Displaying 1001 - 1050 of 1338

Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Ed Isaac, Closing Ceremony and Travel Song

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Ed Isaac. Isaac, a Potawatomi man from Walpole Island First Nation, discusses jurisdictional, policing, international border, hunting, and fishing issues at Walpole Island. Following Isaac's presentation the assembled Commissioners discuss some of the issues raised with him. After this the Commissioners make some closing remarks, followed by a closing ceremony and travel song which ends the day's sitting of the Royal Commission.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Eileen Koe

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Eileen Koe
File contains a presentation by Eileen Koe. Koe is a civil servant and proclaims herself to be both a Gwich'in, and a proud Canadian. Koe discusses her views on social issues and housing in the community. She discusses residential schools and the loss of the Gwich'in language, and the detrimental effect this has had on her people. Koe discusses alcoholism, housing programs, trapping, and the need for better job training programs.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Elizabeth Penashue (Via Translator)

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Elizabeth Penashue, Innu spokesperson and elder, expressing concern with low-level flying by Canadian Forces jets, hunting restrictions, and social problems among the Innu people. She appeals to the Commission to help end the low-level flying that disrupts the hunting and trapping that is essential for Innu survival.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Eric Johnston, Lenore Keeshig-Tobias and David McLaren, Saugeen Ojibway First Nation

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
This file contains a presentation by Eric Johnston, Lenore Keeshig-Tobias and David McLaren relating to overcoming roadblocks such as racism in the fight for Aboriginal self-government. The presentation focuses on hunting and fishing rights, with the Saugeen Ojibway recently being recognized as having the right to fish for trade and commerce. A question-and-answer session with the Commissioners follows the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by George Behn, Grand Chief

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Returning Men to Honour: A Guidebook for Developing Intervention and Education Programs for Men Who Batter in Native Communities
Documents & Presentations
George Behn
File contains a presentation by Grand Chief George Behn, Fort Nelson First Nation. Behn relays the history of his people from the time they signed Treaty 8 until the present. Behn discusses problems with the government and resource companies, and the settlement which his First Nation made for oil royalty revenue. Following the presentation Commissioner Erasmus discusses resource use and pollution issues with Behn.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by George Saddleman

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by George Saddleman. Saddleman welcomes the Commission on behalf of the Nicola Valley Tribal Council, then proceeds to give an organizational breakdown of the organization and discuss its institutional history. Saddleman discusses issues facing the Tribal Council's members such as water rights, fishing and hunting rights, and land claims. Following the presentation Commissioners Dussault and Chartrand thank Saddleman for his presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Gerard Bertin and Roger Cormier, Village Council of Atholville, New Brunswick

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Gerard Bertin
Roger Cormier
This file contains comments by Gerard Bertin and Roger Cormier stating that they wish to contribute to the later discussion relating to fishing and tourism. Auley Barclay, Village Council of Tide Head, New Brunswick, is introduced as the next speaker.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Greg Johnson

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Greg Johnson
File contains a presentation by Greg Johnson, a Micmac social worker from Hants County, Nova Scotia. Johnson discusses his hopes for the Commission, experiences growing up as an Aboriginal youth, relations with the Indian Agent and Department of Indian Affairs, his views on the Indian Act, sovereignty, governance, and prejudice.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Hamlet of St. George's Hill

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Gerald Desjarlais
Pat Desjarlais
Theresa Montgrand
File contains a presentation on behalf of the Hamlet of St. George's Hill by Mayor Gerald Desjarlais, Councillor Pat Desjarlais, and Councillor Theresa Montgrand. Mayor Desjarlais discusses how 70 percent of the hamlet's population are Bill C-31 people with the band from Dillon who Montgrand claims "don't support the Bill C-31s at all." Pat Desjarlais discusses the air bombing range in the area, and its effects on trapping and logging activities. Following the presentation the two Commissioners discuss some of the issues raised with the two Desjarlais, and Montgrand.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Indian Band Members of Faust Society

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by seven members of the Indian Band Members of Faust Society, an organization representing registered band-listed treaty Indian people who live off-reserve. The presenters discuss numerous topics including the Faust local model government, land claims, hunting and trapping, Improvement District 17 and housing. Following the presentation is a question-and-answer session with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Jane Vinet, Executive Director, Canadian Association for Humane Trapping

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a presentation by Jane Vinet that describes the Association as an animal welfare organization dedicated to improve humane trapping methods. Vinet offers a number of recommendations to the Commissioners, including coordinated partnerships to implement trap replacement and trapper education programs, and that Aboriginal trappers voluntarily adopt trapping regulations in accordance with the humane trapping regulations as a minimum standard. A question-and-answer session with the Commissioners follows the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Joannie McKinnon, Yukon Fish and Wildlife Association

