
Book reviews of: American Indians in World War I: At War and At Home by Thomas A. Britten. Boarding School Seasons: American Indian Families, 1900-1940 by Brenda J. Child. Choctaw Genesis, 1500-1700 by Patricia Galloway. Daily Life on the Nineteenth-Century American Frontier by Mary Ellen Jones. Dancing the Dream: The Seven Sacred Paths of Human Transformation by Jamie Sams. The Great Peace: The Gathering of Good Minds (CD-ROM) by Raymond Skye et. al.. A History of Dogs in the Early Americas by Marion Schwartz. In the Beginning: The Navajo Genesis by Jerrold E. Levy. The Indian Reform Letters of Helen Hunt Jackson, 1879-1885 edited by Valerie Sherer Mathes. Indians in the Making: Ethnic Relations and Indian Identities around Puget Sound by Alexandra Harmon. Inuit, Whaling, and Sustainability edited by Milton M. R. Freeman et al.. The Iroquois in the War of 1812 by Carl Benn. The Legacy of Shingwaukonse: A Century of Native Leadership by Jane E. Chute. Native American Voices: A Reader edited by Susan Lobo and Steve Talbot. The Politics of Hallowed Ground: Wounded Knee and the Struggle for Indian Sovereignty by Mario Gonzalez and Elizabeth Cook-Lynn. Pueblo Profiles: Cultural Identity through Centuries of Change by Joe S. Sando. Teaching the Native American Fourth Edition. Edited by Hap Gilliland. Tecumseh: A Life by John Sugden. Tourism and Gaming on American Indian Lands edited by Alan A. Lew and George A. Van Otten. The Yaquis: A Celebration by H. S. Choate.
Alfonso E. Hernandez
Ruth Spack
Robert Keith Collins
Stacey A. Heiser
Marie Julienne
Barbara A. Mann
Jim Rosenthal
Derek Milne
Margaret Jacobs
et al.
Open Access
Primary Source
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 24, no. 2, 2000, pp. 159-207
Publication Date
Resource Type
Book Reviews
Text -- PDF
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