Displaying 1 - 50 of 1366

20 Years Later: RCAP's Legacy in Indigenous Health System's Governance - What about the Next Twenty?

Alternate Title
[Sharing the Land, Sharing a Future Forum, November 2016]
Documents & Presentations
Yvonne Boyer
Josee Lavoie
Derek Kornelson
Jeff Reading
Paper given at the Sharing the Land, Sharing a Future: Realizing the Promise, Facing the Challenge of Reconciliation" Forum, dialog and conference marking the 20th anniversary of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, November 2-3, 2016.
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200 Years of Terra Nullius

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Henry Reynolds
Aboriginal Law Bulletin, vol. 2, no. 53, December 1991, p. 11
Discussion of the "empty land lie", arguing that the fundamental issue was dispossession and that all other issues stemmed from it in some way.
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2017 On The Land Summit: Videos

Alternate Title
The Pan-Territorial On-The-Land Summit
Media » Film and Video
HSSCommunications [Health and Social Services Communications Department]
Government of the Northwest Territories]
A YouTube playlist of 21 videos of conference presenters and panels from the summit.
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2020 Indigenous Connectivity Summit: Policy Recommendations

Documents & Presentations
Internet Society
Contains specific polices and recommendations within each of six categories: effective and accurate mapping; inclusivity, community consultation and engagement; capacity building; spectrum rights and sovereignty; infrastructure and ownership; and affordability.
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50 Year Vision: What Does the Future Hold for Tribal Colleges and Universities?

Alternate Title
Fifty Year Vision: What Does the Future Hold for Tribal Colleges and Universities?
Articles » General
Rachael Marchbanks
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education , vol. 30, no. 1, Diné College Celebrates 50 Years, Fall, August 20, 2018, p. [?]
Presidents of tribal colleges and universities (TCUs) describe their vision of what the Institutions will look like in 2068.
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Aboriginal and Quebec Self-Determination under an MAI Regime

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
René R. Gadacz
Native Studies Review, vol. 12, no. 2, Aboriginal Peoples and National Rights Issues in Quebec, 1999, pp. 93-110
Discusses how global economic and political developments such as the Multilateral Agreement on Investment can affect traditional concepts of state territorial sovereignty.
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Aboriginal Camps as Urban Foundations?: Evidence from Southern Queensland

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ray Kerkhove
Aboriginal History, vol. 42, December 2018, pp. 141-172
Author explores oral traditions which document what is now Musgrave Park in South Brisbane, Queensland as a pre-settlement Aboriginal camp and meeting place; offers critical assessment of settler narratives surrounding Indigenous camps as inaccurate and marginalizing.
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Aboriginal Courts in Canada

Alternate Title
Research Paper (Scow Institute)
Fact Sheet (Scow Institute)
Documents & Presentations
Karen Whonnock

Research paper looks at federal and provincial legislation, inherent Aboriginal rights and negotiated agreements, and different Aboriginal courts in Canada.

Related Material: Fact Sheet.

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Aboriginal Forestry: Community Management as Opportunity and Imperative

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Deborah Curran
Michael M'Gonigle
Osgoode Hall Law Journal, vol. 37, no. 4, 1999, pp. 712-774
Looks at the legal and regulatory basis of forest management, and assess how new tenure systems might be developed that would uphold traditional values while providing economic and employment opportunities.
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Aboriginal Governance in Australia

Alternate Title
Research Program of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
Documents & Presentations
Henry Reynolds
Traces government policies and legislation and activities of Aboriginal organizations from the colonial period to the 1990s.
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Aboriginal Nationhood and the Inherent Right to Self-Government

Alternate Title
Research Paper (National Centre for First Nations Governance)
Research Paper for the National Centre for First Nations Governance
Documents & Presentations
Gordon Christie
Looks at how the law can assist with the development of self-government rights.
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Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Contradictions and Challenges

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mary Ellen Turpel (Aki-Kwe)
Canadian Woman Studies , vol. 10, no. 2/3, Native Women, Summer/Fall, 1989, pp. 149-157
Comments on the need for governments to deal with Aboriginals on an equal basis and to acknowledge them as distinct peoples with different cultures and ways of life with respect to the Charter.
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Aboriginal Perspectives Unit Guide for the Theme Sovereignty and Resistance

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Perspectives: Thematic Unit Sovereignty and Resistance
Documents & Presentations
Michael Gatin

Lesson plan for Grades 7-12 uses excerpts from four documentaries: You Are on Indian Land, Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance, Our Nationhood, and Dancing Around the Table, Part 1.

