The Goal of Indian Assimilation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Willard W. Beatty
The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, vol. 12, no. 3, August 1946, pp. 395-404
Looks at the historical relationship between native Americans and white people in the United States, and discusses goals to "educate", "civilize", and "Christianize" native people in the early colonial days.
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God in Indian Country: Traditional and Contemporary Approaches to the Holy

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the Western Social Science Association, American Indian Studies Section, 2OO7
Articles » General
Thomas J. Hoffman
Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 18, no. 2, Summer, 2007
Looks at religion in tribal societies and the views of the American Indians on the conceptions of God and the holy.
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Going Home

Alternate Title
Stories From Our Land 1.5
Media » Film and Video
Bjorn Simonsen
Short film presents taxi driver incident in Iqaluit. Duration: 5:04.
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Going Native

Book Reviews
Dorothy Kennedy
BC Studies, no. 134, Summer, 2002, pp. 97-98
Book review of: Going Native by Tom Harmer. To acces this review, scroll to page 97.
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“Going Native”: Indigenizing Ethnographic Research

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Aubrey Jean Hanson
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 38, no. 2, 2018, pp. 83-99
Article pulls together several elements that when implemented together into ethnographic research create a process of Indigenization. These elements include: respecting distinct cultures and nations, rooting methods in culture, understanding the importance of story, language, place, and relationality, committing to an ethic of reciprocity.
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Gold on Haida Gwaii: The First Prospects, 1849-53

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert Galois
BC Studies, no. 196, Perspectives on the Gold Rush, Winter, 2017/2018, pp. 15-42
Looks at the role played by the First Nation in the discovery of gold and their interactions with those who came to exploit the resource.
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"Good Indian": Charles Eastman and the Warrior as Civil Servant

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Drew Lopenzina
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 27, no. 3/4, Urban American Indian Womens Activism, Summer/Fall, 2003, pp. 727-757
Biographical sketch of a Native American who advocated full immersion into white European culture.
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Goodbye, Columbus: Take Two

Alternate Title
A Broken Flute: The Native Experience in Books for Children
E-Books » Chapters
Jean Paine Mendoza

Compares the treatment of the "discovery" of North America in two children's books: Encounter by Jane Yolen and A Coyote Columbus Story by Thomas King.

Excerpt from A Broken Flute: The Native Experience in Books for Children edited by Doris Seale and Beverly Slapin.

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Gooniyandi Stories of Early Contact with Whites

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jack Bohemia
Bigfoot Jagarra
William McGregor
Fossil Pluto
Aboriginal History, vol. 17, 1993, pp. 39-72
Presents three texts with interlinear translations and discusses the themes of each.
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Gothic Silence: S. Alice Callahan's Wynema, the Battle of the Little Bighorn, and the Indigenous Unspeakable

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Amy Gore
Studies in American Indian Literatures, vol. 30, no. 1, Spring, 2018, pp. 24-49
Considers the possibility of a gothic aesthetic or genre specific to Aboriginal and Native American writings by examining the latent content of texts for experiences of genocide and colonization, rather the manifest elements for monstrosity.
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Gov't Gets 'F' For Its Aboriginal Policies

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Doug Cuthand
Leader Post, November 27, 2006, p. B1
Argues that the Conservatives have scorned the Kelowna Accord, which was to be Paul Martin's legacy, and have instead chosen to tackle issues of privatization of Indian land and property rights for Aboriginal women on reserves.
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Gov't of Canada Apologize for 100 Years of Atrocities

Alternate Title
Government of Canada Apologize for 100 Years of Atrocities
Articles » General
Christine Fiddler
Windspeaker, vol. 26, no. 4, July 2008, p. 8

Comments offered by six Canadians from various demographics regarding Prime Minister's apology to Indian student residential survivors.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.8.

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The Governance and Fiscal Environment of First Nations’ Fiscal Intergovernmental Relations in Comparative Perspectives

Documents & Presentations
Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly
Examines the Canadian Aboriginal fiscal inter-governmental system by comparing it to other countries. Also focuses on the key characteristics of the Canadian system including the constitutional, legal and fiscal; revenues, functions and responsibilities; reporting arrangements; funding agreements; financial reporting; and Aboriginal and federal fiscal intergovernmental relations.
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Governance in Canada’s Northwest Territories: Emerging Institutions and Governance Issues

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the Third Northern Research Forum ; 2004
The Resilient North: Human Responses to Global Change
Documents & Presentations
Stephanie Irlbacher Fox
Outlines government institutions and key governance issues including land claims, self-government agreements, intergovernmental processes, wildlife and resource management, institutional governance, and economic development. Presentation from: Proceedings of the Third Northern Research Forum: The Resilient North: Human Responses to Global Change, Yellowknife, NWT, 2004.
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The Government of Alberta’s First Nations Consultation Policy on Land Management and Resource Development

Documents & Presentations
Government of Alberta
Policy outlines Alberta's approach to how it will meet its consultation responsibilities and Alberta's expectations of resource companies and First Nations in achieving the goal of increasing certainty for all parties with respect to land management and resource development activities.
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Government-to-Government Negotiations: How the Timbisha Shoshone Got its Land Back

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Steven Haberfeld
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 24, no. 4, 2000, pp. 127-165
Discussion of the 1933 removal of the Timbisha Shoshone from Death Valley and then the 1994 legal requirement of the Department of Interior to study the ancestral lands within and outside of Death Valley National Park with the purpose of identifying lands suitable for a reservation.
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Governor's Letter

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
George S. Mikelson
Wicazo Sa Review, vol. 4, no. 1, Spring, 1988, pp. 26-29
Letter from the Govenor of South Dakota to Bill Bradley addressing and outlining reasons why the Sioux Nations Black Hills Act should not be put forward and passed.
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Grade 7 Métis Cross-Curricular Teacher Guide

Documents & Presentations
Lisa Shepherd
Michele Schroder
Phil Gladue
Aboriginal Education Enhancement Branch
Created to assist teachers in delivering lessons that focus on the Métis people of British Columbia.
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Grade Eight Treaty Education Learning Resource

Documents & Presentations
[Saskatchewan Ministry of Education?]

Includes key questions, outcomes and indicators, "Exploring Treaty Impacts and Alternatives" inquiry questions about treaty relationships, spirit and intent, historical context, and treaty promises and provisions, teacher background information, and suggested resources.

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Grade Five Treaty Education Learning Resource

Documents & Presentations
[Saskatchewan Ministry of Education?]

Includes key questions, outcomes and indicators, "Assessing Journey in Honouring Treaties" inquiry questions about treaty relationships, spirit and intent, historical context, and treaty promises and provisions, teacher background information, and suggested resources.

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Grade Four Treaty Education Learning Resource

Documents & Presentations
[Saskatchewan Ministry of Education?]

Includes key questions, outcomes and indicators, "Understanding How Treaty Promises Have Not Been Kept" inquiry questions about treaty relationships, spirit and intent, historical context, and treaty promises and provisions, teacher background information, and suggested resources.

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