Displaying 251 - 300 of 693

Graffiti to Graphics: Streetwize Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Poster Project

Articles » General
Anita Heiss
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 17, no. 5, September/October 1993, pp. 22-23
Streetwize conducted a series of visual art workshops with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to make posters on HIV/AIDS that would be meaningful to Aboriginal youth.
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Grinding Poverty Lies at Heart of AIDS Crisis

Alternate Title
Grinding Poverty Lies at Heart of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Crisis
Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
Star-Phoenix, March 27, 2009, p. A11
Argues that poverty plays a huge role in the rising number of AIDS cases within the Saskatchewan Aboriginal community.
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Harm Reduction: Considered and Applied

Documents & Presentations
Margaret Ormond
Evaluates the applicability of strategies and discusses essential components for successful programs given the mobile and marginalized Aboriginal population.
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Harm Reduction Services for British Columbia's First Nation Population: A Qualitative Inquiry into Opportunities and Barriers for Injection Drug Users

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Dennis Wardman
Darryl Quantz
Harm Reduction Journal, vol. 3, no. 30, 2006
Discusses the fact that even though Aboriginal injection drug users are the fastest growing HIV group in Canada, there is still a lack of harm reduction services available.
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Harm Reduction Toolkit

Documents & Presentations
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
Designed for use by rural Alaska communities dealing with substance-related harms such as HIV, Hepatitis C and drug overdose.
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Health and Safety Issues for Aboriginal Transgender/Two Spirit People in Manitoba

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Catherine Taylor
Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research, vol. 2, Winter, 2009, pp. 63-84
Reports the key recommendations that would help provide Aboriginal Transgender/Two Spirit people with the dignity of an everyday life free of anxieties regarding health and safety.
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Health and Support Service Utilization Patterns of American Indians and Alaska Natives Diagnosed with HIV/AIDS

Alternate Title
Health and Support Service Utilization Patterns of American Indians and Alaska Natives Diagnosed with HIV / AIDS
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jill J. Ashman
David Pérez-Jiménez
Katherine Marconi
AIDS Education and Prevention, vol. 16, no. 3, June 2004, pp. 238-249
Examines the types of health and support services provided by Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act and compares this with the characteristics and service utilization patterns other ethnic groups receive.
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The Health and Well-being of Aboriginal People in British Columbia

Alternate Title
Report on the Health of British Columbians: Provincial Health Officer’s Annual Report 2001
Documents & Presentations
Office of the Provincial Health Officer [British Columbia]
Looks at health status, community environments, healthy growth and development, physical environment, health services, and disease and injury prevention. Identifies areas where significant health benefits can be made. Related material: Pathways to Health and Healing (Second Report).
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The Health and Well-Being of the Aboriginal Population in British Columbia: Interim Update [2007]

Documents & Presentations
Office of the Provincial Health Officer
Statistics for: low birthweight, pre-term births, infant mortality, births to teenage mothers, and disease and injury premature mortality. Related material: The Health and Well-being of the Aboriginal Population: Interim Update [2012]. First Nations Health and Well-being: Interim Update [2015].
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Health Perspectives of Canadian Inner City Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal People Living with HIV and AIDS

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Payam Sazegar
David Tu
Doreen Littlejohn
Archie Myran
Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research, vol. 5, Winter, 2013, pp. 40-56
Survey undertaken to identify challenges faced by individuals dealing with the diseases. Responses shaped development of a Self Management Support program run by the Vancouver Native Health Society.
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High Prevalence of HIV Infection Among Homeless and Street-Involved Aboriginal Youth in a Canadian Setting

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brandon D.L. Marshall
Thomas Kerr
Chris Livingstone
Kathy Li
Julio S.G. Montaner
Evan Wood
Harm Reduction Journal, vol. 5, no. 35, November 19, 2008
Cohort composed of 529 individuals residing in Vancouver, British Columbia. Found that Aboriginal participants were more than two times as likely to be infected with disease.
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A Historic Overview of Two Spirited People: A Context for Social Work and HIV/AIDS Services in the Aboriginal Community

Articles » General
Céleste Le Duigou
Native Social Work Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, HIV/AIDS: Issues within Aboriginal Populations, September 2000, pp. 195-214
Looks at history of the two-spirited people, their suppression and oppression by both religious authorities and state policies. The article also discusses how homophobia and AIDS-related stigma impact two-spirited people and Aboriginal communities.
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Historical, Cultural and Social Determinants of Health for Native Women: HIV/AIDS and Native American Women

Alternate Title
Presentation at the 4th Annual HIV/AIDS Conference for Health Professionals: Women of Color Living Positive, Tukwila, Washington, April 20, 2012
Documents & Presentations
Karina L. Walters
Overview of the social, economic and environmental factors that contribute to HIV-related health disparities for Native women and girls.
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HIV/AIDS among Aboriginal People in Canada

Alternate Title
HIV/AIDS Epi Updates
E-Books » Chapters
Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control
Public Health Agency of Canada
Chapter 8 of HIV/AIDS Epi Updates. 2014 edition.
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HIV/AIDS Among Aboriginal Peoples of Canada