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Joannie McKinnon, President of the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Association. McKinnon discusses her groups desire to take part in land claims talks and work co-operatively with First Nations on wildlife management issues. Following her presentation Erasmus asks her a question which she answers.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by John Edsu

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by John Edsu of Fort McPherson. Edsu discusses his views on the trapping industry in the area and his view of its great importance to people of the north. Edsu protests southerners coming in as transient labour and taking jobs that he feels northerners are qualified to do. He also discusses rival claims over land by trappers and large multinational resource companies. He requests recognition from the federal Government of the importance of the trapping industry to his people, and criticizes the anti-fur movement as destructive and naive.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by John Jamieson, PEI Fisherman's Association

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by John Jamieson of the PEI Fisherman's Association. Jamieson discusses the fishery in PEI and the Micmac's involvement. He focuses on the need for co-operation to conserve fish stocks, a plan to incorporate Micmac fishermen into the commerical fishery, and relations with the federal government. Following the presentation is a discussion between Jamieson and the Commissioners regarding fisheries in PEI.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by John Prince and Maurice Browning, Tl'azt'en Nation (Via Translator)

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
John Prince
Maurice Browning
File contains a presentation by John Prince and Maurice Browning speaking on behalf of the Elders of their community. The elders have seen 80-90 years of destruction of their hunting and trapping grounds and of the family unit.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Joy Thorkelson, United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Joy Thorkelson, United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union. Thorkelson, the Union's Northern Representative, delivers a presentation "from a Northern perspective of a fishing community that has a great deal of Native participation and certainly within our Union we have many First Nations people...Seventy-five to eighty per cent of our members." Thorkelson discusses a range of environmental, trade, and economic issues effecting the West Coast fishery, and its various communities.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Council, Chief Jean-Guy Whiteduck

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Chief Jean-Guy Whiteduck of the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Council. Whiteduck discusses a variety of issues concerns, foremost of which are land and land claims. Whiteduck also discusses hunting and fishing rights, past exploitation of resources, Bill C-31, education (including post-secondary) concerns, language loss and assimilation, health services, and justice issues (including courts, Native courts, and policing). Following the presentation Whiteduck discusses some of these issues with the assembled Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Larry Ussak

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Larry Ussak. He discusses his concerns with the way the government handles the polar bear population, specifically some of the techniques they use which he believes is contributing to the populations decline. Ussak also talks about job training, welfare, drop-out rates, suicide, the financial difficulties of life in the north, and related concerns. Following the presentation Commissioner Robinson discusses employment and training issues with Ussak and Paul Kaludjak.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Letsel'Ke

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Archie Catholique
Joe Boucher
Ellen Bielawsk
The file contains a presentation by Archie Catholique, Joe Boucher, and Ellen Bielawski of the Lutsel'Ke Dene Band. Catholique discusses concerns with a nearby hydro dam, flooding, and the loss of two experienced Elders through the ice due to it. Boucher, an Elder who speaks via a translator, discusses the impact of flooding at Nonacho Lake on gravesites, animal populations, and Dene life in general. Follwoing the presentation Commissioner Georges Erasmus makes some comments on the contents.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Lillian Sanderson

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Lillian Sanderson. Sanderson presents her views on the condition of Aboriginal people in the north. Throughout her presentation she critiques the actions of multinational companies and governments in their dealings with Aboriginal people. Specific points of grievance include resource exploitation with little benefit to the people of the area, unfair treatment from the justice system, trappers being abused by the forestry industry, and a lack of investment in community development and social spending.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Lorne Schollar, Northwest Territories Wildlife Federation

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Lorne Schollar, Northwest Territories Wildlife Federation. Schollar discusses wildlife management concerns with relation to Aboriginal subsistence harvesting, and access to resource concerns. Following the presentation the assembled Commissioners discuss some of these issues with Schollar.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Lucassie Nutaraluk, Chairman, Kalugiak, Via Translator

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Lucassie Nutaraluk, Chairman of Kalugiak, an elders group, via translator. He is concerned with quotas for hunting and fishing and does not want Inuit people jailed for breaking laws. Nutaraluk also expresses concern that many young people do not speak Inuktitut and fears the language may die out if schools do not teach native languages.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Metis Society Local, Armand Murray

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Armand Murray of the La Loche Local of the Metis Society of Saskatchewan. Murray discusses the need for recognition of Aboriginal rights on the part of government, land issues, a lack of capital in the community for utilizing resources, a conflict with the provincial government over Clearwater River park, fisheries issues, forestry issues, tourism and guiding, and related issues. Following the presentation Commissioner Dussault discusses some of the issues raised with Murray.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Neil Colin

