Displaying 1 - 50 of 679

1978 Education and Elders Conference 1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Dominic Eshkawkogan
Norman Agounie
Jim McGregor
Wilfred Owl
Ron Wakegijig
Smith Atimoyoo
Indian History Film Project
A conference where several speakers discuss the role of elders in educating young people and the loss of respect for the elders in modern Indian society. Transcribed by Joanne Greenwood.
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1981 Elders' Conference 1/4

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ernest Tootoosis
Mani Boyd
Johnson Wanepee
Barney Dog
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Dan Pine
Indian History Film Project
A conference discussing Indian and Christian creation myths, reflections on education and religion, comparison of Indian and non-Indian values, and the loss of traditional values and beliefs and the movement to recover them.
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1981 Elders' Conference 3/4

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ernest Tootoosis
Mani Boyd
Johnson Wanepee
Barney Dog
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Dan Pine
Indian History Film Project
Elders discuss the loss of traditional religion and values; the relationship between traditional religions and Christianreligions; some stories of the creation and the flood.
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1981 Elders' Conference 4/4

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ernest Tootoosis
Mani Boyd
Johnson Wanepee
Barney Dog
Jim Dumont
Ron Wakegijig
Dan Pine
Indian History Film Project
A conference about prophecies and the recovery of traditional values, the role of Elders in the community, and the philosophy and practice of traditional medicine.
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1982 Elders Conference (1/5)

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
James Mecas
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angus Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
A discussion about the construction of log and birch canoes ; the tuberculosis epidemic ; the effects of non-Indians on Indian life style : spiritual values, hunting; fishing; land use, etc.
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1982 Elders Conference 2/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
James Mecas
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angus Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
Elders discuss traditional religion, it's relationship to Christian religions and its place in traditional healingpractices.
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1982 Elders Conference 3/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
James Mecas
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angus Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
Elders stress the importance of tradition and, in particular, the religious and medical traditions of the Indian people.Accounts of two visits to the world of the dead.
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1982 Elders Conference 4/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
James Mecas
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angus Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
A conference discussing comparison of Indian and Christian religions and religious ceremonies, traditional songs and dances, and history of Europeans in North America from the Indian viewpoint.
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1982 Elders Conference 5/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Sam Osawamick
Ernest Debassigae
Joe Yellowhead
Kate Assinewe
Ron Wakegijig
Herman Atkinson
Charlie Neilson
Dan Pine
Louis Bruce
Noel Knockwood
Angust Pontiac
Ernest Tootoosis
Indian History Film Project
A discussion of Cree funeral songs. Includes a story of a woman's vision of the afterlife.
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1983 Elders' Conference 3/5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Ted Wheatley
Ernest Benedict
Angus Nogongiig
Jim Dumont
Johnny Thomas
Sam Osawamick
Alex Fox
John Tootoosis
Louis Bruce
Sid Fiddler
Lawrence Tobacco
Mary Lou Box
Eddie Benton
Herman Atkinson
Carl Roberts
Indian History Film Project
Talks of a prophecy about serpents which will fight over the Earth ; Hopi prophecies about the coming of the white man ; emphasis for unity among Indian peoples ; importance of living in harmony with nature ; and biblical stories through Indian eyes.
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Abby Simon Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Abby Simon
Louis P. Crier
Phillip Redcrow Joe
Indian History Film Project
A very brief account of some changes which followed the coming of the white man.
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Aboriginal Spirituality and the Legal Construction of Freedom of Religion

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lori G. Beaman
Journal of Church and State, vol. 44, no. 1, Winter, 2002, pp. 135-149
Argues that Aboriginal spirituality is legally constructed outside of the boundaries of religious freedom and discusses problems faced by religious minorities in a Christian dominated society.
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Adam Solway Interview 1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Adam Solway
Christine Welsh
Tony Snowsill
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview where Adam Solway talks about being orphaned at 8 years and adopted by the Blackfoot Reserve, Alta; his attendance at a residential school; becoming a councillor and then chief of the reserve. He comments on the issues he had to deal with as well as providing comments on contemporary lifestyles and leadership.
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Agnes Fox and Maria Sinclair Interviews

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Agnes Fox
Maria Sinclair
Mary Mountain
Iris Baker
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes stories about the power of the medicine man and the abilities to foretell the future. It also includes information regarding traditional attitudes toward education, marriage and lifestyle.
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Ahenakew, Andrew (Rev.)

