First Nations Health and Well-being: Interim Update [2015]: A Joint Report from the Provincial Health Officer of BC and the First Nations Health Authority

Documents & Presentations
Office of the Provincial Health Officer
British Columbia; First Nations Health Authority
Reports on seven health indicators: life expectancy, mortality rate, youth suicide rate, infant mortality rate, diabetes prevalence, childhood obesity, and number of practising, certified First Nations health care professionals. "This report was prepared in accordance with commitments in the 2005 Transformative Change Accord." Related material: The Health and Well-Being of the Aboriginal Population in British Columbia: Interim Update [2007].
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First Nations Health Plan: Memorandum of Understanding Between the First Nations Leadership Council Representing the BC Assembly of First Nations, the First Nations Summit and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs and Government of Canada and Government of British Columbia

Documents & Presentations
Government of Canada
Government of British Columbia
First Nations Leadership Council
An agreement to improve upon health programs and services already in place, establish a collaborative tripartite partnership for improving health, and work on framework for tripartite First Nations health plan.
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First Nations Helping Fill Construction Gap

Articles » General
Monte Stewart
Business Edge , vol. 2, no. 3, February 03, 2005
Looks at an Aboriginal program that aims to generate long-term construction careers and will help meet B.C.'s high demand for skilled workers.
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First Nations Heritage Planning Toolkit

Alternate Title
Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs: First Nations Heritage Planning Toolkit
Documents & Presentations
Joint Working group on first nations heritage Conservation (JWG)
Document designed to assist First Nations communities in developing their own heritage conservation plan.
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First Nations Justice Initiative in Canada

Articles » General
Jaclyn Ellis
Totem, vol. 17, no. 1, 2009, pp. 37-42
Looks at the revival of traditional justice systems and the use of standardized initiatives like the Maori family conferencing model and the sentencing circle.
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First Nations Land Rights and Environmentalism in British Columbia

Web Sites » Personal
Karen Wonders
Website looks at First Nation relationships with the land, natural resource and development. Provides links to First Nations Bands - Tribes, Councils, Alliances, education centres and First Nations organizations in British Columbia.
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First Nations Languages of British Columbia

Web Sites » Organizations
Yinka Déné Language Institute (YDLI)
Website includes links to bibliographies on languages and language families, Chinook jargon, classified list, ethnobiology, and index of variant language names. .
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First Nations Pedagogy Online

Alternate Title
First Nations Pedagogy for Online Learning
Web Sites » Organizations
Contains links to resources for use in the K-12 classroom.
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First Nations Perspectives on the Grasslands of the Interior of British Columbia

Articles » General
Michael D. Blackstock
Rhonda McAllister
Journal of Ecological Anthropology, vol. 8, 2004, pp. 24-46
Looks at the structure and function of grassland ecosystems in British Columbia from pre-European contact through the present; and discusses grassland restoration ecology from a First Nations perspective.
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First Nations Summit Submission to CERD - 80th Session February 13 - March 9, 2012

Alternate Title
First Nations Summit Submission to Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Documents & Presentations
First Nations Summit
Shadow report submitted to the United Nations' Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination regarding Canada's 19th and 20th reports on the United Nations' International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
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First Nations Traditional Foods Fact Sheets

Documents & Presentations
First Nations Health Authority
Includes information on the history of use, traditional harvesting, traditional use, and nutrition for: fish, general seafood, small mammals, deer, moose, birds, seaweed, berries, and roots native to British Columbia.
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