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Neil Colin
File contains a presentation by Neil Colin. Colin complains about the ignorance of the north he has encountered in southern Canada, including from Conservative federal government officials who did not even know where Yellowknife was. He also discusses his concerns about pollution and its effects on the North which he has witnessed himself. Following the presentation Rene Dussault thanks him for it, and closes the days preceedings.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Neil Perley, Micmac Maliseet Development Corporation

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a presentation by Neil Perley focusing on restrictions placed upon Aboriginal businesses and entrepreneuers because of federal government policy. Perley states that First Nations governments and organizations must be given the authority to make decision and disperse funds which will benefit their communities and people. He also says that economic development should be viewed as the cure to the social problems which occur on every First Nations. A question-and-answer session with the Commissioners follows the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Patrick Polchies

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Patrick Polchies. Polchies is a member of the Kingsclear First Nation, and voices his views on a variety of topics including the inherent right to self-governance, the importance of Aboriginal inclusion in the Constitutional process, questions about accountability in Aboriginal governance, fishing rights, the Cultural Properties Act, and religious artifacts. Following the presentation is a brief discussion between Commissioners Rene Dussault, Mary Sillet, and the presenter followed by the end of the Commission's session for the day.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Pearl Calahasen, MLA, Lesser Slave Lake, Alberta

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Pearl Calahasen, MLA for the Lesser Slave Lake constituency in Alberta. She begins her presentation by acknowledging she is speaking as an Aboriginal person, not as MLA. She describes her personal experiences with racism when entering high school in a large city, with post-secondary educational institutions, and with her campaign to run for MLA. Calahasen discusses education, economic development, and fishing, hunting and trapping issues. Following the presentation is a question-and-answer session with the Commissioners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Phyllis Fisher, Canadian Friends Service Committee

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a presentation by Phyllis Fisher relating to the use of violence towards Canada's First Peoples, historical and present day. The Canadian Friends Service Committee, a Quakers committee, have previously assisted the Innu in Labrador, the Lubicon in Alberta and were present at the Oka Crisis. The presenters make numerous recommendations, including the establishment of an environmental process that will adequately protect the land, environment and wildlife; and that public policy and funding must give preference to renewable resource development over non-renewable resources.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Rev. Dr. Raymond Hodgson and Rev. Peter Hemel, Taskforce on Churches and Corporate Responsibility

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a presentation by Rev. Dr. Raymond Hodgson and Rev. Peter Hemel. Their organization is a national ecumenical coalition, one of 12 national coalitions of the major Christian churches in Canada. The Taskforce assists the members in implementing policies adopted by the churches in the areas of corporate, social and environmental responsibility. For example, the Taskforce worked with the Nisga'a relating to a mine built in Alice Arm, British Columbia.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Richard McKay

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File contains a presentation by Richard McKay, Traditional Resource User. McKay covers a wide variety of topics related to his life as a trapper and fisherman in northern Saskatchewan. McKay expresses frustration by the uneven application of vague resource laws towards Aboriginal peoples by the provincial government, and the unwillingness of the government to consult or make policy in colloboration with trappers. McKay also expresses his problems with the regulations regarding land use in the north, and how they seemingly benefit Americans and other outsiders more than the actual northerners.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Rick Krehbiel, Regional Director, Ministry of the Environment, Fort St. John, British Columbia

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Rick Krehbiel, Regional Director of the Ministry of Environment in Fort St. John. Krehbiel discusses a variety of issues from his perspective as an official of the British Columbia government, who previously worked for the Saskatchewan government in the north of that province.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Rita Corbiere

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation by Rita Corbiere. Corbiere, an Ojibwa Elder from the Wikwemikong Unceded Reserve, discusses the past of the Anishnabe people, economic and taxation issues, the state of the British Empire and Monarchy, the Chartered Lands Act, fisheries, environmental issues, Ojibwa service in the War of 1812, the 1836 Treaty on Manitoulin Island, and the Chartered Lands Act.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Rivard Larouche, President and Jean-Benoit Gagnon, Head, Beaver Reserves Committee, Federation des trappeurs gestionnaires du Quebec

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a presentation by Rivard Larouche and Jean-Benoit Gagnon that first provides a history of the organization. The presentation focuses on the cultural, sociological and economic aspects of trapping activity in Quebec. Trapping is vital for survival for some trappers; it is also culturally significant with generations of trappers in families. A question-and-answer session with the Commissioners follows the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Rosaire Gendron, Mayor, Pointe a la Croix, Quebec

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Rosaire Gendron
This file contains a presentation in French by Rosaire Gendron relating to sport fishing as a tourist attraction in the Pointe a la Croix area, resulting in employment opportunities for area residents. Bruce Macintosh, Mayor, Campbellton, New Brunswick, is introduced as the next speaker.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Simeonie Weetaluktuk

