100 Years of Loss

Alternate Title
One Hundred Years of Loss
Documents & Presentations
Legacy of Hope Foundation

Timeline focusing on the evolution of the residential school system in Canada.
Related Material:

Teacher's Guide.

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100 Years of Loss

Alternate Title
One Hundred Years of Loss
Documents & Presentations
Legacy of Hope Foundation

Timeline focusing on the evolution of the residential school system in Canada.
Related Material:

Teacher's Guide.

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The 1885 North-West Campaign Diary of Lieutenant R. Lyndhurst Wadmore, Infantry School Corps

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
R. Lyndhurst Wadmore
Saskatchewan History, vol. 42, no. 2, Spring, 1989, pp. 62-78

Wadmore was a Lieutenant in C Company, in Colonel Otter’s Battleford Column. Wadmore saw action at The Battle of Cutknife Hill, and participated in patrols related to the activities of Mistahimaskwa (Big Bear) and Pîhtokahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker). Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 62.

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1905 Boundaries

Web Sites » Organizations
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Our Legacy
Shows the districts of Franklin, Keewatin, Mackenzie, and Ungava in Canada as well as the provinces as they existed in 1905.
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2003 Watershed Year for Aboriginal Politics

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, January 2, 2004, p. A11
Comments on leadership changes within the Assembly of First Nations, the Métis National Council, and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.
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2006 Aboriginal Population Profile for Vancouver [British Columbia]

Alternate Title
2006 Aboriginal Population Profiles for Selected Cities and Communities ; no. 4
2006 Aboriginal Population Profiles for Selected Cities and Communities: British Columbia
2006 Census Aboriginal Population Profile for Vancouver, British Columbia
Shelly Milligan
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2010 AFI Federal Government Job Cost Efficiency Analysis

Alternate Title
2010 Aboriginal Financial Institution Federal Government Job Cost Efficiency Analysis
Documents & Presentations
National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association

Reports significant benefits to clients of Aboriginal Financial Institution (AFI) network is self reliance, improved self worth, improved standard of living for entrepreneurs .

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2019 Survey of Canadians: Toward Reconciliation: Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Perspectives: Executive Summary

Alternate Title
2019 Survey – Toward Reconciliation: Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Perspectives
Confederation of Tomorrow 2019 Survey
Documents & Presentations
Environics Institute
National public opinion survey conducted online (in the provinces) and by telephone (in the Territories) with a representative sample of 5,732 Canadians (ages 18 and over), including 645 persons who identified themselves as Indigenous, between December 14, 2018 and January 16, 2019.
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2019 Survey of Canadians: Toward Reconciliation: Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Perspectives: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Environics Institute for Survey Research
National public opinion survey conducted online (in the provinces) and by telephone (in the Territories) with a representative sample of 5,732 Canadians (ages 18 and over), including 645 persons who identified themselves as Indigenous, between December 14, 2018 and January 16, 2019. Related material: Executive Summary.
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91st Battalion, Qu'Appelle, N.W.T. - [1885?].

Images » Photographs
[O.B. Buell] (photographer)
Group photograph of the 91th Battalion of Winnipeg. Men in photograph not identified by rows; Lieut.Col. Thos. Scott, M.P., Commanding; Majors, D.H. McMillan and Stuart Mulvey; Adjutant, Capt. W.C. Copeland; Quartermaster, Capt. W.H. Bruce; Surgeon, Maurice M. Seymour; Asst.-Surgeon, Frank Keele; Inspector of Musketry, A.W. Laws; Capts. J.A. McD. Rowe, Thos. Wastie, Wm. Sheppard, S.J. Jackson, J.H. Kennedy, J.C. Waugh, R.W.A. Rolph, Jno. Crawford; Liets., F.I. Bamford, E.C. Smith, R.C. Brown, J.B. Rutherford, Major A. Cotes, Feo. A. Gilan, A. Monkman, A.P. Cameron; 2nd Lieuts., W.J.
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Aboriginal Awareness Workshop: Alberta Region Module

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Awareness Workshop : Atlantic Region Module
Aboriginal Awareness Workshop : Saskatchewan Region Module
Aboriginal Awareness Workshop : Quebec Region Module
Aboriginal Awareness Workshop : Manitoba Region Module
Aboriginal Awareness Workshop : British Columbia Region Module
Aboriginal Awareness Workshop : Ontario Region Module
Aboriginal Awareness Workshop : Northwest Territories and Nunavut Region Module
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)

Brief overview for orientation of departmental employees.

