professional learning from a day On Country. Feedback from educators recommends two day On Country, adequate in-school follow-up, and ongoing support through a blog.
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Aboriginal Women and Healthcare

Alternate Title
Report Card (Friends of Women & Chidlren in B.C.) ; vol. 3, no.12, 2004
Documents & Presentations
Jan Hare
Identifies some of the institutional barriers to wellness and argues more must be done to meet the cultural needs of Aboriginal clients.
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Aboriginal Workers; Aboriginal Labour and the Cattle Industry: Queensland From White Settlement to the Present; Indians at Work: An Informal History of Native Labour in British Columbia, 1858-1930

Book Reviews
Dianne Newell
BC Studies, no. 117, Spring, 1998, pp. 75-78
Book review of three books: Aboriginal Workers edited by Ann McGrath and Kay Saunders, with Jackie Huggins. Aboriginal Labour and the Cattle Industry by Dawn May. Indians at Work by Rolf Knight. To read review, scroll down to page 75.
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Aboriginal Workers Eyed to Fill Jobs Gap

Articles » General
Monte Stewart
Business Edge, vol. 6, no. 11, May 25, 2006
Discusses the need to develop a national private sector-Aboriginal partnership strategy to ease the labour shortage and ensure First Nations do not miss out on job opportunities.
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Aboriginal Youth Gangs: Preventative Approaches

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jane P. Preston
Sheila Carr-Stewart
Charlene Northwest
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 4, no. 2, 2009, pp. 152-160
Outlines programs and strategies to prevent Aboriginal youth gangs, and discusses positive opportunities for youth to interact with community role models and participate in community programs.
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Aboriginal Youth Network Forum

Articles » General
Rose Ellis
Aboriginal and Islander health Worker Journal, vol. 20, no. 1, January/February 1996, pp. 21-22
Justice Commissioner talks about problems facing Aboriginal youth, the juvenile justice system, and the lack of Aboriginal people employed in the system.
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Aboriginal Youth: Risk and Resilience

Articles » General
Paula Du Hamel
Native Social Work Journal, vol. 5, Articulating Aboriginal Paradigms: Implications for Aboriginal Social Work Practice, November 2003, pp. 213-224
Discusses the­ psycho-social, economic, educational and environmental factors and the impact they have on the socialization experiences of Aboriginal youth. The article also examines the factors that contribute to risk and resiliency.
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Aboriginal Youth Vision Committee

Articles » General
Native Social Work Journal, vol. 4, no. 1, Aboriginal Children and Youth, Issues and Challenges, December 2003, pp. 140-144
Looks at how three agencies and one First Nation came together to plan a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual camping experience for the youth of these agencies/organizations.
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Aborigines in Colonial Victoria 1835-86

Book Reviews
K. R. Howe
Aboriginal History, vol. 4, no. 2, 1980, pp. 205-206
Book review of: Aborigines in Colonial Victoria 1835-86 by M. F. Christie. To access review, scroll down to page 205.
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The Aborigines of Victoria and Riverina

Book Reviews
Edward Ryan
Swan Hill
Aboriginal History, vol. 35, November 2011, pp. 239-241
Book review of: The Aborigines of Victoria and Riverina by Peter Beveridge. Review located by scrolling to page 239.
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Aborigines: Sport, Violence and Survival

Documents & Presentations
Colin Tatz

"A Report on Research Project 18/1989 'Aborigines: The Relationship Between Sport and Delinquency' to the Criminology Research Council." Report concludes that sport plays a more significant role in the lives of Aborigines that that of other Australians.

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Abraham's Diary - A European Ethnic Show from an Inuk Participant's Viewpoint

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Hilke Thode-Arora
Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe, vol. 2, no. 2, Fall/Winter, 2002, pp. 2-17
Description of the Hagenbeck Inuit show of 1880-81 in Germany. Originally published as "Das Eskimo - Tagebuch von 1880. Eine Völkerschau aus der Sicht eines Teilnehmers" in Kea: Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 2 (1991): 87-115.
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Academic Performance and Cultural Marginality

Alternate Title
A Study of Haskell Students: Academic Performance and Cultural Marginality
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Richard E. Carroll

Journal of American Indian Education, vol. 18, no. 1, October 1978, pp. [11-16]
Study of problems arising from Native American students living on the margin of two societies
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Academic Staff Perceptions of Factors Underlying Program Completion by Australian Nursing Students

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Roianne West
Kim Usher
Kim Foster
Lee Stewart
Qualitative Report, vol. 19, no. 12, March 24, 2014, pp. [1]-19
Strategies proposed to increase student success were: appointing Indigenous nursing professors; partnerships between nursing schools and Indigenous Education Support Units; and tailored cross-cultural awareness programs.
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Academic Treatment of the Indian in Public School Texts and Literature

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
R. Clark Mallam
Journal of American Indian Education, vol. 13, no. 1, October 1973, pp. [14-19]
Investigation into textbooks and teachings at an elementary school in Lawrence, Kansas. Sixty of sixty-six books discussed Native Americans/Indians as people of the past.
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Acceptance and Rejection of Assimilation in the Works of Luther Standing Bear

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Frederick Hale
Studies in American Indian Literatures, vol. 5, no. 4, Series 2, Winter, 1993, pp. 25-41
Examines underlying themes and attitudes in the works of Luther Standing Bear, focusing on European-American culture and control towards Lakotas. Entire issue on one PDF. To access article, scroll down to appropriate page.
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Accepting Reality Will Be Major Theme of 2003

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, December 27, 2002, p. A17
2002 overview focusing on First Nations concerns with self-government, responsible leadership and generation of business opportunities
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Access and Benefits Sharing of Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge in Northern Canada: Understanding the Legal Environment and Creating Effective Research Agreements

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Janis Geary
Cynthia G. Jardine
Jenilee Guebert
Tania Bubela
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 72, Supplement 1, 2013, p. article no. 21351
Research agreements must be structured to ensure mutual benefits which reflect the equal status of both parties.
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Access and Equity Inquiry

Articles » General
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 17, no. 4, July/August 1993, p. 38
Inquiry into the Commonwealth's Access and Equity Strategy regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
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Access to Data and Reports After Completion of a Research Project

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Murielle Nagy
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 35, no. 1-2, Propiété Intellectuelle et Éthique / Intellectual Property and Ethics, 2011, pp. 201-221
Discusses the protocol for reaching a mutually agreeable arrangement that still allows for the researcher to use the data for their own writing and publishing.
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“Accessible Poetry”? Cultural Intersection and Exchange in Contemporary American Indian and American Independent Film

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Denise K. Cummings
Studies in American Indian Literatures, vol. 13, no. 1, Series 2; Representations of American Indians in Contemporary Narrative Fiction Film , Spring, 2001, pp. 57-80
Discusses current representations of American Indians through examination of three films: Smoke Signals, Dead Man and Ghost Dog. Entire issue on one pdf. To access article, scroll down to appropriate page.
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