Displaying 901 - 950 of 3517

[Expressions In Canadian Native Studies]

Book Reviews
Joseph (Jay) H. Stauss
Native Studies Review, vol. 14, no. 2, 2001, pp. 149-151
Book review of: Expressions In Canadian Native Studies edited by Ron F. Laliberte, Priscilla Settee, James B. Waldram ... et al.
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The Facts on Claims: What is the Indian Claims Commission?

Indian Claims Commission
Brief description of why the Indian Claims Commission was established and what it does. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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The Facts Respecting Indian Administration in the North-West

Department of Indian Affairs
Produced in reaction to Malcolm Colin Cameron's accusations of immorality and incompetency on the part of Indian Affairs officials. Large part of document is spent rebutting "misstatements" and "inaccuracies" about the quality and quantity of farm implements, clothing, and food. Also responds to allegations that Indian agents are purchasing or "living in adultery" with Indigenous women. Language and attitude indicative of Department's racism.
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Failing Canada's First Nations Children

Alternate Title
Media » Film and Video
Hannah James
Shawnda Mamakwa
Documentary about children being forced to leave their reserves in order to attend high school. Follows a student from Kingfisher Lake First Nation to Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Between 2000 and 2011 seven students from remote First Nations have been found dead in Thunder Bay. Duration: 33:11.
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Failures by Design: The On-Reserve First Nations’ Housing Crisis and its Roots in Canadian Evaluation Frameworks

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Shelagh McCartney
Jeffrey Herskovits
Lara Hintelmann
Canadian Journal of Native Studies , vol. 38, no. 2, 2018, pp. 101-124
Article examines the history of on-reserve housing evaluation, government policies and interventions and contrasts that framework with First Nations cultural understandings of housing and self-determination. Authors interrogate the assimilationist roots of policy that continues to implement Western housing models First Nations.
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Family Matters Report 2017: Measuring Trends to Turn the Tide on the Over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children in Out-of-Home Care in Australia

Documents & Presentations
Natalie Lewis
John Burton
Peter Lewis
Joanne Lau
Claire Stacey ... [et al.]
Looks at shortcomings of the current system, provides statistical data, and advocates for changes that will reduce the number of children in care. Follow-up to the 2016 report.
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Fanning the Flames: Racism in Government Recommendations for the Prevention of Deaths by Fire on First Nations Reserves

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lori Chambers
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 38, no. 2, 2018, pp. 25-42
Author argues that the federal government of Canada perpetuates systemic racism through official publications responding to fire deaths on reserve; accuses the government of playing a “blame game” to detract from the reality that a lack of funding is primarily responsible for the fire deaths.
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The Far North Act (2010) Consultative Process: A New Beginning or the Reinforcement of an Unacceptable Relationship in Northern Ontario, Canada?

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Holly L. Gardner
Stephen R. J. Tsuji
Daniel D. McCarthy
Graham S. Whitelaw
Leonard J. S. Tsuji
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, 2012, pp. 1-23
Explores the lack of consultation of Bill 191 beginning in 2009 and concludes that minimum standards and protocols are not being met and there has been little improvement in process.
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The Fatality of Bias

Alternate Title
Global Policy Review
Documents & Presentations
Edith Denny
Discusses how colonialism and systemic racism have produced women's negative experiences in the Canadian healthcare system and their poor health outcomes.
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Federal Court Tactics Abused the Abused

Articles » General
Windspeaker, vol. 22, no. 9, December 2004, p. 8

Contends that the federal government's residential school Alternative Dispute Resolution process is inadequate and problematic to First Nations survivors.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.8.

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Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development

Documents & Presentations
Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians
Discussion on economic development for Aboriginal Canadians and approaches needed to improve their economic conditions.
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Federal Indian Affairs Policy

Alternate Title
Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice
E-Books » Chapters
Gordon Shanks
pp. 102-106
Article from a 1993 Conference proceedings, discusses the federal position on self-government stating it recognizes the need for consultations with First Nations, and flexibility to accommodate diversity. Excerpt from Continuing Poundmaker & Riel's Quest: Presentations Made at a Conference on Aboriginal Peoples and Justice compiled by Richard Gosse, James Youngblood Henderson, Roger Carter.
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Federal Policies Fuel Spread of Swine Flu, Experts Say

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Paul Webster
Canadian Medical Association, vol. 181, no. 5, September 1, 2009, pp. 90-91
First Nations communities, public health officials and aboriginal health experts accuse the federal government of being unprepared for the H1N1 influenza in Nunavut and other remote First Nations communities causing the rapid spread of the pandemic.
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Federal Policies Fuel Spread of Swine Flu, Experts Say

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 181, no. 5, September 1, 2009, pp. E90-E91
Looks at the charge by public health officials and Aboriginal health experts that environmental conditions, insufficient federal funding, strategies and polices have increased the spread of the swine flu among remote First Nations communities.
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Federal-Provincial Welfare Services - Indian and Eskimo Welfare - Poundmaker

Documents & Presentations
Correspondence between the Poundmaker Reserve and the federal cabinet. Includes acknowledgment of receipt of a list of problems on the Poundmaker Reserve from 1963, the acknowledgment of receipt of a complaint against an Indian Agent in the area from 1962, and a request from John Tootoosis for copies of Hansard "dealing with questions on Indian Affairs and information on government plans that may affect Indians, particularly those in Saskatchewan."
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Feds Fail at Good Trustee Role

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
Star-Phoenix, February 20, 2009, p. A10
Comments on the failure of the Federal government to properly manage revenue trust funds for Aboriginal peoples.
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Fight Against Cataract Stepped Up in Central Australia

Articles » General
The Fred Hollows Foundation
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 31, no. 6, November/December 2007, p. 11
Presents information on the second phase of eye surgery blitz in Alice Springs, Australia aiming to reduce the waiting list of 350 people.
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A Final Promise

Book Reviews
Michael C. Coleman
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 1, Winter, January 1, 2002, pp. 157-160
Book review of: A Final Promise: The Campaign to Assimilate the Indians, 1880-1920 by Frederick E. Hoxie.
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