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Aboriginal Census Data in Canada: A Research Note

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James C. Saku
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 19, no. 2, 1999, pp. 365-379
Examines issues concerning accuracy of Aboriginal census data, specifically changes to the ethnic questions and terminologies used and how this has caused problems with the total count.
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Aboriginal Children and Youth in Canada: Canada Must Do Better

Alternate Title
Position Paper: Aboriginal Children and Youth in Canada: Canada Must Do Better
Documents & Presentations
Canadian Council of Provincial Child and Youth Advocates
Report highlights significant key indicators and gaps affecting Aboriginal children and makes recommendations to improve their living conditions and well-being.
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Aboriginal Community Incomes and Migration in the NWT: Policy Issues and Alternatives

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Peter Gardner
Canadian Public Policy, vol. 20, no. 3, September 1994, pp. 297-317
Recommends ways to keep Aboriginal people in their communities by offering support for sustaining hunting, fishing and trapping through co-management of renewable resources, better use of under utilized resources, training and support for wildlife harvesters and more support for entrepreneurship.
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Aboriginal-Crown Treaty-Making in Canada: A Many-Splendoured Thing

E-Books » Chapters
Jim R. Miller
Aboriginal Policy Research, vol. 7

Looks at commercial compacts, peace and friendship treaties, territorial treaties, differing interpretations of treaty history, and difference between history and legal history. Chapter one from A History of Treaties and Policies, which is vol. 7 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series. Originally presented at the third annual Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2009.

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Aboriginal Day Celebration Took on a Serious Note

Articles » General
Andrea Ledding
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 7, July 2009, p. 2,3
Comments on a gathering to commemorate the first anniversary of the apology to First Nations people, by the Government of Canada, to acknowledge the effect Residential schools have had on the community. Article located by scrolling to page 2 and 3.
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Aboriginal Documentary Heritage: Historical Collections of the Canadian Government

Web Sites » Governmental
Library and Archives Canada
Website deals with the relationship between the federal government and Aboriginal peoples from the late 1700s to the mid-20th century. Site is divided into three sections: Red and Black Series, Treaties, Surrenders and Agreements, and Aboriginal Soldiers in the First World War.
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The Aboriginal Economic Benchmarking Report

Documents & Presentations
Clarence Louie
Dawn Madahbee
Pita Aatami
Richard Francis
John Michael Keyuk ... [et al.]
Provides census data by age, gender and heritage group and assesses economic development outcomes for First Nations on and off reserve, Inuit and Métis and implementation of the Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development.
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Aboriginal Empowerment and Souvenir Trade in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Valda Blundell
Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 20, no. 1, 1993, pp. 64-87
Looks at Aboriginal-type souvenirs, their production and how they are sold, Canadian laws and intellectual property.
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Aboriginal Federal Turnout in Northern Saskatchewan

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Loleen Berdahl
Greg Poelzer
Bonita Beatty
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2012, pp. 26-41
Research conducted, based on quantitative survey data, suggests reasons for lower electoral participation.
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Aboriginal Financing Options in Alberta

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Albertans in Business Series
Aboriginal Business Services Guide ; 4
Documents & Presentations
Aboriginal Business Services
Business Link
Presents an informative guide, designed for Aboriginal Albertans, that provides a step-by-step approach to an appropriate lending agency.
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Aboriginal Forestry: Community Management as Opportunity and Imperative

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Deborah Curran
Michael M'Gonigle
Osgoode Hall Law Journal, vol. 37, no. 4, 1999, pp. 712-774
Looks at the legal and regulatory basis of forest management, and assess how new tenure systems might be developed that would uphold traditional values while providing economic and employment opportunities.
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Aboriginal Governance in the Canadian Federal State 2015

Alternate Title
Working Paper (Institute of Intergovernmental Relations) ; 2003(3)
Documents & Presentations
Jay Kaufman
Florence Roberge
Working Paper (Institute of Intergovernmental Relations)
Attempts to examine Aboriginal governance in light of large-scale developments in the areas of global and regional integration.
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Aboriginal Health in the Aftermath of Genocide: Healing and Reconciliation after the Indian Residential Schools Experience in Canada

Documents & Presentations
David B. MacDonald
Looks at a claim concerning the violation of the United Nations Genocide Convention in the Indian Residential Schools system, some of the effects of genocide on survivors and their families, and concludes by suggesting ways to move forward. Article located by scrolling down page.
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Aboriginal Horizontal Framework

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Horizontal Framework: Programs and Spending Overview
Documents & Presentations
[Treasury Board Secretariat
Government of Canada]
Overview of Aboriginal-direct programming and spending offered by the Government of Canada. The 360 programs and services are arranged under seven thematic headings: Health, Lifelong Learning, Housing, Safe and Sustainable Communities, Economic Opportunities, Lands and Resources and Governance and Relationships.
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Aboriginal Housing Management: Why and How?

Documents & Presentations
Eve Rickert
Elizabeth Keeler
Presents historical, judicial and policy arguments to support the devolution of provincial authority over housing to the Aboriginal Housing Management Association and provides four examples of self-government initiatives and lessons learned from the successes or failures of such models.
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Aboriginal Income Disparity in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Krishna Pendakur
Ravi Pendakur
Canadian Public Policy, vol. 37, no. 1, March 2011, pp. 61-83
Examines the different patterns of economic disadvantage and notes the evolution from 1995 to 2005.
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