Displaying 1 - 50 of 221

2003 Watershed Year for Aboriginal Politics

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, January 2, 2004, p. A11
Comments on leadership changes within the Assembly of First Nations, the Métis National Council, and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.
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Aboriginal Employment, Housing, Education, and the Law

Documents & Presentations
City of Saskatoon
Includes Saskatoon City Council minutes from a meeting on Monday, June 9, 1980 regarding a report by the Community Liaison Committee (Report No. 3-1980) including items on Aboriginal Employment (Item # 1316), Housing (Item # 1317), Education and Native People and the Law (Item # 1318), as well as a list of Committee members.
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Aboriginal Legal Services of Winnipeg

Articles » General
Pamela A. Jensen
Justice as Healing, vol. 3, no. 1, Spring, 1998, p. [?]
Project offering alternative approaches and services for youth in the present justice system. Note: This is a sample article from the publication. Subscriptions are available from the Native Law Centre.
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Aboriginal Peoples' Safety: Strategic Overview

Alternate Title
Action Briefs (Institute for the Prevention of Crime)
Making Cities Safer: Action Briefs for Municipal Stakeholders ; no. 3, March, 2009
Series 2: Tackle Safety Successfully in the City
Documents & Presentations
Lisa Monchalin
Discusses actions to reduce violence which affects Aboriginal people as both victims and offenders, with a focus on urban populations.
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Aboriginal Political Culture in Northern Saskatchewan

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bonita Beatty
Loleen Berdahl
Greg Poelzer
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 32, no. 2, 2012, pp. 121-139
Examines and explains how the aboriginal political culture in Northern Saskatchewan is a blend of organizational networks and family systems.
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Are Municipalities Creatures of the Provinces?

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Warren Magnusson
Journal of Canadian Studies, vol. 39, no. 2, Spring, 2005, pp. 5-29
States that a reinterpretation of the Canadian constitution with respect to self-government must take place to redress past injustices against First Nations.
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Ayjoomixw: Teeskwat / Powell River

Alternate Title
The Powell River-Sliammon Experience
Documents & Presentations
Looks at the relationship between the City of Powell River and Sliammon First Nation with the signing of a protocol agreement on culture, heritage and economic development.
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Being Neighbourly: Urban Reserves, Treaty Settlement Lands, and the Discursive Construction of Municipal–First Nation Relations

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Janice Barry
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 10, no. 5, Special Issue: The Impact of Reserve and Reservation Systems on Indigenous Well-Being, 11 22, 2019
Author offers a critical perspective on the perspectives in discussion papers being released by municipal government agencies in response to reserves being created within and adjacent to urban centers; argues that many of the perspective within these documents reinforce settler colonialism and ignore Indigenous sovereignty.
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Building on Success: Strategies for Promoting Economic Development in the North: Written Submission for the House of Commons Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development

Documents & Presentations
National Aboriginal Economic Development Board
Discussion on the development of the Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development; recent Federal measures including the Northern Strategy; a series of agreements between government and Aboriginal communities, including self-government and Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements; and examines how they can play a central role in strengthening the northern economy.
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Business and Politics in Aboriginal Communities

Alternate Title
Policy Brief (Institute on Governance) ; no. 17
Documents & Presentations
John Graham
Heather Edwards
Policy Brief (Institute on Governance)
Looks at universal principles of good governance and how they are applied to business ventures. Includes business development cases.
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Chief Bruno and Councillors

Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies
Chief Bruno meeting with councillors [of the Carrothers Commission] at Rae, N.W.T. which was studying the future directions of government in the Northwest Territories.
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A City's Experience With Urban Aboriginal Issues

Alternate Title
Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice
E-Books » Chapters
Martin [Marty] D. Irwin
Article from 1993 Conference proceedings, discusses challenges facing municipalities and First Nations in the formation of urban Reserves. Excerpt from Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice compiled by Richard Gosse, James Youngblood Henderson, Roger Carter.
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Civic-Indigenous Placekeeping and Partnership Building Toolkit

Future Cities Canada
Tanya Chung-Tiam-Fook

Includes five case studies: First Nations–Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI), Paqtnkek Mi'kmaw Nation and County of Antigonish, Squamish Nation-The District of Squamish Government-to-Government Collaboration, Lil'Wat Nation - The Village of Pemberton, and the City of Toronto's Our Common Grounds initiative.

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Co-existence in Cities: The Challenge of Indigenous Urban Planning in the 21st Century

Alternate Title
McGill-Queen's Native and Northern Series ; 70
Reclaiming Indigenous Planning
E-Books » Chapters
Libby Porter
Looks at the reasons why Indigenous interests and rights are so much less visible in urban planning and policy than in fields such as natural resource management and environmental planning. Chapter from Reclaiming Indigenous Planning edited by Ryan Walker, Ted Jojola, and David Natcher. Scroll down to read.
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Community Liaison Committee - Intercultural Dialogue Conference

Documents & Presentations
City of Saskatoon
Includes Saskatoon City Council minutes from a meeting on Tuesday, February 19, 1980 regarding an Intercultural Dialogue Conference held in Saskatoon to discuss social planning and development, as well as promote informal dialogue between the city's Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations.
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Community Resilience, Adaptation, and Innovation: The Case of the Social Economy in La Ronge

Alternate Title
Linking, Learning, Leveraging: Social Enterprises, Knowledgeable Economies, and Sustainable Communities
Research Report Series (Centre for the Study of Co-operatives) ; no. 11-01
Documents & Presentations
Kimberly Brown
Isobel M. Findlay
Robert Dobrohoczki
Research Report Series (Centre for the Study of Co-operatives)
Study examines the role players and organizations have in the development of economic, social and cultural well-being of the community and highlights key opportunities and challenges.
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Criminal Jurisdiction in Indian Country

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
M. Brent Leonhard
United States Attorney's Bulletin, vol. 69, no. 2, Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons: Legal, Prosecution, Advocacy and Healthcare, March 2021, pp. 45-78
An examination of the complexity of overlapping criminal jurisdictions between tribal, municipal, state, and federal officials that could impede the solving of murdered and missing Indigenous females. Entire issue on one PDF. To access article, scroll down to page 45.
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Don't Look the Other Way: Homelessness among Indigenous and Inuit Persons Milton-Parc Area in Montréal: Investigation Report and Recommendations

Alternate Title
Investigation Report and Recommendations: Homelessness among Indigenous and Inuit Persons Milton-Parc Area in Montréal: Don’t Look the Other Way
Documents & Presentations
Nadine Mailloux

Investigation was undertaken due to ongoing complaints about the escalating violence, prostitution and sale of drugs in the inner city neighbourhood.

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Edmonton Urban Aboriginal Accord and Declaration

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
City of Edmonton
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 2, no. 2, 2013, pp. 149-152
Comments on the relationship agreement between the Aboriginal communities in Edmonton and the City's administration.
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Effective Local Institutions for Collective Action in Arctic Communities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
David C. Natcher
Sharman Haley
Gary Kofinas
Walt Parker
Northern Review, no. 25/26, Governance in the Provincial Norths, Summer, 2005, pp. 259-273
Studies the varying degrees of success experienced by local northern communities seeking to strengthen their administrative processes.
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