
Book reviews of: 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann. American Indian Themes in Young Adult Literature by Paulette F. Molin. Black, White, and Indian: Race and the Unmaking of an American Family by Claudio Saunt. Chaco Canyon: Archaeologists Explore the Lives of an Ancient Society by Brian Fagan. Cherokee Medicine Man: The Life and Work of a Modern-Day Healer by Robert J. Conley. The Cherokee Nation: A History by Robert J. Conley. Crow Is My Boss: The Oral Life History of a Tanacross Athabaskan Elder by Kenny Thomas and edited by Craig Mishler. The Earth’s Blanket: Traditional Teachings for Sustainable Living by Nancy J. Turner. Faith and Boundaries: Colonists, Christianity, and Community among the Wampanoags of Martha’s Vineyard, 1600–1871 by David J. Silverman. The Island Chumash: Behavioral Ecology of a Maritime Society by Douglas J. Kennett. Native American Picture Books of Change: The Art of Historic Children’s Editions by Rebecca C. Benes. Off-Season City Pipe by Allison Adelle Hedge Coke. Rachel’s Children: Stories from a Contemporary Native American Woman by Lois Beardslee. Remember This!: Dakota Decolonization and the Eli Taylor Narratives by Waziyatawin Angela Wilson with translations from the Dakota text by Wahpetunwin Carolynn Schommer. Silent Snow: The Slow Poisoning of the Arctic by Marla Cone. Subjects unto the Same King: Indians, English, and the Contest for Authority in Colonial New England by Jenny Hale Pulsipher. Tending the Wild: Native American Knowledge and the Management of California’s Natural Resources by M. Kat Anderson. Three Nations, One Place: A Comparative Ethnohistory of Social Change Among the Comanches and Hasinais During Spain’s Colonial Era, 1689–1821 by Martha McCollough. To Marry an Indian: The Marriage of Harriett Gold and Elias Boudinot in Letters, 1823–1839 edited by Theresa Strouth Gaul. The Truth about Stories: A Native Narrative by Thomas King.
Bruce E. Johansen
Joshua Piker
H. Wolcott Toll
Benjamin R. Kracht
Andrew Denson
Jennifer L. L. Carroll
Michael H. Horn
Mark A. Nicholas
Mark Tveskov
Naomi R. Caldwell
Philip Heldrich
Dorothy A. Nason
Raymond Bucko
et al.
Open Access
Primary Source
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 29, no. 4, 2005, pp. 121-172
Publication Date
Resource Type
Book Reviews
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