[Nunavut: Rethinking Political Culture]

Book Reviews
Natalia Loukacheva
Études Inuit Studies, vol. 32, no. 2, Franz Boas et les Inuit / Franz Boas and the Inuit, 2008, pp. 190-192
Book review of: Nunavut: Rethinking Political Culture by Ailsa Henderson.
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Nurturing the Seeds of Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care in Canada

Alternate Title
Early Years Education and Care in Canada: A Historical and Philosophical Overview
E-Books » Chapters
Jessica Ball
Discusses the importance of early childhood services tailored to Indigenous children and their families, gives examples of government and community initiatives, identifies barriers to establishing and maintaining programs, and strategies for supporting and furthering development in the sector. Chapter from Early Years Education and Care in Canada: A Historical and Philosophical Overview edited by Susan Jagger.
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Oil and Gas Development in Western Siberia and Timan-Pechora

Articles » General
Florian Stammler
Bruce C. Forbes
Indigenous Affairs, no. 2-3, Arctic Oil and Gas Development, 2006, pp. 48-57
Focuses on the social, economic and political issues surrounding the oilfields of Russia. To access this article, scroll down to page 48.
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Old Timers of Duck Lake and Batoche, Saskatchewan

Images » Photographs
Group portrait of Duck Lake and Batoche businessmen, politician and Indian Agent. Front row, seated left to right: Eugene Boucher, Conservative member for Batoche Francois-Xavier "Batoche" Letendre, Merchant of Batoche (Eugene Boucher's father-in-law) W.J. Pozer, Duck Lake Merchant. Standing left to right: George Fisher, Liquor Store Proprietor at Duck Lake Damase Racette, Batoche Ferry Operator Gus Fournier, Massey-Harris Agent, Duck Lake U.S. Urton, C.P.R. Agent, Duck Lake Mr. St. Louis, Implement Agent, Duck Lake Patrice Parenteau, Merchant, Duck Lake R.S.
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Olive Diefenbaker at opening of Inuvik, Northwest

Images » Photographs
Olive Diefenbaker on the arm of a Aboriginal woman, John Diefenbaker and crowd in the back ground, during the ceremonies at the Official Opening of Inuvik, North West Territories.

Historical note:

Olive Evangeline (Freeman, Palmer) Diefenbaker; b. 14 Apr, 1902; d. 23 Dec, 1976; second wife of JGD.
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An Open Letter From Charles Perkins [Part 1]

Articles » General
Charles Perkins
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, March/April 1991, pp. 19-22
Personal opinion on ways for Aboriginal people to take charge of their current situation to make positive changes. Part two.
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Order of Canada Awarded to David Ahenakew

Images » Photographs
File contains one black and white photograph of Governor General Ed Schreyer awarding the Order of Canada to David Ahenakew in May, 1979.

Historical note:

David Ahenakew (born July 28, 1933) is a Canadian First Nations politician, and former National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. Ahenakew is a controversial public figure in Canada due to anti-semetic comments regarding World War 2 and the Holocaust.
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Our Generation

Media » Film and Video
Sinem Saban
Damien Curtis
Award-winning documentary about Aboriginal rights and the response to the Australian Federal Government's Northern Territory Intervention which exerts compulsory control over 73 communities. Duration: 1:13:42. Accompanied by Study Guide
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Our Generation: A Study Guide

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Screen Education
Robert Lewis
To accompany to award-winning film about violations of Aboriginal rights in Australia.
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"Our Struggle Goes Beyond Democracy"

Articles » General
David Choquehuanca
Indigenous Affairs, no. 1-2, First Year of Evo Morales Presidency, June 2007, pp. 80-81
Bolivian Minister of Foreign Affairs talks about harmony, vision and way of life. To access this article, scroll down to page 80.
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Outlaws and Citizens: Indigenous People and the ‘New Media Nation’

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Valerie Alia
International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, vol. 5, no. 1 & 2, 2009, p. 39–54
Discusses the evolution of technologies used to restore and create space to preserve languages and cultures while communicating across cultural, political, and geographical boundaries.
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Outside the Rules: Invisible American Indians in New York State

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Samuel W. Rose
Richard A. Rose
Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 30, no. 2, Fall, 2015, pp. 56-76
Discusses tribes which have been ignored or forgotten and have ambiguous status, and the role that academics have played in shaping what constitutes legitimate Indigenous identity.
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Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: Key Indicators 2003: Report

Documents & Presentations
Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision)
Measures the well-being against indicators across a range of areas including health, education and employment, and identifies programs and policies which appear to be improving outcomes.
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Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: Key Indicators 2005 Report