Images » Photographs
File contains a black and white photograph of the Reverend Andrew Ahenakew, Anglican clergyman and Cree healer.
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Alfred (Albert) Mishibinijima 2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Alfred (Albert) Mishibinijima
Tony Snowsill
Christine Welsh
Ernest Debassigae
Indian History Film Project
An interview with Alfred Mishibinijima who recounts the inadequacy of schooling on the reserve, the terms of the Robinson Treaty and the Indian agents of Manitoulin. Transcribed by Joanne Greenwood ; interpreter : Ernest Debassigae.
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Alfred Durocher #1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Alfred Durocher
Victoria Racette
Indian History Film Project
Interview includes a discussion of Alfred Durocher's life.
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Alfred Durocher #2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Alfred Durocher
Victoria Racette
Indian History Film Project
The interview includes discussion of Alfred Durocher's life.
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All Saints Boarding School

Images » Photographs
All Saints Boarding School in La Ronge, Saskatchewan. Run by the Anglican Church All Saints was built in 1920-21 under Archdeacon McKay's supervision.
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All Saints School — Aklavik, NWT

Alternate Title
Anglican Residential Schools
Documents & Presentations
General Synod Archives
Anglican Church of Canada
Provides a short history of the All Saints School in Aklavik, founded in 1919 by Bishop James Richard Lucas of the Diocese of Mackenzie River.
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Allan Quandt Interview 2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Allan Quandt
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Allan Quandt discusses general problems of implementing programs in the north.
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Along The Line. British Columbia

Archival » Archival Items
A. E. Green
Letter from Rev. A.E. Green, 1 November 1887, relating to the exodus of Aboriginals from Metlakhatla [Metlakatla], BC, to Alaska, because of the Canadian Government's refusal to provide larger reserves and a treaty for payment for land surrendered. Letter in The Missionary Outlook newsletter.
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Along The Line. British Columbia

Archival » Archival Items
Letter from Rev. G.F. Hopkins, dated 30 August 1888, relating to missionary experiences among the Aboriginal population of the Port Essington area of BC. Letter in The Missionary Outlook newsletter.
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Alphonse Antoine 1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Alphonse Antoine
Tony Snowsill
Christine Welsh
Ernest Debassigae
Indian History Film Project
An interview with Antoine Alphonse who gives an account of his life including residential school and serving in two wars.
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The American Indian in Transition: Reformation and Accommodation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Fred W. Voget
American Anthropologist, vol. 58, no. 2, April 1956, pp. 249-263
Looks at the "Great Message" of the Iroquois, Peyotism in the Plains and Shakerism in the Pacific Northwest, to explain the reformation movement.
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[Anglican Church]

Images » Photographs
Hans Dommasch
Partial exterior of church, with sign in front and bell on roof visible. Caption by Dommasch: "Tuktoyaktuk April 1989".
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Anglican Church at Stanley Mission

Images » Photographs
Anglican Church at Stanley Mission. This is the original steeple in 1919. Later it was considered unsafe and a new one was put up. This is the oldest building as of 2007 still standing in Saskatchewan. Taken during the journey of Christina Bateman and Annie McKay from Prince Albert to La Ronge, SK in 1919.
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Anglican Church at Stanley Mission

Images » Photographs
Side view of the Anglican Church at Stanley Mission (see also S-B581 and S-B583). This is the oldest building as of 2007 still standing in Saskatchewan. Taken during the journey of Christina Bateman and Annie McKay from Prince Albert to La Ronge, SK in 1919.
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Anglican Church at Stanley Mission

Images » Photographs
Front view of the Anglican Church at Stanley Mission (see also S-B581 and S-B582). This is the oldest building as of 2007 still standing in Saskatchewan. Taken during the journey of Christina Bateman and Annie McKay from Prince Albert to La Ronge, SK in 1919.
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Anglican Church History

Documents & Presentations
A variety of articles dealing with the early history of the Anglican Church in Saskatchewan. Includes material on Emmanuel College, Rev. Archdeacon Mackay, the translation of the Bible from English to Cree, an article on a Cree-French and Cree-English Dictionary, biographical material on early missionaries and Churchmen as well as Diocesan histories.

Historical note:

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Antoine Ferguson Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Antoine Ferguson
Carol Pearlstone
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview where he talks about his memories of Gabriel Dumont, the causes of the Riel Rebellion of 1885 and the present day treatment of Metis people.
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