Displaying 601 - 650 of 2252

Dispelling Common Myths about Indigenous Peoples: 9 Myths & Realities

Alternate Title
Dispelling Common Myths about Indigenous Peoples: Nine Myths & Realities
Bob Joseph
Covers issues such as adequacy of reserve lands and resources, housing, tax exemptions, post-secondary education funding, residential schools, connection between unemployment and health and social problems, and missing and murdered women and girls.
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Dispersion and Polarization of Income Among Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Canadians

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Paul S. Maxim
Jerry P White
Dan Beavon
Paul C. Whitehead
Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, vol. 38, no. 4, November 2001, pp. 465-477
Study found Inuit had highest level of inequality, while Métis had the lowest. Authors speculate that geographic isolation and lack of integration may lead to these disparities.
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Diversifying Aboriginal Forestry: Broad Directions

Documents & Presentations
Harry Bombay
Argues that First Nation communities must look beyond timber harvesting to develop strategies encompassing new and different approaches to forest-based development.
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Diversity and Employment Equity in the CF: Results of the 2005 Your-Say Focus Section for Visible Minorities and Aboriginal People

Alternate Title
Centre for Operational Research and Analysis Technical Report ; 2006-22
Diversity and Employment Equity in the Canadian Forces
DRDC CORA TR 2006-22
Documents & Presentations
Irina Goldenberg
Survey objective was to assess and compare attitudes and opinions of designated group members (DGMs) from minority ethnic backgrounds and white members.
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Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief

Media » Film and Video
Carol Geddes
Short documentary profiles five successful Aboriginal women. Duration: 28:42.
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Does Postsecondary Education Benefit Aboriginal Canadians?: An Examination of Earnings and Employment Outcomes for Recent Aboriginal Graduates

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
David Walters
Jerry White
Paul Maxim
Canadian Public Policy, vol. 30, no. 3, 2004, pp. [283]-301
Used the 1995 National Graduates Survey along with followup survey in 1997 to examine school-to-work transitions, using variables such as gender, ethnic status, qualification granted, etc.
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Doing It Right: A Best Practice Guide to Attracting, Training, Employing, and Retaining Aboriginal People in the Trades

Documents & Presentations
ita [Industry Training Authority] Aboriginal Initiatives
Discusses challenges and issues and the essential elements in employment counseling services and training programs including finding candidates, defining program's purpose, assessing participant readiness, and providing support and resources. Based on experiences of organizations in British Columbia.
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Donald Joe Sheridan Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Donald Joe Sheridan
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Mr. Sheridan worked in the Dept. of Natural Resources in northern Saskatchewan He was associated with the school for prospectors and with other government agencies. He was a socialist and a close friend of Norris.
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Dr. Russell's Water Transportation Prairie Provinces

Archival » Archival Items
Ralph C. Russell

A set of historical and bibliographical notes compiled by Dr. Russell on water transportation in what is today the prairie provinces. Includes information on the Northcote of 1885 Resistance fame. Also discusses the employment of Metis and First Nations men on riverboats, and gives prices at Gabriel's Crossing (Gabriel Dumont's ferry operation).

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Drawing Strength from Our Cultures: State of Native American Youth Report

Alternate Title
State of Native American Youth Report 2016
Documents & Presentations
Center for Native American Youth at The Aspen Institute
Reports the results of the Generation Indigenous (Gen-1) online survey of youth under the age of 25. The 700 respondents were asked questions about health and well-being, child welfare, juvenile justice, education and employment, sacred sites, lands, and waterways, and culture's role in each of those areas.
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Dualism and Development in the Northwest Territories

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jack C. Stabler
Economic Development and Cultural Change , vol. 37, no. 4, 1989, pp. 805-839
Using empirical data to analysis of the benefits and impact of development to Indigenous groups in northern Canada.
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Dualism and Development in the Northwest Territories

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jack C. Stabler
Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 37, no. 4, 1989, pp. 805-839
Discusses the impact of rapid development of the Canadian north on the Indigenous populations.
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Early Motherhood among Off-Reserve First Nations, Métis and Inuit Women

Articles » General
Virginie Boulet
Nadine Badets
Insights on Canadian Society, December 1, 2017, pp. 1-10
Uses data form the 2012 Aboriginal Peoples Survey to look at prevalence of having become a mother before the age of 20 and the association with different outcomes in terms of education and employment.
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Earnings Differentials Among Ethnic Groups in Canada: A Review of the Research

