Displaying 1201 - 1250 of 3828

First Nation Orientation Guide: Planting the Seed

Alternate Title
Orientation Guide: Atlantic First Nations
Planting the Seed Series
Documents & Presentations
Atlantic Policy Congress (APC) of First Nation Chiefs
Planting seed project provides historical overview and information about Mi'kmaq/Maliseet communities in the Atlantic region.
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First Nations and Self-Government: A Matter of Trust

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Don J. Manderscheid
Canadian Journal of Law and Society, vol. 22, no. 1, 2007, pp. 109-121
Examines the fiduciary obligations between band councils and band members and argues that the current municipal model of band government is inadequate.
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First Nations and the Resource Future: The Path to Economic Partnership

Alternate Title
North at Trent 2015 Lecture Series
Saskatchewan First nations and the Province s's Resource Future
Media » Film and Video
Perry Bellegarde
National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations discusses Saskatchewan's current resource-based boom, necessity for collaboration, and impact and benefit agreements with governments and companies. Duration: 2:00:34.
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First Nations Center at the University of Wisconsin-Superior

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gary Johnson
Indigenous Nations Studies Journal, vol. 4, no. 1, Spring, 2003, pp. 81-85
Centre fills three purposes: offers programing for instruction to provide information about Native Americans, recruit and retain Native American students, and provide assistance to tribes for accessing higher education
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First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada and Assembly of First Nations and Canadian Human Rights Commission and Attorney General of Canada (Representing the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Canada) and Chiefs of Ontario and Amnesty International Decision

Alternate Title
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ; 2016 CHRT2
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada et al. v. Attorney General of Canada (for the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada)
Documents & Presentations
Sophie Marchildon
Edward Lustig
Proceedings look into governmental discrimination against First Nations children living on reserves for providing less support for child welfare than for those living off reserve. File No: T1340/7008.
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First Nations Child and Family Services and Indigenous Knowledge as a Framework for Research, Policy and Practice

Alternate Title
Partnerships for Children and Families Project
Documents & Presentations
Marlyn Bennett
Cindy Blackstock
Discussion of the difficulties involved in delivering culturally relevant programs while operating under policies and legislation determined by provincial governments. Highlights the Caring for First Nations Children Society Aboriginal Social Worker Training Program, the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry-Child Welfare Initiative, Social Work Program at the University of Manitoba and the Yellowhead Tribal Services Agency as examples of successful innovations.
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First Nations Child & Family Services: Breaking the Silence

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Pete Hudson
Canadian Ethnic Studies, vol. 29, no. 1, 1997, pp. 161-172
Full potential of child agencies is not realized due to reluctance to acknowledge difficulties and barriers and limited control faced by agencies.
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First Nations Child Welfare in Saskatchewan (2011)

Alternate Title
Canadian Child Welfare Research Portal Information Sheet ; no. 99, 2012
CWRP Information Sheet ; no. 99, 2012
Documents & Presentations
Anna Kozlowski
Vandna Sinha
Gail Hartsook
Shelley Thomas
H. Monty Montgomery
Brief document provides context for current system.
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First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act

Documents & Presentations
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
States that First Nations are increasingly developing plans for commercial and industrial development projects, and that the FNCIDA will fill the regulatory gap and provide benefits.
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First Nations, Consultation, and the Rule of Law: Salmon Farming and Colonialism in British Columbia

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Dorothee Schreiber
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 30, no. 4, 2006, pp. 19-40
Focuses on the effects that logging, overfishing, and urbanization have on industrial salmon farming. Also discusses how consultation may be a repressive tactic, rather than a means of protecting title and rights.
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First Nations Develop Alcohol Harm Reduction Policies

Articles » General
Julia Drake
CrossCurrents, vol. 6, no. 2, Winter, 2002, p. 2
Describes the experience of three Ontario First Nation communities that do not ban alcohol, but have developed policies to control liquor on-reserve.
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First Nations Educational Governance: A Fractured Mirror

