Displaying 3101 - 3150 of 3517

Seeking “Mamatowisowin” to Create an Engaging Social

Policy Class for Aboriginal Students

Alternate Title
Seeking “Mamatowisowin” to Create an Engaging Social Policy Class for Aboriginal Students: From Student to Teacher; Entering the Social Policy Domain
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Erika Faith
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 3, no. 4, 2007, pp. 22-29
Relates a personal and professional journey, by the author, about developing a social policy social work course at the First Nations University of Canada.
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Selected Documents from the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs on the Meech Lake Accord

Alternate Title
[Document Eight]: Letter from Phil Fontaine to the People of Quebec, 14 June 1990
[Document Eleven]: Speech by Elijah Harper, 21 June 1990
[Document Five]: Letter from Chief of Manitoba First Nation to Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba
[Document Four]: Resolution of Defeat the Meech Lake Accords, 12 June 1990
[Document Nine]: Letter from the Prime Minister to Phil Fontaine
[Document One]: Analysis of Potential Impact of the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord on the Rights of Aboriginal People, June 1987
[Document Seven]: Statement by Phil Fontaine Provincial Leader - Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, 15 June 1990
[Document Six]: Letter From Member of Manitoba First Nation to Clerk of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba
[Document Ten]: Comments on the Letter From the Prime Minister
[Document Three]: Meech Lake Constitutional Strategy - Follow-up Actions
[Document Twelve]: Speech by Philip Fontaine, 21 June 1990
[Document Two]: A Declaration of the First Nations
Archival » Archival Items
Donna Greschner
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
Philip Fontaine
Brian Mulroney
Elijah Harper
Native Studies Review, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 119-152

Introduction and documents that trace the three year campaign by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs against the Meech Lake Accord.

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Self-Government and the Inalienability of Aboriginal Title

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kent McNeil
McGill Law Journal , vol. 47, 2002, pp. 473-510
Historically Aboriginal title has been justified by the need to protect Aboriginal peoples from European settlers, but inherent paternalism has undermined Aboriginal title today.
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Serious Effort Required to Tackle Child Poverty

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
Star-Phoenix, December A13, 2009, p. A13
Contends that higher population growth, less funding to agencies and lack of employment contribute to poverty among Aboriginal people.
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Setting the Table For Food Security: Policy Impacts in Nunavut

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Heather Myers
Gerard Duhaime
Stephanie Powell
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 24, no. 2, 2004, pp. 425-445
Reviews the availability, accessibility, acceptability, and adequacy of food security including law and policy, which impede food production and acquisition, and provides recommendations for achieving food security.
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Settler Colonialism, Indigenous Peoples and Food: Federal Indian Policies and Nutrition Programs in the Canadian North Since 1945

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kristin Burnett
Travis Hay
Lori Chambers
Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, vol. 17, no. 2, Summer, 2016, p. [?]
Looks at how imposition of programs such as Family Allowance, Foodmail, and Nutrition North Canada, in conjunction with criminalization of hunting and harvesting have created food insecurity.
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Settler-State Apologies to Indigenous Peoples: A Normative Framework and Comparative Assessment

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sheryl Lightfoot
NAIS: Journal of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, vol. 2, no. 1, Spring, 2015, pp. 15-39
Supports apology for wrongs of the past and/or present and a credible commitment by the state for changes in future policy behavior. Article located by scrolling down page.
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Shaping Inuit Policy: The Minutes of the Eskimo Affairs Committee, 1952-62

Alternate Title
Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security ; no. 13
Documents & Presentations
Eskimo Affairs Committee
Committee was formed in an effort to deal with public policy issues in the Northwest Territories with a particular focus on economic problems created by altering the Inuit's traditional lifestyle and the subsequent dependency on social transfer payments.
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Sharing Canada's Prosperity - A Hand Up, Not A Handout: Final Report: Special Study on the Involvement of Aboriginal Communities and Businesses in Economic Development Activities in Canada

Alternate Title
Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples
Documents & Presentations
Gerry St. Germain
Nick G. Sibbeston
Larry W. Campbell
Lillian Eva Dyck
Leonard Gustafson ... [et al.]
Discusses aspects of economic development in Canada as they relate to Aboriginal communities, including barriers to success, factors that contribute to success and a need for new approaches.
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[Shellbrook] Agency Outgoing Correspondence Ledger

Documents & Presentations
A ledger containing a detailed calendar of outgoing correspondence from the [Shellbrook] Agency. Correspondence subjects include medical and school admissions, building and housing construction, and grocery, stationery and agricultural purchases. This ledger contains information relating to private and legal matters of individuals, therefore there are no pages available for viewing.

Historical note:

Harold Nelson Woodsworth served as an Indian Agent at a number of agencies in Saskatchewan.
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Situation Report: Indian & Inuit Affairs 1982

Documents & Presentations
D. Snedden Management
Synthesis of assessments by managers throughout Department of Indian and Northern Affairs of operating environment. Outlines main issues and constraints which had affected operational planning process. Includes statistics from Indian Conditions: A Survey published in 1980.
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