Municipal Governance for Northern Communities: Perspectives from Saskatchewan

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joseph Garcea
Northern Review, no. 25/26, Governance in the Provincial Norths, Summer, 2005, pp. 81-91
Looks at three main aspects of task force: nature of the review process, the observations on need for municipal renewal, explanations of recommendations for municipal renewal.
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Myths and Facts about First Nations Peoples

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Information Series ; pamphlet no. 28
Documents & Presentations
Office of University Accessibility
[University of Manitoba]
Debunks 10 commonly-held misconceptions.
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National Aboriginal Health Strategy Working Party

Articles » General
Shane Houston
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 13, no. 4, December 1989, pp. 7-8
Major problems identified include lack of co-ordination between health, housing, employment and education systems and the Government and State/Territories and community agencies .
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Native Chief Conference Panel

Images » Photographs
File contains 2 negatives from an unidentified National Chief's Conference Panel (Prince Albert?) held on March 5, 1989. The negatives show a variety of unidentified officials sitting at a table, during a panel discussion.
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Native Peoples, Europeans and the Land in Canada - Stewart Raby. - Bibliography. - 1973.

Documents & Presentations
Stewart Raby
This bibliography includes materials relating primarily to Canadian Aboriginals in the area of ethnographic, historical and political geography. Specific subjects include ethnography and human ecology; early European contacts, settlers and the fur trade; conflict and control over native peoples; the British Indian Department and the Canadas; and contemporary Indian reserves. Also included are materials from the United States, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, Greenland Inuit and Russian minorities.
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Native Spirituality, Past, Present, and Future

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Leonard George
BC Studies, no. 89, In Celebration of Our Survival: The First Nations of British Columbia, Spring, 1991, pp. 160-169
Provides some insight into the differences between the value systems of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginals.
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Native Title Act 1993

Documents & Presentations
Government of Australia
Australasian Legal Information Institute
Presents the Australian Native Titles Act of 1993.
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The Navajo Political Experience

Book Reviews
Dawn Karima Pettigrew
Whispering Wind, vol. 34, no. 4, July-August 2004, p. 36
Book review of: The Navajo Political Experience revised edition by David E. Wilkins.
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“Neoliberal Apartheid”: Challenges for Decolonization from South Africa to Palestine (An Interview with Andy Clarno)

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Chandni Desai
Andy Clarno
Decolonization, vol. 6, no. 1, 2017, pp. 96-98
Author of Neoliberal Apartheid discusses commonalities between two states, including the patterns of extreme inequality, racialized poverty and advanced securitization which are symptomatic neoliberal regimes.
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Neoliberalism and Indigenous Knowledge: Māori Health Research and the Cultural Politics of New Zealand's "National Science Challenges"

Alternate Title
Neoliberalism and Indigenous Knowledge: Maori Health Research and the Cultural Politics of New Zealand's "National Science Challenges"
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Eric Prussing
Elizabeth Newbury
Social Science and Medicine, vol. 150, 2016, pp. 57-66
Discusses an initiative to restructure national scientific research funding and the way it was critiqued by Maori researchers for its failure to include their input or perspectives. Study looked at documents produced by the government ministry responsible for the policy, media coverage and blogs, and conducted interviews with 17 Māori researchers.
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Nepal: Indigenous Youth and the Armed Conflicts

Articles » General
Luisang Waiba Tamang
Indigenous Affairs, no. 3-4, Indigenous Youth, 2005, pp. 50-53
Looks at historical and contemporary conflicts between the government, the Maoists rebels and the youth movement. To access this article, scroll down to page 50.
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New Democratic Party Convention

Images » Photographs
Linda Holoboff
Three photographs (2 scanned here) of David Ahenakew, president of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians, speaking at an NDP convention in Saskatoon, November 19, 1977.
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A New National Focus on Health Workers in Remote Communities

Articles » General
Robin Boyce
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 17, no. 1, January/February 1993, pp. 14-16
Looks at working party established to develop a framework for health workers, nurses and doctors that defines their roles in remote communities and how they should work together.
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New Treaty New Tradition: Reconciling New Zealand and Maori Law; Fragile Settlements: Aboriginal Peoples, Law, and Resistance in South-West Australia and Prairie Canada

