Sad List of Statistics is Reflection of Life

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
Leader Post, November 6, 2006, p. B1
States that a lack of education contributes to higher incarceration rates which in turn has a greater cost to society than adequate education programs.
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The Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act (Bill S-11): Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples: Council of Canadians Submission

Alternate Title
Council of Canadians Submission on Bill S-11 to Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples
Documents & Presentations
Council of Canadians
Critiques the Act and makes the following recommendations for revision: funding commitments and roles be stipulated, the right of communities to build and own and operate their own systems explicitly stated, liabilities and responsibilities for governments and private companies be outlined, and a clause on free, prior and informed consent be included.
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The Safe Futures Initiative at Chief Leschi Schools: A School-Based Tribal Response to Alcohol-Drug Abuse, Violence-Gang Violence, and Crime on an Urban Reservation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
George M. Guilmet
David L. Whited
Norm Dorpat
Cherlyn Pijanowski
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 22, no. 4, 1998, pp. 407-440
Looks at the Chief Leschi Schools system on the Puyallup Reservation, in Washington, with a focus on urban context and demographics.
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The Salt-Wind, Ka Makani Pa‘akai

Book Reviews
Craig Santos Perez
Studies in American Indian Literatures, vol. 22, no. 3, Fall, 2010, pp. 84-92
Book review of: The Salt-Wind, Ka Makani Pa‘akai by Brandy Nalani McDougall. Entire issue on one pdf. To access review, scroll to page 84.
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Sam Gill's Mother Earth: Colonialism, Genocide and the Expropriation of Indigenous Spiritual Tradition in Contemporary Academia

Alternate Title
Commentary and Debate: Sam Gill's Mother Earth: Colonialism, Genocide and the Expropriation of Indigenous Spiritual Tradition in Contemporary Academia
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ward Churchill
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, 1988, pp. 49-67
Commentary states that there is a growing tendency to distort and misrepresent Native American spiritualism in academic and commercial circles.
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Sask. Metis Society Dominate New Council

Alternate Title
Saskatchewan Metis Society Dominate New Council
Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 3, no. 9, October 1973, p. 8
Saskatchewan's first Northern Municipal Council election, and the controversy regarding jurisdictional concerns voiced by the Executive of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians (FSIN).
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Saskatchewan First Nations Health Status Report, 2018

Documents & Presentations
[Health Surveillance and Assessment Unit
First Nations Inuit Health Branch]
Indigenous Services Canada
Statistics on demographics, opioid overdose, immunization, communicable disease, social determinants of health, and diabetes,
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Saskatchewan First Nations Suicide Prevention Strategy

Documents & Presentations
[Mental Health Technical Working Group]
Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN)
Presents statistics, identifies data gaps, discusses reasons for suicidal behaviour and protective factors, looks at approaches taken in Quebec, Nunavut and by the White Mountain Apache tribe, summarizes 75 Action Items organized around nine commitments and reports results from community engagement sessions.
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Saskatchewan's HIV Strategy 2010- 2014

Documents & Presentations
Saskatchewan Ministry of Health
Discusses government strategy which hopes to reduce the number of new infections; improve quality of life in infected individuals and reduce risk factors for acquisition of HIV infection.
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Saskatchewan's Public Opinion on Reconciliation: Results from a 2019 Provincial Survey

Documents & Presentations
Office of the Treaty Commissioner (OTC)
Sample consisted of 3,018 people. Questions were asked about shared understanding of history, authentic relationships, cultures and worldviews, and political, economic, and social systems. Related material: 2019 General Population Survey: Results from a Saskatchewan-based Survey on Attitudes toward Reconciliation (Technical Report).
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Saskatoon Urban Aboriginal Documentary Photography Project

Kirsten Anderson
Brief overview of the Project including nine pictures. Produced for the Community-University Research Alliances (CURA) Project. Forms part of The Bridges and Foundations Project on Urban Aboriginal Housing site.
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Saving Our Identity: An Uphill Battle for the Tuva of China

Articles » General
Yuxin Hou
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 4, The Future We Want: Indigenous Women of the World Unite, December 2013, p. [?]
Comments on the ethnic history of the Tuvan people, and on the changing social, economic and geopolitical conditions they are facing.
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Saving the Native Children