Alternate Title
HIV/AIDS Epi Updates
E-Books » Chapters
[Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division
Centre for Communicable Diseases and Infection Control
Public Health Agency of Canada]
Chapter 8 of: HIV/AIDS Epi Updates. 2010 edition.
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HIV/AIDS Among American Indians/Alaska Natives Living in Montana: A Descriptive Study

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
K. Ann Sondag
Carrie Strike
American Indian & Alaska Native Mental Health Research, vol. 18, no. 1, 2010, pp. 1-22
Comments on the impact of HIV/AIDS has on American Indians and Alaska Natives living in Montana and the need for a more in-depth study specific to each reserve to decrease barriers to prevention.
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HIV / AIDS Among Canada's First Nation People: A Look at Disproportionate Risk Factors as Compared to the Rest of Canada

Alternate Title
HIV AIDS Among Canada's First Nation People: A Look at Disproportionate Risk Factors as Compared to the Rest of Canada
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donna M. Hill
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 23, no. 2, 2003, pp. 349-359
Examines factors that contribute to higher rates of infection and one of the factors is the legacy of residential schools.
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HIV/AIDS and Aboriginal Women in Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Susan Judith Ship
Laura Norton
Canadian Woman Studies, vol. 21, no. 2, Women and HIV/AIDS, Summer/Fall, 2001, pp. 25-31
Notes the high rate of new HIV cases and discusses the contributing factors.
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HIV/AIDS and Aboriginal Women: One Woman's Story

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Catherine Baylis
Brenda Loyie
Canadian Woman Studies, vol. 21, no. 2, Women and HIV/AIDS, Summer/Fall, 2001, pp. 124-126
Brenda Loyie, a Cree Peer Counsellour/ Advocate with AIDS Prince George is one of three Aboriginal women who tell their story in the video Women, HIV and Addictions: Before, During and After.
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HIV/AIDS and Us Mob

Articles » General
Michael Costello
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 27, no. 3, May/June 2003, pp. 3-4
Describes a new information resource aimed at Aboriginal Australians.
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HIV / AIDS Community-Based Research Needs, Interests, Capacities and Challenges: An Environmental Scan of Manitoba and Saskatchewan

Documents & Presentations
Paula Migliardi
Objectives of study were to: describe current and future perceptions, and barriers among AIDS serving organizations; describe resources available through local universities and research centres; assess current capacities and enabling factors; and identify gaps between needs and capacities.
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HIV/AIDS Epi Updates

Alternate Title
HIV/AIDS Among Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: A Continuing Concern
[Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada]
Report published annually; 2006 edition. Contains a chapter titled "HIV/AIDS Among Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: A Continuing Concern" (pages 49 to 62). .
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HIV/AIDS Epi Updates

Alternate Title
Ethnicity Reporting for AIDS and HIV in Canada
HIV/AIDS among Aboriginal Persons in Canada: A Continuing Concern
[HIV/AIDS Epidemiology and Surveillance
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Population and Public Health Branch
Health Canada]
Report published annually; 2003 edition. Most relevant sections located on p. 31-41.. Entire document on one pdf. To access information, scroll to appropriate page.
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HIV/AIDS Epi Updates

Alternate Title
Ethnicity Reporting for AIDS and HIV in Canada: Aboriginal and Black Communities Demand Attention
HIV/AIDS among Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: A Continuing Concern
[Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada]
Report published annually; 2005 edition. Most relevant sections located on p. 45-63. Entire document on one pdf. To access information, scroll to appropriate page.
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HIV/AIDS Epi Updates

Alternate Title
HIV/AIDS Among Aboriginal Persons in Canada: A Continuing Concern
[Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Public Health Agency of Canada]
Report published annually; 2007 edition. Most relevant section located on p. 47-59. Entire document on one pdf. To access information, scroll to appropriate page.
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HIV/AIDS Epi Updates

Alternate Title
HIV/AIDS Among Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: A Continuing Concern
Ethnicity Reporting for AIDS and HIV in Canada: Aboriginal and Black Communities Demand Attention
[Surveillance and Risk Assessment Division
Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Population and Public Health Branch
Health Canada]
Report published annually; 2004 edition. Most relevant sections located on p. 40-57. Entire document on one pdf. To access information, scroll to appropriate page.
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HIV/AIDS Impact on Aboriginal Women's Lives: A Meta-Analysis Review

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
José A. Pruden
Gina Wong-Wylie
Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research, vol. 2, Winter, 2009, pp. 87-99
Contends that Aboriginal women living with HIV/AIDS require specialized programming and support to help them cope and live healthier. Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p. 87.
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HIV / AIDS in Saskatchewan 2006

Documents & Presentations
Population Health Branch
Saskatchewan Health
Profiles documented surveillance activities from 1984 to end of December, 2006. Some statistics specify Aboriginal ancestry.
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HIV / AIDS In Saskatchewan: 2007

Documents & Presentations
Saskatchewan Health
Population Health Branch
Report provides historical trend analysis for the past ten years on HIV infections and AIDS to the end of December 2007 in Saskatchewan.
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