Prince Albert - Indian and Metis

1 file containing Volume 9, Number 2 of the Saskatchewan Indian magazine; House of Commons debates regarding the protection of Indian treaty; Letter to Hon. Bud Cullen, Minister of Employment and Immigration, from Chief Harold Kingfisher of the Sturgeon Lake Band and Doug Cuthand, requesting that the government explain why the Sturgeon Lake Band has not received any Canada Works funding in the past three years; Letter to Diefenbaker from R. Glen Green, M.D., re: Diefenbaker's deteriorating health and warning him that Indians may not vote for him in the next election; Newspaper article regarding Doug Cuthand's pleasure over the government's decision to settle land claims on a band-by-band basis; Memorandum – the Duck Lake Indian Reserve is owned in common by the Beardy's and Okemasis Bands. - August 3, 1979: Indian and Northern Affairs correspondence regarding the La Plange Indian Reserve gaining 9,605 acres in settlement of an outstanding treaty agreement. - June 20, 1979: Letter from Diefenbaker to Mr. Clifford Starr, Vice President of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians, expressing how much he is impressed with The Saskatchewan Indian magazine. - June 11, 1979: Letter from the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs to the Shellbrook Indian Agency regarding the Big River Reserve – Stony Lake Land Claim, requesting that authorities proceed on a settlement without delay. - January, 1979: The National Indian, Volume 2, Number 5. - March 23, 1978: Letter to the Hon. Hugh Faulkner, Minister of Indian and Northern Development, from Diefenbaker regarding the necessity of favourable action being taken at once on the issue of the Sturgeon Lake Reserve. - N.d.: Letter to the Hon. Hugh Faulkner from Chief Harold Kingfisher, Sturgeon Lake Reserve, regarding the government's position on the submission by the Sturgeon Lake Band Farm for additional funding. - March 9, 1978: Submission to the Department of Indian Affairs on behalf of the Sturgeon Lake Band requesting funding from the government. - N.d.: A paper presented to Hugh Faulkner, Minister of Indian Affairs, entitled, "The Dangers to the Health and Environment of Indian People in Northern Saskatchewan as A Result of the Crash of the Soviet Satellite Cosmos 954." - June, 1978: Volume 8, Number 6, Issue of the Saskatchewan Indian.10 - July, 1978: Volume 8, Number 7, Issue of the Saskatchewan Indian. - November 23, 1978: Letter to Chief Noel Starblanket, president of the National Indian Brotherhood, from Diefenbaker, expressing how impressed he was by a speech Starblanket made about concerns over Bill C-60. - November 23, 1978: Letter from Diefenbaker to Chief Andrew Bear of the Muskoday reserve regarding his regret over missing the opening of the community hall due to unforeseen hospitalization. - November 23-24, 1978: Series of letters from Diefenbaker to various Saskatchewan chiefs including annual donations of $25 at Christmas to buy candies for the children. - November 9, 1978: Letter to Miss Carol Parenteau, Secretary for the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians, from Mrs. Debra Wright, Diefenbaker's correspondence secretary, including a list of all federal ministers and their deputy ministers. - April 21, 1978: Letter to Diefenbaker from Hugh Faulkner regarding the April 6 election on the Mosquito Indian Reserve. - April 5, 1978: Letter to Hugh Faulkner from Diefenbaker expressing concerns over information he received over the Mosquito Indian Band election. - May 29, 1978: Letter to Senator Angus Mirasty, Federation of Saskatchewan Indians, from Diefenbaker regarding his views on treaty rights. - June 20, 1978: Letter to Diefenbaker, from Hugh Faulkner sending more information on controversial Mosquito Indian Band's election. - N.d.: Obituary for Senator Joseph Dreaver, posted in the Saskatchewan Indian. - April 14, 1978: Memo to Diefenbaker regarding the Sturgeon Lake Indian Reserve and their application for a government grant to fund the operation of a farm on the reserve. - N.d.: Signed petition to the government from Indian leaders requesting the restoration of some key treaty rights. - June 12, 1953: Letter to C.S. Bell from A.G. Leslie regarding a possible amalgamation of the Sweet Grass and the Strike-him-on-the-Back Reserves. - March 1, 1954: Letter to Hon. Mr. Harris from the members of the Sweet Grass Reserve explaining the state of affairs on the reserve in regards to the chief and council not being members of the reserve itself. - March 8, 1954: Textual record of the Sweet Grass band meeting, which was called to discuss a possible amalgamation of two separate bands. - March, 1978: Presentation to the Government of Canada by the Federation of Saskatchewan Indians; discusses a number of issues, such as poor quality of life on reserves.
Open Access
Primary Source
Publication Date
Diefenbaker Canada Centre Archives, John G. Diefenbaker fonds, MG01-XI-C-542.3 (Vol. 404); records from Our Legacy site,
First Nation, Metis, Inuit Locations
Resource Type
Archival -- Archival Items
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