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Aboriginal Radical Discourses in Australia: A Reaction to Political Marginalisation, a Redefinition of Aboriginality?

Alternate Title
Culture and the State ; v. 2
Disability Studies & Indigenous Studies
E-Books » Chapters
Vanessa Castejon
pp. 133-140
Examines how the federalisation of Aboriginal people and the racial reactions to it gave birth to a redefinition of Aboriginality in Australia. Excerpt from Disability Studies & Indigenous Studies. Entire book on one pdf. To access paper, scroll to p. 133.
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Aboriginal Rights and Canadian Sovereignty: An Essay on R. v. Sparrow

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michael Asch
Patrick Macklem
Alberta Law Review, vol. 29, no. 2, 1991, pp. 498-517
Assessment of the Sparrow case in light of the two competing theories of Aboriginal rights; contingent rights requiring state action for their existence and inherent rights rooted in Aboriginality.
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Aboriginal Rights In / And Canadian Society: A Syewen Case Study

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Claude Denis
International Journal of Canadian Studies, no. 14, Citizenship and Rights, Fall, 1996, pp. [13]-35
Looks at the case Peters v. Campbell regarding the Coast Salish Aboriginal initiation tradition and the Nisga'a treaty. Scroll down to page 13 to read article.
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Aboriginal Title

Media » Film and Video
Lisa Fainstein
Discusses the tests used by the Supreme Court of Canada to determine whether Aboriginal title exists. Uses the Delgamuukw v. British Columbia case as example of the principle of first occupancy. Duration: 7:17.
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The Aboriginal Voice in the Canadian Unity Debate

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ted Moses
Native Studies Review, vol. 12, no. 2, Aboriginal Peoples and National Rights Issues in Quebec, 1999, pp. 121-134
Discusses the Cree's right to refuse to secede from Canada if Quebec separatists were successful and the lack of federal government's acknowledgement of, or support for, their position.
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Aboriginal Youth & Media Conference at MOA (Part Two)

Alternate Title
Claiming Space: Voice of Urban Aboriginal Youth
ssert, Defend, Take Space: Aboriginal Youth Conference on Identity, Activism and Film
Media » Film and Video
Video presentation of Assert, Defend, Take Space: Aboriginal Youth Conference on Identity, Activism and Film, hosted by the Museum of Anthropology. Continuation from part one. Shows short films followed by discussion and question period with filmmakers and artists. Companion to exhibition: Claiming Space: Voices of Urban Aboriginal Youth Duration: 2:55:59. Part 1.
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Aboriginality and the Violence of Colonialism

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Irene Watson
Borderlands E - Journal, vol. 8, no. 1, 2009, pp. 1-8
Explores the dichotomy between cultural relativism and universalism and examines how these tensions are used to legitimize assimilation by the Australian colonial state.
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Acknowledging the Past to Heal the Future: the Role of Reparations for Native Nations

Alternate Title
Reparations: Interdisciplinary Inquiries
E-Books » Chapters
Rebecca Tsosie
Discusses framework of reparations to include the emotional, spiritual, political and social realms all within the context of the particular history of Native peoples. Chapter in book: Reparations: Interdisciplinary Inquiries edited by Jon Miller and Rahul Kumar.
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An Act of Sovereignty: Governing Tribal Higher Education

Articles » General
Cheryl Crazy Bull
Cynthia Lindquist
David M. Gipp
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 26, no. 4, Tribal College Governance, Summer, 2015
Looks at the challenges and opportunities faced by tribal colleges and universities.
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