Displaying 1151 - 1200 of 4083

Coming Day Interview #3

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
D.G. (Dr.) Mandelbaum
Coming Day
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview where he discusses wife exchange and arranged marriages.
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Commentary: Knowledge Mobilization in the Real World - Seeking Wisdom

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jean Lafrance
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 4, no. 1, 2009, pp. 80-88
Discusses the need to address underlying causes of child welfare cases and physical neglect such as poverty, alcohol or substance abuse, emotional disorders and inadequate social support systems.
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Common Mental Disorders Among Patients in Primary Health Care in Greenland

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Inge Lynge
Povl Munk-Jørgensen
Amalia Lynge Pedersen
Gert Mulvad
Peter Bjerregaard
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 63, Supplement 2, 2004, pp. 377-383
Study findings suggest greater attention by health care providers to treatment priorities and an increased social and educational focus.
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La communauté comme sujet et objet du droit: implications

pour les Métis du Canada = The Law of the Community and Community Rights: Implications for the Métis in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Natacha Gagné
Claudie Larcher
Sébastien Grammond
Aboriginal Policy Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, 2017, pp. 142-163
Based on analysis of transcripts of Hirsekorn case in which judges had to render a decision on the Métis identity of the accused and his membership in a rights-holding Métis community.
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Community-Based Participatory Research With Aboriginal Children and Their Communities: Research Principles, Practice and the Social Determinants of Health

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lola Baydala
Lia Ruttan
Jill Starkes
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 10, no. 2, Special Edition: 10th Anniversary of the Reconciliation: Touchstones of Hope For Indigenous Children, 2015, pp. [82]-94
Comments on areas for improvement in Canada's performance on Aboriginal child health and wellness focusing on CBPR as a meaningful and equitable research methodology.
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Community-Engaged and Culturally Relevant Research to Develop Behavioral Health Interventions with American Indians and Alaska Natives

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Catherine E. McKinley
Charles R. Figley
Sarah M. Woodward
Jessica L. Liddell
Shanondora Billiot... [et al.]
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, vol. 26, no. 3, 2019, pp. 79-103
Article describes a culturally appropriate program development model used with communities in the Southeastern United States. Author illustrate the research and design methodology by describing the development of a resilience-based family-centered substance-abuse and violence prevention program.
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Community Statistics Nunavut 2016

Alternate Title
Technical Report (Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health)
Documents & Presentations
Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Department of Health, Government of Nunavut
Variables included in report are population, health and vital statistics, income, family structure, education, housing and criminal justice.
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A Community Taking Control of Family Violence

Articles » General
Ian Gentle
Judy Taylor
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 26, no. 5, September/October 2002, pp. 4-6
Reports on creation of the South Australian Centre for Rural and Remote Health (SACRRH) to study the problem from an Aboriginal perspective.
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A Companion to American Indian History

Alternate Title
Blackwell Companions to American History ; 4
Philip J. Deloria
John E. Kicza
Gregory Evans Dowd
Russell Thornton
Clara Sue Kidwell ... [et al.]
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Comparison of Rural Kindergarten Report Card Grades

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Billie J. Thomas
Journal of American Indian Education , vol. 26, no. 2, January 1987, pp. [7-17]
Findings indicate grade differences in different socio-economic groups and various family compositions.
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Complementary Power: Men and Women of the Lenni Lenape

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Margaret M. Caffrey
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 24, no. 1, Winter, 2000, pp. 44-63
Author uses the writings of early Euro-American explorers and anthropologists to describe the gender roles of male and female Lenni Lenape people; covers household/familial duties, lineage tracing, ceremony, social/political agency. Discussion queer individuals is not present.
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Complementary Research on Traditional and Customary Child Care Practices/Adoption within Aboriginal Communities in Quebec: Presented to Working Group on Customary Adoption in Aboriginal Communities, Justice Québec

Documents & Presentations
Québec Native Women Inc.
Results of qualitative survey conducted in response to amendments to the Youth Protection Act which gives courts the power to issue permanent placement orders outside of the immediate family.
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Completing the Circle