Book Reviews
Neil Valance
BC Studies, no. 195, Autumn, 2017, pp. 156-158
Book review of New Treaty New Tradition by Carwyn Jones and Fragile Settlements by Amanda Nettelbeck, Russell Smandych, Louis A. Knafla, and Robert Foster. Entire review section on one pdf. To access this review scroll to p. 156.
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NIH and CIHR Collaboration to Strengthen Indigenous Peoples' Health Research

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
[Kue Young]
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 63, no. 4, Special Issue: eHealth, 2004, pp. 448-449
Brief article about National Institute of Health of the United States and the Canadian Institute of Health Research signing a joint agreement to cooperate on issues related to health research.
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The Nomadic Pastoralists of Burkina Faso

Articles » General
Issa Diallo
Indigenous Affairs, no. 3-4, Pastoralism, 2009, pp. 48-53
Focuses on the Duroobe in Burkina Faso, the vulnerability of nomadic pastoralists and negative stereotypes and makes recommendations for improvement. To access this article, scroll down to page 48.
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Non-Aboriginal Woman and Man with Fish

Images » Photographs
A photograph of a non-Aboriginal woman and man in Victorian style dress posing beside a large catch of Northern Pike, location unknown. The woman is probably Blanche Mann who lived and worked with her father, Indian agent George Mann (see historical note).
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The Nordic Threat: Soviet Ethnic Cleansing on the Kola Peninsula

Alternate Title
Södertörn Academic Studies ; 60
The Sea of Identities: A Century of Baltic and East European Experiences with Nationality, Class, and Gender
E-Books » Chapters
Andrej Kotljarchuk
Chapter 3 from The Sea of Identities: A Century of Baltic and East European Experiences with Nationality, Class, and Gender edited by Norbert Götz. Looks at state run violence against the Nordic minorities and long term results.
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Norman Brudy

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Norman Brudy
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Norman Brudy is a member of the Communist party and was provincial party organizer for Saskatchewan in the early 1960s when both Brady and Norris were party members. Brudy gives his impressions of Norris and Brady as political leaders and Marxists and discusses their application of Marxism to the native question.
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Northern Canada

Documents & Presentations
1 file containing: An Introduction to the Geography of the Canadian Arctic. Chapter VI, Pages 75-86, discusses the way of life of the Canadian Inuit including: population and distribution; social organization; hunting and fishing; language, art and religion; and regional groups. -"The Awakening North", an excerpt from the annual report of Seagrams Ltd. including a portfolio of pictures of the north, several of which are of Inuit peoples.
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[Northern Politics in Manitoba]

Alternate Title
Cafe Politique ; ninth
U2011: Understanding the Manitoba Election
Understanding Politics in Northern Manitoba
Media » Film and Video
Greg Poelzer
Discusses Aboriginal voting patterns and participation in the electoral process. Duration: 9:28.
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[Northern Politics in Northern Manitoba]

Alternate Title
U2011: Understanding the Manitoba Election
Media » Film and Video
Bonita Beatty
Bonita Beatty discusses the political culture found in the north. Duration:10:02.
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Northern Voices: A Look Inside Political Attitudes and Behaviours in Northern Saskatchewan: Northern Aboriginal Political Culture Study

Alternate Title
[Northern Political Engagement Study Report 2013]
Documents & Presentations
Bonita Beatty
Loleen Berdahl
Greg Poelzer
Kelton Doraty
Meritt Kocday
Sara Waldbillig
Dana Carriere
[Evelyn Peters]
Looks at findings from three-year research project on voter engagement. Related material: Community Engagement Factsheet.
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Not Wanted in the Boundary: The Expulsion of the Keeseekoowenin Ojibway Band from Riding Mountain National Park

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John Sandlos
Canadian Historical Review, vol. 89, no. 2, June 2008, pp. 189-221
Examines the eviction of the Keeseekowenin Ojibway Band from a small reserve within the Riding Mountain National Park boundary in response to local economic development, tourism, and federal administrative priorities.
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NSW Government Aboriginal Family Health Strategy Launched

Articles » General
Rose Ellis
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 20, no. 1, January/February 1996, p. 19
Looks at the strategy developed to address violence and sexual assault using holistic and culturally sensitive methods.
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The NSW Health Partnership Agreement

Articles » General
Rose Ellis
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 20, no. 3, May/June 1996, pp. 17-18
Discusses the partnership between the New South Wales government, Community Controlled Medical Services and Aboriginal communities and the development of a State Aboriginal health policy.
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