Alternate Title
Second Report on Indigenous Disadvantage
Documents & Presentations
Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision
Measures the well-being against indicators across a range of areas including health, education and employment, and identifies programs and policies which appear to be improving outcomes.
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Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: Key Indicators 2007: Report

Documents & Presentations
Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision
Measures the well-being against indicators across a range of areas including health, education and employment, and identifies programs and policies which appear to be improving outcomes.
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Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: Key Indicators 2011: Report

Documents & Presentations
Steering Committee for the Review of Government Service Provision
Measures the well-being against indicators across a range of areas including health, education and employment, and identifies programs and policies which appear to be improving outcomes.
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P C Party - Canada - Nomination Convention - Prince Albert, SK

Documents & Presentations
File contains a copy of Diefenbaker's speech at his nominating convention as the candidate for Prince Albert, in which he speaks of his governments initiatives in allowing the voices of Indigenous peoples to be heard. He refers to the appointment of Indigenous senator James Gladstone, of giving Indigenous peoples the right to vote, and of the Indian Claims Commission.
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Painting "Treaty Number Seven" Classification: INDIANS - T

Images » Photographs
A. Bruce Stapleton
Painting by A. Bruce Stapleton entitled "Treaty Number Seven". The honourable David Laird, Lieutenant Governor of the Northwest Territories is seated at the centre of the picture. Colonel Macleod is seated at his left. At left standing is Mayor Irvine, next to him in buckskin is interpreter Jean L'Heureux. At right is Crowfoot, with an interpreter beside him.
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Pan-Indigenous Vision of Indigenous Studies

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Martina Masaquiza (Salasaka Kechwa)
Pakal B'alam (Kaqchikel Mayan)
Indigenous Nations Studies Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, Spring, 2000, pp. 3-9
Looks at the conflict of interests in the groups served by the Indigenous Studies Program. Concludes with suggestions for an ideal program..
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Papers Regarding Arctic Sovereignty and an Inuit Armed Force to Maintain It

Alternate Title
The Shadowy Force on Guard in the Arctic
Archival » Archival Items
File containing various news clippings and reports regarding Canada's sovereignty in the Arctic. Includes a proposal by John Diefenbaker for the establishment of an Inuit force, 500 strong, to patrol Canada's arctic. Also includes a newspaper article on the Canadian Rangers.
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Parade at Regina

Alternate Title
Loyal till Death: Indians and the North-West Rebellion
Images » Photographs
Caption: "Indian Commissioner Dewdney (seated centre with bowler) and Indian leaders in the Regina region. The heavy military presence was designed to ensure Indian neutrality." On back of photograph: "Parade at Regina (Sask.) after close of Rebellion." From the book Loyal till Death: Indians and the North-West Rebellion by Blair Stonechild and Bill Waiser.
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The Party's Over

Articles » General
Jackie Price
New Socialist, no. 58, Special Issue on Indigenous Resurgence, September-October 2006, p. 34
Discusses the power struggle in Nunavut. Scroll down to read article 34.
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Pastoral Herding Strategies and Governmental Management Objectives: Predation Compensation as a Risk Buffering Strategy in the Saami Reindeer Husbandry

Alternate Title
Pastoral Herding Strategies and Governmental Management Objectives: Predation Compensation as a Risk Buffering Strategy in the Sami Reindeer Husbandry
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Marius Wang Næss
Bård-Jørgen Bårdsen
Elisabeth Pedersen
Human Ecology, vol. 39, no. 4, August 2011, pp. 489-508
Findings show predation compensation positively effect future herd size.
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Pathways in a Forest: Indigenous Guidance on Prevention-Based Child Welfare

Documents & Presentations
Elba Bendo
Sharnelle JenkinsThompson
Isabelle Busby
Emily Beier
Focuses on seven topics: eight principles of Indigenous child welfare, understanding the overrepresentation of children in care, legal context, root causes, discrepancies in delivery of services, current approaches and recommendations in the area of family violence, current approaches and recommendations in the area of substance use, and improving financial supports for families.
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Pathways, Policy and Practice in Indigenous Education

Alternate Title
AARE Annual Conference ; 2005
Documents & Presentations
Faith Irving
Discusses the challenges and solutions of implementing Indigenous education policy at the personal, interpersonal, and organizational levels.
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Peoples and Cultures II: An Introduction

Alternate Title
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 322: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World II]
[Section One: Introduction to Peoples and Cultures II]
Documents & Presentations
Greg Poelzer
Heather Exner
Overview of class offered through the University of the Arctic which focused on the circumpolar North.
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