Alternate Title
Digital Stories of Caregiving from Kahnawake
Web Sites » Organizations
[University of Ottawa
Canadian Partnership for Cancer
Kateri Memorial Hospital
First Nations University
Centre for Research on Aging & Health
Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada
Chiefs of Ontario]
Contains links to a series of 24 videos in which Elders, family members and health professions discuss death and end of life care from an Indigenous perspective.
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A Complex Ecological Framework of Aboriginal Family Resilience

Alternate Title
[First Nations, First Thoughts Conference]
Documents & Presentations
Patti LaBoucane-Benson
Discusses the need to develop strategies for assisting communities move forward by understanding both the traditional and contemporary family dynamic.
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A Complex Path to Haudenosaunee Degree Completion

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Stephanie J. Waterman
Journal of American Indian Education, vol. 46, no. 1, 2007, pp. 20-40
Comments on the tools and type of support twelve college graduates required for academic success.
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Complex Poverty and Home-Grown Solutions in Two Prairie Cities

Alternate Title
Passion for Action in Child and Family Services: Voices From the Prairies
E-Books » Chapters
Jim Silver
Looks at ways to move towards the goal of eliminating spatially concentrated racialized poverty in Prairie cities. Chapter 11 from Passion for Action in Child and Family Services: Voices From the Prairies edited by S. McKay, D. Fuchs, I. Brown.
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Conducting Rigorous Research with Subgroups of At-risk Youth: Lessons Learned from a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Project in Alaska

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kathryn Hohman-Billmeier
Margaret Nye
Stephanie Martin
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 75, Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion in the Circumpolar North, 2016, p. article no. 31776
Case study follow-up to randomized control trial to better understand outcome and implementation results.
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Confronting Australian Genocide

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Colin Tatz
Aboriginal History, vol. 25, Special Section: Genocide?: Australian Aboriginal History in International Perspective, 2001, pp. [16]-36
Comments on genocide denialists and their reasonings.
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Confronting HIV and AIDS: A Personal Account

Alternate Title
Confronting HIV and AIDS: A Personal Account of Spiritual Awakening
Articles » General
Rene Boucher
Joyce Timpson
Native Social Work Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, HIV/AIDS: Issues within Aboriginal Populations, September 2000, pp. 39-53
Personal story of one of the authors who is living with AIDS and the spiritual growth that ensued.
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Connectedness and Health for First Nation Adoptees

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jeannine Carriere
Paediatrics & Child Health, vol. 10, no. 9, Our Children and Youth are Sacred, November 2005, pp. 545-548
Looks at major findings from study exploring the link between connectedness to family and community, ancestral knowledge, and health and adoption.
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Connecting to Build Trust

Documents & Presentations
Gabriela Boskovic
Discusses therapeutic relationship building using the Reality Therapy/Choice Theory at Ganohkwásra Family Assault Support Services.
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A Consultation Journey: Developing a Kaupapa Māori Research Methodology to Explore Māori Whānau Experiences of Harm and Loss Around Birth

Alternate Title
A Consultation Journey: Developing a Kaupapa Maori Research Methodology to Explore Maori Whanau Experiences of Harm and Loss Around Birth
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kendall Stevenson
AlterNative, vol. 14, no. 1, March 2018, pp. 54-62
Methodology designed to keep participants safe involved five components: whānau (family), wāhi haumaru (providing a safe space), whakaaro (engaging in Māori philosophies), kaitiaki (being empathetic), and hononga (building and maintaining relationships).
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Contemporary Practice of Traditional Aboriginal Child Rearing: A Review

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nicole Muir
Yvonne Bohr
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 9, no. 1, Aboriginal Child and Youth Mental, Spiritual and Cultural Health, 2014, pp. 66-79
Looks at Aboriginal child rearing practices to determine if traditional ways are still in use and if so, how these practices differ from mainstream child rearing.
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