Alternate Names
Muskoday First Nation
John Smith Reserve
First Nation Location
Displaying 1 - 34 of 34

Building School Climate through Shared Governance: Report on a Collaborative Research Study Undertaken in Two Partnerships among First Nations and Provincial School Boards within the Saskatoon Tribal Council Region

Documents & Presentations
Harry Lafond
Assessment of progress focuses on two aspects: benefits accruing to schools and communities, and effective practices. Included factors such as learner success, collaboration, sharing resources, communication, First Nations and Métis employment, and eradication of racism.
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Ceremony to Return the John Smith Treaty Six Medal

Images » Photographs
File contains 8 negatives showing what appears to be a government official returning the original Treaty Six medal from Queen Victoria given to Chief John Smith to the current Chief of the band (Muskoday). Negatives 2 and 3 are detailed shots of the medal itself.
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Children at Muskoday (John Smith) Reserve.

Images » Photographs
Children in western dress posing in front of house. Description on back reads: John Smith Indian Reserve. A very few of the children. Said Bunny " -- they are as numerous as chickens." McEwan supplied the food they are eating. This is the chiefs home and therefore better than the others. August 17, 1942.
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[Duck Lake Agency] Agent's Notebook

Alternate Title
Government of Canada Reporter's Note Book ; no. 84
[Harold Nelson Woodsworth]

An Indian Agent's notebook from the [Duck Lake Agency]. Note subjects include grocery lists and prices, wartime pricing figures, travel details, medical admissions, legal matters, animal head counts and housing construction.

Historical note:

Harold Nelson Woodsworth served as an Indian Agent at a number of agencies in Saskatchewan.

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[Duck Lake Agency] Outgoing Correspondence Ledger

Documents & Presentations
A ledger containing a detailed calendar of outgoing correspondence from the [Duck Lake Agency.] Correspondence subjects include medical and school admissions, building and housing construction, and grocery, stationery and agricultural purchases. This ledger contains information relating to private and legal matters of individuals, therefore only a small sample of pages is available for viewing.

Historical note:

Harold Nelson Woodsworth served as an Indian Agent at a number of agencies in Saskatchewan.
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Duck Lake Indian Agency Office Records (E19)

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
[W.E. Jones
C.P. Schmidt
N.J. McLeod]
Saskatchewan History, vol. 47, no. 1, Spring, 1995, pp. 36-41

These selections from the Duck Lake Indian Agency records illustrate a pattern of negative government attitudes and policies of fiscal austerity towards First Nations peoples and communities. Introduction and commentary by J.R. Miller. Entire issue on one PDF, scroll to page 36.

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Dugout Canoe Information

Documents & Presentations
This file contains information relating to the dugout canoe located in the Prince Albert Historical Society Museum, Prince Albert, SK. Notes describing the construction are attributed to Dan Ellison Jr. and an unknown person. Also included are notes relating to Big Bear’s Winchester rifle, made in 1880 and donated to the Museum in 1933 by Fred McFadden.
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Indian Claims Commission Proceedings (2009) 23 ICCP

Indian Claims Commission
Includes the reports on Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation 1903 Surrender Inquiry, Lower Similkameen Indian Band Vancouver, Victoria and Eastern Railway Right of Way Inquiry, Fort Pelly Agency Pelly Haylands Claim (Mediation), Lucky Man Cree Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Phase II Inquiry, Muskoday First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement (Mediation), Metepenagiag Mi’kmaq Nation Hosford Lot and Indian Reserve 7 (Mediation), George Gordon First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement (Mediation), Sturgeon Lake First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement (Mediation) and the Esketemc First Nation Wright’s Meadow P
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James Gladstone: Correspondence and Obituary

Documents & Presentations
File containing correspondence from James Gladstone to John Diefenbaker with election results from the Muskoday and James Smith reserves in the Prince Albert Federal Constituency. Also contains a telegram of condolence to Mrs. Gladstone on the death of her husband, and a newspaper obituary of the Senator.
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McEwan and Mrs. Chief Robert Bear.

Images » Photographs
Image of Grant McEwan posing with Mrs. Chief Robert Bear at (Muskoday Reserve) John Smith Reserve. Mrs. Bear is holding McEwan's arm. Dated August, 1942.
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Mrs. Robert Bear and Professor Grant McEwan

Images » Photographs
Photograph of Bear and McEwan posing outside the Chief's home. The note on the back reads: "John Smith Indian Reserve. Mrs. Robert Bear Professor McEwan. She is hiding her home made cigarette. Before posing she rushed in the home to take off her apron and brush her hair (!). She is very pleasant." Dated "Mon. Aug. 17. '42."
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Muskoday Signs TLE Agreement

Alternate Title
Muskoday Signs Treaty Land Entitlement Agreement
Articles » General
Eagle Feather News, vol. 11, no. 2, February 2008, p. 3
Looks at the economic benefits and social development opportunities that the settlement agreement will bring to the Muskoday First Nation. Article located by scrolling to page 3.
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Prince Albert - Indian and Metis

Archival » Archival Items
1 file containing Volume 9, Number 2 of the Saskatchewan Indian magazine; House of Commons debates regarding the protection of Indian treaty; Letter to Hon. Bud Cullen, Minister of Employment and Immigration, from Chief Harold Kingfisher of the Sturgeon Lake Band and Doug Cuthand, requesting that the government explain why the Sturgeon Lake Band has not received any Canada Works funding in the past three years
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Rebellion, 1885 - Some Causes of Unrest Among Indians in the Early "80s."

Documents & Presentations
H.L. Loucks
This essay examines reasons for unrest among the Aboriginal population of the old Northwest in the years leading up to the disturbances of 1885. The writer worked for the Indian Department of the Dominion Government during this time. Item found within folder 1 of file Rebellion, 1885.
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Saskatoon Tribal Council

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 33, no. 1, Winter, 2003, pp. 20-21
Introduces Tribal Chief, Glen Johnstone of the Saskatoon Tribal Council, whose membership includes seven First Nations located within 250 kilometers of Saskatoon.
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[Shellbrook] Agency Outgoing Correspondence Ledger

Documents & Presentations
A ledger containing a detailed calendar of outgoing correspondence from the [Shellbrook] Agency. Correspondence subjects include medical and school admissions, building and housing construction, and grocery, stationery and agricultural purchases. This ledger contains information relating to private and legal matters of individuals, therefore there are no pages available for viewing.

Historical note:

Harold Nelson Woodsworth served as an Indian Agent at a number of agencies in Saskatchewan.
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