Displaying 951 - 1000 of 3517

Final Report on Aboriginal Health Blueprint Engagement Process

Documents & Presentations
Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy
Sums up the priorities identified, by meeting participants, for inclusion in the Aboriginal Health Blueprint. The article also discusses concerns, potential solutions, and recommendations to improve the health status of all Aboriginal peoples.
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[Final Report on the National Gathering on Aboriginal Artistic Expression]

Documents & Presentations
Gerald McMaster
Lucie Idlout
Alanis Obomsawin
Alex Janvier
Florent Vollant
Tom Hill
Carol Geddes ...
Suzanne Rochon Burnett ... [et al.]
Summary report of the 2002 conference held under the auspices of Canadian Heritage "to raise awareness amongst key decision makers about Aboriginal artistic expression and lay the ground work for institutional change."
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The Final Word: After the Residential School Apology: Why All Canadians Should Care about a Racial Equality Case Before the Canadian Human Rights Commission

Alternate Title
The Last Word: After the Residential School Apology: Why All Canadians Should Care about a Racial Equality Case Before the Canadian Human Rights Commission
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cindy Blackstock
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 4, no. 1, 2009, p. 89
Looks at the insufficient government funding for statutory child welfare services.
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Financing Aboriginal Justice Systems

Alternate Title
Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice
E-Books » Chapters
John H. Hylton
pp. 150-170
Article discusses past governmental approaches, and cost-benefit considerations in implementing self-government versus social and economic costs of not moving ahead and doing things differently. Chapter from Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice compiled by Richard Gosse, James Youngblood Henderson, and Roger Carter.
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First Nations Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Men's Health Researcher Gathering, Alice Springs, 2008

Articles » General
Alex Brown
Jack Bulman
Brian McCoy
Kevin Rowley
Daniel Mulholland ... [et al.]
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 32, no. 5, September/October 2008, pp. 25-26
Workshop aim was to create a sustainable approach to capacity development and research priority for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men.
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First Nations Action Plan for Non-Insured Health Benefits

Documents & Presentations
Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
Results of an independent assessment which analyzed expenditure and utilization trends for the time period 2000/01 to 2003/04. Studied impact of cost drivers and examined policy, service delivery and other administrative issues by conducting informant interviews.
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First Nations Agriculture in Saskatchewan

Alternate Title
Agriculture: The Heart of Saskatchewan’s Past, Present, and Future
Documents & Presentations
Agriculture in the Classroom
Topics include the medicine wheel, talking circle protocol, foods from the land, and agriculture on reserves and government policies.
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First Nations and Aboriginal Rights

Articles » General
Andrew Bear Robe
Constitutional Forum, vol. 2, no. 2, 1991, pp. 46-49
Discusses Federal land claim policy and Indian title.
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First Nations as Diverse as Europe or Africa

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, August 2, 1996, p. A5
Gives an example where the Ontario Provincial Police revealed that they had sent observers out to British Columbia to gain information on the crisis at Gustafsen Lake that they felt they could use for the occupation at the Ipperwash Provincial Park, under the assumption that these events, and people, were similar.
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First Nations Child and Family Caring Society Appeal

Alternate Title
Between: First Nations Child and Family Caring Society (Applicant) and Attorney General of Canada, Assembly of First Nation, Canadian Human Rights Commission, Chiefs of Ontario and Amnesty International (Respondents) Notice of Application
Documents & Presentations
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society
Court document outlines reasons for an appeal launched in the wake of the ruling by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal regarding the level of services provided to First Nations children in foster care.
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First Nations Communities and Tobacco Taxation: A Commentary

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Hasina Samji
Dennis Wardman
American Indian and Alaska Mental Health Research, vol. 16, no. 2, 2009, pp. 1-10
Presents a commentary on the implementation of a tobacco tax within an First Nation community.
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First Nations Funding Woes Will Be Exacerbated

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
Star-Phoenix, September 18, 2009, p. A13
Contends that First Nations funding falls short, and with the recession, and growing deficit there will be further cuts to programs that are already underfunded.
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First Nations Gambling Policy in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robin Kelley
Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 2, no. 2, Special Issue on Gaming, Winter, 2002, pp. 41-55
Discusses policies affecting on-reserve gambling opportunities, and issues emerging with industry expansion.
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First Nations' Health Care "Inferior," Hears Federal Committee

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 188, no. 9, June 14, 2016, pp. E165-E166
Family physician from Sioux Lookout, Ontario testifies before the House of Common's Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development in April 2016.
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First Nations Heritage Planning Toolkit

Alternate Title
Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs: First Nations Heritage Planning Toolkit
Documents & Presentations
Joint Working group on first nations heritage Conservation (JWG)
Document designed to assist First Nations communities in developing their own heritage conservation plan.
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First Nations Leadership Development

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Leadership and Management
Documents & Presentations
Jacqueline Ottmann
Study provides insight into the frustrations, joys, values and beliefs of First Nations people through the reflections of their leaders.
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First Nations Market Housing Fund Evaluation of the Broader Policy Implications for Housing On-Reserve: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Performance Measurement
and Review Branch
Audit and Evaluation Sector
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
Study found market-driven initiatives were required, but no evidence of need for fund dedicated to credit enhancement, or that fund had increased home ownership and reduced reliance on federal assistance for social housing.
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