
Book reviews of: American Indians and National Parks by Robert H. Keller and Michael F. Turek. Ancient West Mexico: Art and Archeology of the Unknown Past edited by Richard F. Townsend. A Cold Day to Die: Murder on the Highway by Johnny Sughani. Daughters of the Buffalo Women: Maintaining the Tribal Faith by Beverly Hungry Wolf. Essie’s Story: The Life and Legacy of a Shoshone Teacher by Esther Burnett Horne and Sally McBeth. First Person, First Peoples: Native American College Graduates Tell Their Life Stories edited by Andrew Garrod and Colleen Larimore. Fur Traders from New England: The Boston Men in the North Pacific, 1787-1800 edited by Briton C. Busch and Barry M. Gough. Justice in Aboriginal Communities: Sentencing Alternatives by Ross Gordon Green. Kiowa: A Woman Missionary in Indian Territory by Isabel Crawford. The Morning the Sun Went Down by Darryl Babe Wilson. Native Libraries: Cross-Cultural Conditions in the Circumpolar Countries by Gordon H. Hills. The Noontide Sun: The Field Journals of the Reverend Stephen Bowers by Arlene Benson. Peyote Religious Art: Symbols of Faith and Belief by Daniel C. Swan. Powerful Images: Portrayals of Native America edited by Sarah E. Boehme, et al.. Rethinking Hopi Ethnography by Peter M. Whiteley. Ritual and Myth in Odawa Revitalization: Reclaiming a Sovereign Place by Melissa Pflüg. To Show Heart: Native American Self-Determination and Federal Indian Policy, 1960-1975 by George Pierre Castile. Watermelon Nights by Greg Sarris. With My Own Eyes: A Lakota Woman Tells Her People’s History by Susan Bordeaux Bettelyoun and Josephine Waggoner. A Zuni Life: A Pueblo Indian in Two Worlds by Virgil Wyaco
Steven Crum
Thomas H. Lewis
Dave Gonzales
Ronald Craig
Amelia V. Katanski
Patricia Pierce Erikson
Michael J. Mullin
Keith James
Juanita M. Firestone
Georgiana Valoyce Sanchez
Kenneth Wade
et al.
Open Access
Primary Source
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 24, no. 1, 2000, pp. 223-268
Publication Date
Resource Type
Book Reviews
Text -- PDF
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