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sheila Carr-Stewart
Larry Steeves
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, no. 97, December 10, 2009, pp. [1]-16
Argues that despite the fact that on-reserve schools seem to provide an education equivalent to that obtained through provincial systems, in reality they fall short of this objective. The paper also explores the issues that remain since control has shifted to First Nations Peoples.
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First Nations Gambling Policy in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robin Kelley
Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 2, no. 2, Special Issue on Gaming, Winter, 2002, pp. 41-55
Discusses policies affecting on-reserve gambling opportunities, and issues emerging with industry expansion.
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The First Nations Governance Act: A Legacy of Loss

Articles » General
Frank Cassidy
Policy Options, April 2003, pp. 46-50
Discusses a proposed amendment to the Indian Act that seems to be at odds with Canada's commitment to the inherent right to self-government of First Nations Peoples. The author gives seven measures that may bring the legislation in line with Canada's commitments.
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First Nations Governance Project: Phase I

Documents & Presentations
First Nations Financial Management Board
Institute on Governance
Purpose of project was to examine how Indigenous peoples envision governance within an UNDRIP-defined Nation-to-Nation relationship with Canada, and begin formulating questions about how Nations would interact with other governments in the country.
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First Nations Heritage Planning Toolkit

Alternate Title
Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs: First Nations Heritage Planning Toolkit
Documents & Presentations
Joint Working group on first nations heritage Conservation (JWG)
Document designed to assist First Nations communities in developing their own heritage conservation plan.
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First Nations Housing and Building Crises: Management of the Change Process

Documents & Presentations
John Kiedrowski
Presents background information on home inspections in First Nation communities, issues surrounding Chiefs and Councils' failure to exercise governance in terms of the authority having jurisdiction (e.g. not passing by-laws enforcing compliance with National Building Code standards), and what that implies with respect to the construction of homes.
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First Nations Land Disputes

Alternate Title
CBC-TV News in Review
Teacher Resource Guide
Articles » General
CBC [Canadian Broadcasting Corporation] Learning
News in Review, January 2015, pp. 17-22
Classroom lesson plan to accompany segment on DVD News in Review: January 2015.
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First Nations, Métis and Inuit Health Care: The Crown's Fiduciary Obligations

Alternate Title
Discussion Paper Series in Aboriginal Health. Legal Issues ; no. 2
NAHO Discussion Paper Series ; no.2
Documents & Presentations
Yvonne Boyer
Uses historical analysis to argue that federal government has a clear obligation to provide health care to Aboriginals but has failed to provide adequate services.
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First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Women's Health

Alternate Title
Discussion Paper Series in Aboriginal Health. Legal Issues ; no. 4
Documents & Presentations
Yvonne Boyer
Discusses how the policies, laws and legislation of the federal government have led to the current health disparities.
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First Nations Own-Source Revenue: How is the Money Spent?

Alternate Title
Commentary (C.D. Howe Institute) ; no. 437
Commentary (C.D. Howe Institute). Public Governance and Accountability
John Richards
Commentary (C.D. Howe Institute)
Analyzed 72 Ontario First Nations Financial Transparency Act (FNFT) filings covering 2013 and 2014 fiscal years.
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First Nations Perspectives on Bill C-44 (Repeal of Section 67 of Canadian Human Rights Act): A Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development

Documents & Presentations
Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
Section 67 barred complaints of discrimination against federal and First Nations governments in relation to acts and decisions authorized by the Indian Act. Document supports the repeal in principle, but raises issues with respect to Aboriginal and Treaty Rights and implementation.
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First Nations Policing Sector Study: Module 2 & 3 Summary Report

Documents & Presentations
Module two breaks down responses to questionnaires in terms of challenges arising from: social conditions, tripartite agreements, political environment, by-law enforcement, lack of technological resources, and media coverage of issues. Module three is comparative analysis of factors such as level of service, budgets, and community demographics. Setting the Context Access Modules 4 &
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First Nations Policing Update

Web Sites » Governmental
Solicitor General of Canada
Provides articles about programs and initiatives including Akwesasne, Waywayseecappo First Nations developments, regional links and some First Nation police links.
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