The Death of Barbue, a Kutchin Trading Chief

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Shepard Krech
Arctic, vol. 35, no. 3, September 1982, pp. 429-437
Examination of a Hudson Bay journal entry about the treatment for illness and death of Barbue in the summer of 1828 at Fort Good Hope.
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Declaration of the Indigenous Food Sovereignty and Traditional Knowledge for Climate Change Resilience Gathering

Articles » General
Shiprock SW Diné Nation
International Indian Treaty Council
Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 27, no. 3, 2016, p. [?]
Declaration adopted on August 13, 2016 by Shiprock, SW Diné Nation and "further endorsed and adopted by consensus of the 42nd Anniversary IITC Conference, September 11th, 2016, Waimanalo, Hawaii."
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Decolonizing Both Researcher and Research and Its Effectiveness in Indigenous Research

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ranjan Datta
Research Ethics, vol. 14, no. 2, September 28, 2017, pp. 1-24
Looks at ways of valuing and using Indigenous knowledge on an equal footing with Western methods, and integrating the two when appropriate. Explores issues such as disconnection from practice, unclear researcher responsibility, forms of neutrality, and overlooking participants cultural protocols.
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Decolonizing Geographies of Power: Indigenous Digital Counter-mapping Practices on Turtle Island

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Dallas Hunt
Shaun A. Stevenson
Settler Colonial Studies, vol. 7, no. 3, 2017, pp. 372-392
Discusses how a digital map of Amiskwaciwaskahikan (Cree for Edmonton, Alberta), along with an overlay of Treaty 6 Indigenous maps onto a conventional map can be used to show Indigenous people were in Canada in a tangible way. Also looks at the Ogimaa Mikana project in Toronto, Ontario.
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Decolonizing Indigenous Restorative Justice is Possible

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John George Hansen
The Quint, vol. 1, no. 2, March 2009, pp. 15-46
Looks at moving towards decolonization to resolve conflicts and heal through customs and ways of knowing. Scroll down to page 15 to read the article.
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Decolonizing the Borderland: Wichita Frontier Strategies

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Stephen M. Perkins
Richard R. Drass
Susan C. Vehik
Great Plains Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 4, Fall, 2016, pp. 259-280
Uses material culture and paleobotanical evidence to assess the chronological development of the Wichita society living in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas from 1450 to the 1800s.
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Decorative Art and Basketry of the Cherokee

Alternate Title
Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee ; v. 2, no. 2
Frank G. Speck

pp. 55-86 of Bulletin of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee ; v. 2, no. 2.

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Delaware Identity in the Cherokee Nations

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Claudia Haake
Indigenous Nations Studies Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, Spring, 2002, pp. 19-45
Looks at the history of the Delaware tribe and the survival of their identity within the Cherokee Nation.
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Delegated Aboriginal Agencies: How Resourcing Affects Service Delivery

Documents & Presentations
Bernard Richard
Looks at experiences of social workers in agencies providing guardianship and protective services to children and families within and outside Indigenous communities and reports how current funding arrangements affect availability of supports.
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The Delineation of the Day-Signs in the Aztec Manuscripts

Alternate Title
University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology ; v.11, no.6
T. T. Waterman
Part of: University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. 11, (pp297-398).
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Demonstrating the Process of Community Innovation: The Indian Country Methamphetamine Initiative

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
R. Dale Walker
Douglas A. Bigelow
Jessica Hope LePak
Michelle J. Singer
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, vol. 43, no. 4, Growing Roots: Native American Evidence-Based Practices, October-December 2011, pp. 325-330
Looks at initiative involving activities, individual and family treatment programs, public education and community mobilization, and law enforcement strategies using logic models.
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Dental Malocclusion in Native Children of British Columbia, Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
R. L. Harrison
D. W. Davis
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, vol. 24, no. 3, June 1996, pp. 217-221
Compares 1988 and 1980 data gathered by the Medical Services Branch, from the Pacific Region of Health Canada and the recent B.C. Children's Health Survey.
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Dental Pathology of Aboriginal California

Alternate Title
University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology ; v.23, no.10
R. W. Leigh
Part of: University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. 23, (pp399-440).
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Destabilizing the Consultation Framework in Alberta's Tar Sands

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jennifer Mills
Journal of Canadian Studies, vol. 51, no. 1, Destabilizing Canada / Le Canada déstabilisé, Winter, 2017, pp. 153-185
General discussion of consultation and consent, and analysis of recent legal cases which illustrate how Indigenous peoples in Alberta have been excluded from decision-making involving the oil industry.
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Deteriorating Classrooms Concern Montreal Band

Articles » General
Florence Poorman
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 7, no. 4, April 1977, p. 31
Montreal Lake Band Council addresses their inadequate education facility and poor school programs.
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Developing a First Nations Community Well-Being Partnership On-Site Dialogue Project: Preliminary Findings From A Validation Study of the First Nations Community Well-Being Index in Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg, Quebec

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Tina Dewache
Canadian Diversity=Diversitié canadienne, vol. 7, no. 3, One Path, Many Directions: The Complex and Diverse Nature of Contemporary Aboriginal Reality, Fall, 2009, pp. 63-68
Presents findings from first FNCWB case study based on three objectives: accuracy and agreement with community members, identification of factors affecting quality of life, establishment of communities willing to act as role models. Scroll down to page 63 to read article.
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Developing a Symbiotic Relationship with a Remote First Nations Community Leading to a Collaborative School Based Oral Health Program

Alternate Title
Concurrent Mini-plenary Session and Oral Abstract Presentations: Oral Health
Documents & Presentations
Andrew Macnab
Lecture given at the 1st IMICH (International Meeting on Inuit and Native American Child Health) and 17th Annual Indian Health Service Research Conference held April 29 to May 1, 2005 in Seattle.
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Developing an e-Community Approach to Broadband-Enabled Community Services in Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Gilbert Whiteduck
Anita Tenasco
Susan O'Donnell
Tim Whiteduck
Emily Lockhart
Journal of Community Informatics, vol. 10, no. 2, [Building the First Mile], 2014, p. [?]
Describes how the First Nation is using information and communication technology to support online delivery of education, cultural, health, policing and security services.
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Developing Injury Indicators for First Nations and Inuit Children and Youth in Canada: A Modified Delphi Approach

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
I. Pike
R. J. MacDonald
S. Piedt
A. K. Macpherson
Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada, vol. 34, no. 4, November 2014, pp. 203-209
Expert and community stakeholders said indicators related to motorized vehicle collisions, mortality, and hospitalization rates were most likely to prove useful and prompt action.
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Development and Planning: After Land Claims

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Samuel Corrigan
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, 1983, pp. 243-244
Introduction to a special Issue which examines land claims settlements in Canada with an emphasis on long range planning and economic development.
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