Anglican Church History

A variety of articles dealing with the early history of the Anglican Church in Saskatchewan. Includes material on Emmanuel College, Rev. Archdeacon Mackay, the translation of the Bible from English to Cree, an article on a Cree-French and Cree-English Dictionary, biographical material on early missionaries and Churchmen as well as Diocesan histories.

Historical note:

Cecelia Wetton was active in various organizations in North Battleford such as the Imperial Daughters of the Empire, and in 1937 joined the North Battleford News as a reporter. She wrote for that newspaper and served as the Battlefords reporter for the Saskatoon Star Phoenix until her retirement in 1965. She was well known for her interest in the history of Saskatchewan and wrote extensively on the subject for both newspapers and, in addition, produced a number of books including The Promised Land and Historic Battleford. She died in North Battleford in 1974
Open Access
Primary Source
Publication Date
Saskatchewan Archives Board, Wetton, Cecelia, III-1; records from Our Legacy site,
First Nation, Metis, Inuit Locations
Resource Type
Documents & Presentations
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