Displaying 1351 - 1400 of 3828

Gendering Decolonization, Decolonizing Gender

Documents & Presentations
Kiera L. Ladner
Looks at issues of Indigenous constitutional visions, treaty constitutionalism and decolonization through a gendered lens. Paper presented at the 80th Annual Conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, UBC, June 2008.
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Gene Deal Boosts Indigenous Rights

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andy Coghlan
New Scientist, vol. 184, no. 2468, October 9, 2004, pp. 8[-?]
Signed agreement between Pacific island nation of Samoa and the University of California, will split equally revenues from potential prostratin-based drugs, extracted from the mamala tree bark. Samoan healers were the first to recognize the trees medicinal potential.
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George Cattleman Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George Cattleman
Abraham Burnstick
Indian History Film Project
Recounts what two elders told of Treaty #6 and the promises made under it.
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George First Rider 8

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George First Rider
Dila Provost
Albert Yellowhorn
Indian History Film Project
A discussion of Treaty 7: promises made and broken; and the traditional relationship of the Indian to his surroundings.
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George Okeymaw Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George Okeymaw
Richard Lightning
Indian History Film Project
Interviewee was 6 years old at signing of Treaty 8. He describes the establishment of reserves around Lesser Slave Lake; and the need for more reserve land.
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George Okeymaw Interview 2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George Okeymaw
Dave Capot
Dan McLean
Indian History Film Project
Understanding of treaty promises; distribution of food, ammunition, etc. in earlier times; interesting accounts of home-made agricultural equipment (aswell as that supplied by Dept. of Indian Affairs).
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Ghost Dancing With Colonialism

Alternate Title
Ghost Dancing With Colonialism Part 1
Media » Film and Video
Grace Woo
Dr. Grace Woo, author of the book Ghost Dancing with Colonialism: Decolonization and Indigenous Rights at the Supreme Court of Canada, discusses the continued colonization of Indigenous Canadians enabled within the judicial system. Duration: 28:12 Part 1 of 2. Link to Part 2 record: Ghost Dancing With Colonialism Part 2
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Ghost Dancing with Colonialism

Alternate Title
Ghost Dancing with Colonialism Part 2
Media » Film and Video
Grace Woo
Dr. Grace Woo, author of the book Ghost Dancing with Colonialism: Decolonization and Indigenous Rights at the Supreme Court of Canada, discusses the continued colonization of Indigenous Canadians enabled within the judicial system. Duration: 30:56 Part 1 of 2. Link to Part 1 record: Ghost Dancing With Colonialism Part 1
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Giraud, M., "Western Metis After the Insurrection."

Articles » General
File contains a photocopy of M. Giraud's article "The Western Metis After the Insurrection," as published in Saskatchewan History Vol. IX No. 1 (winter 1956): pp. 1-15. He gives his impression of the lives of the Metis in the North-West Territories after 1885. He argues that many were destitute living on thin strips of crown land, and only a few had small farms, while others settled on reserves. Many got a title to land worth $240 (scrip), but most sold their title for less than it was worth and then spent the money foolishly.
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Glimpses into the Laws and Governance of the Historic Métis Nation

Alternate Title
McKercher LLP Lecture Series
Wunusweh Lecture in Aboriginal Law ; 2022
Media » Film and Video
Jean Teillet
Prominent Métis lawyer and author of The North-West Is Our Mother: The Story of Louis Riel's People, the Métis Nation discusses the history of Métis law-making and diplomacy. Duration: 38:34.
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Glossary of Key Terms Related to Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions

Alternate Title
Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folkore ; 22nd Session, July 9 to 13, 2012
Documents & Presentations
[Secretariat of the World Intellectual Property Organization?]
Consolidation of three previous documents: Glossary of Key Terms Related to Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions, Glossary of Key Terms Related to Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge, and Glossary of Key Terms Related to Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources.
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Glossary of Key Terms Related to Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Culture

Documents & Presentations
Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore

Terms and definitions drawn from national and regional laws, multilateral instruments, other organizations and processes, and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) documents.

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Good Law Threatened by Sovereignty Spat

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, January 14, 2005, p. A9
Discusses conflict of law arising from application of provincial law on-reserve to matters in First Nation jurisdiction, examples cited include: gambling, smoking, adoption, health, welfare regulation and education.
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Governance Best Practices Report

Documents & Presentations
Fred Tolmie
Sophie Pierre
Raf DeGuevera
Herb George
Presents case studies in excellence, covering the topics of: the people, the land, laws and jurisdiction, institutions, and resources.
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Governance, the Territorial Approach and Indigenous Peoples

Articles » General
Pedro García Hierro
Indigenous Affairs, no. 4, Land Rights: A Key Issue, 2004, pp. 8-13
Summarizes issues most problematic with territories of the Amazonian Indigenous peoples in the Andean area. To access this article, scroll to page 8.
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Government Definitions of Indian Status

Alternate Title
OAHAI Manual
Documents & Presentations
Ontario Aboriginal Health Advocacy Initiative
Brief document covers topics of groups falling under the term Aboriginal, treaty rights, and fiduciary responsibility.
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Government Law and Policy and the Indian Child Welfare Act

Articles » General
Carrie E. Garrow
NYSBA Journal, March/April 2014, pp. 11-17
Overview of laws and policies that led to the removal of Aboriginal children from their homes and the need for the ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act), requirements and implementation in New York.
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The Government of Alberta’s First Nations Consultation Policy on Land Management and Resource Development

Documents & Presentations
Government of Alberta
Policy outlines Alberta's approach to how it will meet its consultation responsibilities and Alberta's expectations of resource companies and First Nations in achieving the goal of increasing certainty for all parties with respect to land management and resource development activities.
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Government of Yukon. Land Claims: Agreements and Protocols

Web Sites » Governmental
Aboriginal Relations
Executive Council Office
Government of Yukon
Links to agreements with individual First Nations, transboundary agreements, First Nations without land claims agreements, and the Understanding the Yukon Umbrella Final Agreement (The Green Book).
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Government Organization Act, 1966. 14 - 15 Elizabeth II. Chap. 25 An Act Respecting the Organization of the Government of Canada and Matters Related or Incidental Thereto. [Assented to 16th June, 1966.]

Alternate Title
14 - 15 Elizabeth II. Government Organization Act, 1966. S. C. 1966-67, c. 25.
Government Organization Act, 1966. S. C. 1966-67, c. 25.
Documents & Presentations
Government of Canada
Act to bring about the creation of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
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Government Reductionism and Academic Bias in Criminal Justice Research on American Indian Crime and Justice Issues

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the 2008 Western Social Science Association Meeting, American Indian Studies Section
Articles » General
William G. Archambeault
Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 19, no. 3, Fall, 2008, p. [?]
Discusses the changes that have taken place when the findings of the 2008 study are compared to those of the 2002 study on the academic biases and government policies toward American Indian criminal justice and criminology literature. Scroll down to access article.
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