Bringing Ethics Review Home to Cowichan: Indigenizing Ethics Review in British Columbia, Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cowichan Tribes
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 16, no. 2, Wisdom of the Elders: Honouring Spiritual Laws in Indigenous Knowledge, 2021, pp. 70-81

Using the investigation into high preterm births amongst the Cowichan to examine collaborative research reviews that follow the OCAP principles.  

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Bringing Traditional Teachings to Leadership

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Siemthlut Michelle Washington
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 3/4, Summer/Autumn, June 1, 2004, pp. 583-603
Argues that select traditional practises have a contribution to make to contemporary governance.
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British Columbia First Nations and Influenza Pandemic of 1918-19

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mary-Ellen Kelm
BC Studies, no. 122, Summer, 1999, pp. 23-[48?]
Explores reasons why the epidemic figures prominently in First Nations' histories; includes oral remembrances of the devastation the disease brought to First Nations communities.
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British Columbia First Nations Coordinators (BCFNC) Handbook: A Guide for Serving Aboriginal Students in the Public Post-Secondary System in British Columbia

Documents & Presentations
Resource contains general guidelines and specific recommendations for personnel who facilitate student transitions and retention. Topics include admissions, financial and cultural services, academic support, and maintaining institutional and community relationships.
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British Columbia Indian Cut-off Lands Settlement Act, 1984, c. 2 [Assented to February 23, 1984]

Alternate Title
An Act to provide for the settlement of claims by Indian bands in British Columbia relating to certain lands cut off from their reserves
British Columbia Indian Cut-off Lands Settlement Act, 1984, c. 2, B-8.3
Documents & Presentations
Government of Canada
Statute providing for settlement of land claims relating to property set aside before 1916 and referred to in the McKenna-McBride Agreement.
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British Columbia Indian Languages: A Crisis of Silence

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Alan Haig-Brown
BC Studies, no. 57, British Columbia a Place For Aboriginal Peoples?, Spring, 1983, pp. 57-67
Discusses the importance of preserving and maintaining the remaining Indian languages for cultural continuity and survival.
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British Columbia Indian Reserves Mineral Resources Act

Alternate Title
British Columbia Indian Reserves Mineral Resources Act (1943-44, c. 19)
Documents & Presentations
Canada. Government of Canada
Links to legislation concerning on-reserve mineral rights, their administration, control and use including precious metals; excempt are pre-existing leases established pursuant to the Indian Act.
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British Columbia Métis History

Documents & Presentations
[Brodie Douglas]
Discuses Métis ethnogenesis, the two waves of migration to British Columbia, recognition of their ties to the historic homeland, and reasons why historical identification can be difficult.
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British Columbia’s Community Benefits Agreement: Economic Justice for Indigenous Workers in Relation to Union Politics in Urban Infrastructure Projects

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lisa Berglund
Jodi Miles
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, 2022

Discusses the barriers and lack of community engagement in a job program designed to improve employment for underrepresented groups in British Columbia.   

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The British Columbia Treaty Process: An Evolving Institution

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Richard T. Price
Native Studies Review, vol. 18, no. 1, 2009, pp. 139-167
Discusses how the treaty process has successfully evolved through a series of institutional changes which include the development of effective working relationships between Canada, British Columbia and the First Nations Summit.
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British Columbia Tripartite First Nations Health: Basis for a Framework Agreement on Health Governance

Documents & Presentations
First Nations Health Council
Minister of Health (Canada)
Minister of Health Services (British Columbia)
Minister of Healthy Living and Sport (British Columbia)
Follow-up to the Transformative Change Accord: First Nations Health Plan (TCA: FNHP). Outlines basic commitments and processes needed to develop an administrative structure which would enable First Nations to exercise greater control over the delivery of services.
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Broadcasting Sovereignty: Exhibiting Nuxalk Radio at the University of British Columbia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jennifer Kramer
BC Studies, no. 199, Indigeneities and Museums: Ongoing Conversations, Autumn, 2018, pp. 151-170
Discusses the student-curated exhibition Nuxalk Radio: One Nation, Many Voices and the role that the Indigenous-led, non-commercial radio station plays in promoting language, culture and sovereignty.
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Broken Promises: Alex's Story

Documents & Presentations
Bernard Richard
Report of investigation into factors that may have led to the suicide of an 18-year-old Métis youth who was under the care of the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development.
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Building a Relationship: Perspectives From One First Nations Community

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Deanne Zeidler
Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, vol. 35, no. 2, Service Delivery to First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada: Part 1, Summer, 2011, pp. 136-143
Identifies information important for a non-Aboriginal professional to know before working with Aboriginal peoples.
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Building a Resilient and Prosperous North: Centre for the North Five-Year Compendium Report

Alternate Title
Report (Conference Board of Canada) ; April 2015
[Publication (Conference Board of Canada) ; 6973]
Documents & Presentations
Anja Jeffrey
Adam Fiser
Natalie Brender
Brent Dowdall
Summarizes the Centre for the North’s half-decade of research on Canada’s North and provides an analysis of three priority items to be addressed.
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Building Bridges: Improving Legal Services for Aboriginal Peoples

Documents & Presentations
Ardith Walkem
Report prepared for the Legal Services Society of British Columbia makes recommendations in four key areas: Aboriginal representation within the society, improving access to services, communication and outreach, and Aboriginal involvement in program planning.
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Building Bridges of Understanding Between Nations: Grade Five

Alternate Title
First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven
E-Books » Chapters
Anne Goodfellow
Students investigate the origins of their own communities. Chapter Five from First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven by Anne Goodfellow.
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Building Bridges of Understanding Between Nations: Grade Four

Alternate Title
First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven
E-Books » Chapters
Anne Goodfellow
Focuses on the values of respect, responsibility and seeing others people's points of view. Chapter Four from First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven by Anne Goodfellow.
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Building Bridges of Understanding Between Nations: Grade One

Alternate Title
First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven
Grade One: Growing and Learning
E-Books » Chapters
Anne Goodfellow
Focuses on respect of self and others. Chapter One from First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven by Anne Goodfellow. Note: Page after title page is placed out of order in error. Scroll past page 83 and chapter begins with page i.
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Building Bridges of Understanding Between Nations: Grade Seven

Alternate Title
First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven
E-Books » Chapters
Anne Goodfellow
Students explore the basis of Aboriginal rights. Chapter Seven from First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven by Anne Goodfellow.
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Building Bridges of Understanding Between Nations: Grade Six

Alternate Title
First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven
E-Books » Chapters
Anne Goodfellow
Overview of how the court system operates in British Columbia. Chapter Six from First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven by Anne Goodfellow.
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Building Bridges of Understanding Between Nations: Grade Three

Alternate Title
First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven
E-Books » Chapters
Anne Goodfellow
Focuses on the rules that must be followed in order to achieve certain goals in life. Chapter 3 from First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven by Anne Goodfellow.
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Building Bridges of Understanding Between Nations: Grade Two

Alternate Title
First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven
E-Books » Chapters
[Anne Goodfellow]
Focuses on rules within the home, school and community. Chapter Two from First Nations Journeys of Justice: A Curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade Seven by Anne Goodfellow.
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