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Morton Stelcner
Review of Social Economy, vol. 58, no. 3, September 1, 2000, pp. 295-317
Overview of studies comparing earning differentials by ethnicity and gender; very significant difference in the raw earnings gap for First Nations females, which is 51% less than the national average; for males, earnings are 85% less than the national average.
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ECO Canada's Aboriginal Recruitment Guide

Alternate Title
Environmental Careers Organization Canada's Aboriginal Recruitment Guide
Documents & Presentations
ECO Canada
Designed to assist organizations in creating employment strategies. Contains general information on the Aboriginal population, finding the correct candidates, and completing the selection process.
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The Economic Cost of COVID-19: Supporting the Recovery of Indigenous Firms and Communities

Alternate Title
APEC Research Report
Documents & Presentations
Fred Bergman
Information from interviews with chiefs, community officials and businesses and existing knowledge. Includes statistics on the pandemic's effect on community well-being, individual and community-owned businesses, the Atlantic First Nations fishery, employment, community program resources, health outcomes, food security, and use of relief supports.
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Economic Development as if Culture Matters: Inuvialuit Wild Game Harvesting, Community-Based Economic Development, and Cultural Maintenance in the Western Arctic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Martin Whittles
Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 4, no. 2, Special Edition: The State of the Aboriginal Economy: 10 Years After RCAP, Fall, 2005, pp. 129-140
Looks at a project to harvest and market muskox meat, horns, hides, and quiviut (textile-grade soft body hair) to embed sustainable renewable resource development within traditional Inuvialuit culture.
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The Economic Development Capacity of Urban Aboriginal Peoples

Alternate Title
Urban Aboriginal Communities in Canada: [Complexities, Challenges, Opportunities]
E-Books » Chapters
Nicholas Spence
Susan Wingert
Jerry White
Discussion of educational attainment, labour-force activities, and the implications for program and service delivery needs.. Source for statistics is Statistics Canada's custom tables based on 2006 census for 117 friendship centre catchment areas across Canada. Chapter from Urban Aboriginal Communities in Canada: Complexities, Challenges, Opportunities edited by Peter Dinsdale, Jerry White, Calvin Hanselmann.
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Economic Impacts and Labour Market Trends 2015

Alternate Title
Economic Impacts and Labor Market Trends 2015
Documents & Presentations
David Boisvert
Guido Contreras
Brief discussion of the global, Canadian and Alberta economic outlook followed by statistics on employment for each of the province's eight economic regions with particular attention to the Métis population. Related material: 2016-2017 Report. 2019 Report.
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The Economic Status of Alaska Native Women

Alternate Title
Report on the Economic Status of Alaska Native Women
Documents & Presentations
Cheryl Thomas
Compares the economic well being of Alaskan Native American women to that of other women in the state and nation.
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The Economic Status of Australian Aborigines

Book Reviews
Frank Stevens
Aboriginal History, vol. 4, no. 2, 1980, pp. 220-221
Book review of: The Economic Status of Australian Aborigines by Jon C. Altman and John Nieuwenhuysen. To access review, scroll down to page 220.
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Articles » General
Donnaleen Campbell
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 19, no. 4, July/August 1995, p. 2
Discusses the Islander Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker Forum Consultancy and upcoming issue.
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Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Aileen Moreton-Robinson
Maggie Walter
International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2009, p. 1
Editorial introducing special themed edition of, International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies focusing on Indigenous people's connection to the economy in Australia.
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Editorial: [Indigenous Affairs: Indigenous Youth]

Articles » General
Kathrin Wessendorf
Alejandro Parellada
Indigenous Affairs, no. 3-4, Indigenous Youth, 2005, pp. 4-5
Introduction to journal articles raising awareness about Indigenous youth. To access this article, scroll to page 4.
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Editors' Introduction: Lessons From Research [Volume 7, Number 1]

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Warren Weir
Wanda Wuttunee
Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 7, no. 1, Fall , 2010, pp. 27-28
Introduction to articles relating to Aboriginal wineries in New Zealand and Canada, Indigenous labour mobility, First Nation social economy and the gaming industry.
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Education and Lifetime Income for Aboriginal People in Saskatchewan

Alternate Title
Setting the Agenda for Change ; vol. 1
Aboriginal Policy Research ; vol. 1
Aboriginal Policy Research Conference ; 1st, 2002
E-Books » Chapters
Eric Howe
vol. 1

Calculates the average lifetime earnings of Aboriginal males and females contingent on whether or not they earn a high school diploma, attend technical school, or attend university.

Chapter nine from Setting the Agenda for Change, vol. 1, which is also vol. 1 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series.Originally presented at the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2002.

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