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Simeonie Weetaluktuk
File contains a presentation by Simeonie Weetaluktuk. Simeonie is an elder who corroborates the preceding presenters take on history in the region. Specifically she discusses the lack of assistance available from the police, and the hardships her people faced. Weetaluktuk discusses relations with the Hudson's Bay Company, the introduction of the snowmobile, and housing concerns in the context of her communities history.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by the Concerned Fishermen, Robert Ross

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation by the Concerned Fishermen, Chairman Robert Ross. Chairman Ross discusses his Aboriginal fishermen's organizational viewpoint regarding the environment, conservation harvesting, marketing of their own fish, and tourism. Ross makes a variety of complaints regarding the fishing operations of the Freshwater Fish Corporation on Great Slave Lake, alleging serious environmental and labour abuses.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by the Grand Council of the Crees of Quebec

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Matthew Coon Come
Romeo Saganash
Billy Diamond
Bill Nemagoose
This file contains a presentation by Matthew Coon Come, Grand Chief of the Crees of James Bay; Romeo Saganash, Deputy Grand Chief; Chief Billy Diamond; and Bill Nemagoose, Executive Director, Grand Council of the Crees of Quebec. Their presentation focuses on the proposed James Bay Phase II, consisting of two hydroelectric projects: the Great Whale River project and the Nottaway-Broadback Rupert project. The damming, flooding and construction done during the first phase of the project in the 1970s destroyed Aboriginal fishing and hunting grounds and animal migration paths.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation by Woody Elias

Documents & Presentations
File contains a presentation by Woody Elias, of Fort McPherson. Elias discusses residential schools, government and the fur trade (accusing the government of collusion with the anti-fur lobby), oil companies, and unemployment. Following the presentation is a discussion between Elias and Commissioners Dussault, Snowshoe, and Blakeney.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation de' Medici North bay

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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples - Transcriptions of Public Hearings and Round Table Discussions
Documents & Presentations
Georgio Kooster
Gilles Graveline
File contains a presentation by Georgio Kooster and Gilles Graveline of de'Medici North Bay Inc.; a joint venture between Nipissing Indian Band Holdings & Investments Limited and de'Medici & Co. Inc.; a Canadian holding company owned by de'Medici & Co. SPA, fur dressers and dyers of Milan, Italy. Kooster discusses how the venture came about, its organizational history, and its economic activities. Following the presentation Commissioners Wilson and Sillett discuss the partnership and issues raised with Kooster and Graveline.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation for the British Columbia Fisheries Survival Coalition by Bob McKamey and Phil Eidsvik

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of a part of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Vancouver, British Columbia. This part includes a presentation for the Lower Fraser Valley Fishing Authority by Ernie Crey and Ken Mallory concerning issues pertaining to the economic independence for the Aboriginal fishing industry in the British Columbia. Questions from the assembled Commissioners follow the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation for the Lower Fraser Valley Fishing Authority by Ernie Crey and Ken Mallory

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of a part of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Vancouver, British Columbia. This part includes a presentation for the Lower Fraser Valley Fishing Authority by Ernie Crey and Ken Mallory concerning achievement of economic independence for the Aboriginal fishing industry in the British Columbia. Questions from the assembled Commissioners follow the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation for the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia and the Native Fishing Association by Art Jackson, Alvin Dickson and Simon Lucas

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of a part of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Vancouver, British Columbia. This part includes a presentation for the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia and the Native Fishing Association by Art Jackson, Alvin Dickson and Simon Lucas concerning the historic reasoning for economic independence of the Aboriginal fishing industry in the British Columbia. Questions from the assembled Commissioners follow the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation for United Fishermen and Allied Worker's Union by Dennis Brown

Documents & Presentations
This file contains a transcript of a portion of a sitting of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples at Vancouver, British Columbia. This portion includes a presentation of the United Fishermen and Allied Worker's Union by Dennis Brown concerning the issue of economic independence of the Aboriginal Fishing Community in British Columbia. Questions from the assembled Commissioners follow the presentation.
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples: Presentation on behalf of Secwepemc re Resource Management

Documents & Presentations
The file contains a presentation on behalf of Secwepemc re Resource Management. Fred Fortier and David Moore, both of the Shuswap Nation Fisheries Commission, discuss declining salmon and steelhead populations, mismanagement of fish stocks, the B.C. Fishermen's Survival Coalition's "racially-oriented campaign against the Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy," and recommendations to deal with these problems. Chief Lenny Sellars, Caribou Tribal Council, discusses enviornmental protection, land stewardship, and co-management.
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