Alternate Title
CBC-TV News in Review
Articles » General
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
CBC News in Review, February 2003, pp. 45-57
Classroom lesson plan to accompany segment on DVD News in Review: February 2003.
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SCAN (Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect)

Articles » General
Dianne Stafford
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, September 1986, pp. 23-24
Describes role of the SCAN committee which creates locally-based solutions to situations in remote Australian communities.
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Search for Healing

Media » Film and Video
In the video produced in 1992, residential school survivors relate their experiences; includes archival photographs and footage that reflect the attitude of the Anglican Church during that era. Duration: 23:58.
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Searching for Solutions to the North's Quiet Epidemic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Natalie Dunleavy
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 177, no. 12, December 4, 2007, p. 1488
Argues that suicide has become a leading cause of death among youth in the Northwest Territories, and is now twice the national average.
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The Second Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Survival Conference

Articles » General
Donnaleen Campbell
Rose Ellis
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 21, no. 6, November/December 1997, pp. 15-20
Conference highlighted the challenges related to removal of Indigenous children and introduction of new laws intended to protect children in Australia.
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Second Thoughts about Residential Schools

Articles » General
Ken Coates
Dorchester Review, vol. 4, no. 2, Autumn/Winter, 2014, pp. 25-29
Argues that it might be time refocus attention away from residential schools, and incorporate three elements into conversations between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people: roots of marginalization (including residential schools), contemporary social, economic and cultural challenges, and significant examples of success.
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Section 4 Review: In Regard to the Death of Gage Guimond

Alternate Title
The CFSA Section 4 Report into the Death of Gage Guimond, July 21, 2005-July 22, 2007.
Warrior For Change ... Gage Guimond
Documents & Presentations
[Andrew Koster
Alice McEwen Morris
Tara Petti
Robert Allec
Sylvia McKay ... et al.]
Outlines the legislative framework for provision of First Nations child and family services in Manitoba, assesses the actions and procedures of Sagkeeng Child and Family Services, and examines the circumstances surrounding toddler's death, which took place while in the care of his great aunt. Public release version.
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Security in Canada’s North: Looking Beyond Arctic Sovereignty

Alternate Title
Report (Conference Board of Canada) ; November 2010
[Conference Board of Canada Publication ; 11-120]
Documents & Presentations
Bjorn Rutten
Examines security challenges of Arctic including consequences of climate change, natural and man-made disasters, sovereignty-related issues, and sustainability and resiliency of communities.
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Seeking Mino-pimatasiwin (the Good Life): An Aboriginal Approach to Social Work Practice

Articles » General
Michael Anthony Hart
Native Social Work Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, Incorporating Traditional Values in Social Work, April 1999, pp. 91-112
Discusses the need for a greater understanding and respect of Aboriginal practices that can inform, enrich, and enhance social work practice with concepts including wholeness, balance, relationships, harmony, growth and healing.
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Selected Crime and Justice Issues for Indigenous Families

Articles » General
Mick Dodson
Boyd Hunter
Family Matters, no. 75, Spring-Summer, 2006, pp. 34-41
Article takes a more detailed analysis of the issue by employing comprehensive social surveys such as the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Survey (NATSIS).
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Self-Determination: A Personal Journey

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kathleen Makela
Canadian Dimension, vol. 32, no. 3, May 1998, p. 29
Briefly discusses the necessity of decolonization within the context of human rights and fundamental freedoms of Aboriginal peoples.
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Self-Development in Order to Improve Community Development: An Evaluation of a Personal Empowerment Pilot Initiative in Far North Queensland Indigenous Communities

Articles » General
Estelle Con Goo
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 27, no. 3, May/June 2003, pp. 11-16
Discusses a method for transfer of skills and knowledge through the Family Wellbeing empowerment program. Issue of control is a key factor in disease rates among Australian Aboriginal peoples.
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Self-Help: One Way to Health

Articles » General
Madeleine Smith
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 7, no. 2, June 1983, pp. 46-47
Commentary on how often an individual is the best person to improving one's health.
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