Displaying 201 - 250 of 693

Education On AIDS In The East Arnhem Region

Articles » General
Hartley Dentith
Rachel Jordan
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 10, no. 4, December 1986, pp. 20-26
Describes the upcoming launch of a major AIDS education program featuring videos in local dialects of the Northern Territory for Australia Aboriginal groups.
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Effects of Fatalism and Family Communication on HIV/AIDS Awareness Variations in Native American and Anglo Parents and Children

Alternate Title
Effects of Fatalism and Family Communication on HIV / AIDS Awareness Variations in Native American and Anglo Parents and Children
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Juan R. Ramirez
William D. Crano
Ryan Quist
Michael Burgoon
Eusebio M. Alvaro
Joseph Grandpre
AIDS Education and Prevention, vol. 14, no. 1, February 2002, pp. 29-40
Examines awareness levels and found that Native American children possessed startlingly poor levels of HIV/AIDS related knowledge.
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The Effects of Stigma on Aboriginal Women Living With HIV/AIDS

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donna M. Hill
Donna L. M. Kurtz
Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research, Supplemental Edition, Winter, 2008, pp. 5-14
Suggests that society needs to assist HIV positive women in creating a healthier social and personal identity for themselves.
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Elevated Rates of HIV Infection Among Young Aboriginal Injection Drug Users in a Canadian Setting

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cari L. Miller
Steffanie A. Strathdee
Patricia M. Spittal
Thomas Kerr
Kathy Li
Martin T. Schechter
Evan Wood
Harm Reduction Journal, vol. 3, no. 9, March 08, 2006, p. [?]
Study found that youth were more likely to test seropositive for either HIV or Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and argues that these findings demonstrate that culturally relevant, evidence based prevention programs are urgently required.
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The End of the Line: Has Rapid Transit Contributed to the Spatial Diffusion of HIV in One of Canada's Largest Metropolitan Areas?

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Evan Wood
Keith Chan
Julio S.G. Montaner
Martin T. Schechter
Mark Tyndall
et al.
Social Science and Medicine, vol. 51, no. 5, September 1, 2000, pp. 741-748
Describes the relationship between the distribution of persons on anti-HIV medications and Vancouver's "SkyTrain" routes.
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Ethics in Aboriginal Research: Comments on Paradigms, Process and Two Worlds

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mike Patterson
Randy Jackson
Nancy Edwards
Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research, vol. 1, Inaugural Edition, Summer, 2006, pp. 47-62
Looks at new protocols, right of self-determination and control over the research process, and some recent experiences of researchers. (Article appears on p. 47 of the inaugural issue of Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research.
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Evaluation of a Substance Abuse, HIV and Hepatitis Prevention Initiative For Urban Native Americans: The Native Voices Program

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kyle Nelson
Nazbah Tom
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, vol. 43, no. 4, Growing Roots: Native American Evidence-Based Practices, October-December 2011, pp. 349-354
Evaluation measured knowledge, perception of risk, sexual self-efficacy, ethnic identity and sexual risk behavior.
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Everybody's Business: HIV/AIDS Education in South West NSW

Articles » General
Rose Ellis
Donnaleen Campbell
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 19, no. 3, May/June 1995, pp. 14-15
Reports on information day held at Barmah State Forest for community representatives, youth, elders and health workers on the latest HIV/AIDS prevention and health promotion education.
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An Evidence Review from Australia, Aotearoa/New Zealand and Canada for the WA Aboriginal Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Strategy

Documents & Presentations
S. Rosenberg
R. Lobo
J. Hallett
Review of 591 resources, primarily journal articles. Topics include: prevention and education; testing and diagnosis; disease management and clinical care; workforce development; enabling environments; research, evaluation, and surveillance; priority populations; research gaps; as well as a domain summary.
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Face of HIV in Saskatchewan

Alternate Title
Angela Hill: Portfolio of a Journalist
Web Sites » Personal
Angela Hill
Website by local Prince Albert journalist contains links to ten part series on HIV and AIDS. Audio version available.
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Facts and Myths of AIDS and Native American Women

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Irene S. Vernon
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 24, no. 3, 2000, pp. 93-110
Examines the women's vulnerability to the disease, noting women are increasingly influencing the development of resources, identifying, addressing concerns and increasing community awareness.
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FASD Training Study: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Kathryn Irvine
Mélanie Vincent
Study hopes to add knowledge and research of FASD by mapping kinds of services and available training opportunities, and using findings to make recommendations for sustainable development of FASD services and training opportunities.
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Females Experiencing Sexual and Drug Vulnerabilities are at Elevated Risk for HIV Infection Among Youth Who Use Injection Drugs

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cari L. Miller
Patricia M. Spittal
Nancy LaLiberte
Kathy Li
Mark W. Tyndall ... [et al.]
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, vol. 30, no. 3, 2002, pp. 335-341
Contends that 50% of the HIV-positive youth were Aboriginal and comments on the urgent need to develop gender and culturally appropriate youth specific programs.
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Fighting HIV as the Makwa Fights

Articles » General
Robert "Hochene" HarBoldt
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 16, no. 1, Sovereignty in Indian Country, 2004, p. 6
Letter to the editor in response to "Small Rural, Close, but Not Safe" by Paul Boyer p. 10-13, vol. 15, no. 2 of Tribal College Journal (Winter 2003) at page 10-13.
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Final Report: Gendering Adolescent AIDS Prevention (GAAP) CANFAR [Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research] Report: HIV Risk, Systemic Inequities and Aboriginal Youth: Widening the Circle for Prevention Programming

Documents & Presentations
June Larkin
Sarah Flicker
Jean-Paul Restoule
Kevin Barlow
Claudia Mitchell
Information gathered through focus groups comprised of both urban and on-reserve individuals. Six dominant themes emerged: colonialism, attitudes toward traditions, condoms, othering, stigmas, and prevention strategies.
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First National Disease Control Conference, March 21-25, Perth, W.A.

Articles » General
Donnaleen Campbell
Rose Ellis
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 17, no. 3, May/June 1993, pp. 7-10
Topics for discussion at conference included HIV/AIDS, the effects of infectious diseases on children, and Aboriginal community controlled service delivery.
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First Nations HIV/AIDS

Articles » General
Helen Young
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 20, no. 2, March/April 1996, pp. 49-50
Overview of health promotion and services provided by the Manitoba Regional HIV/AIDS Steering Committee.
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First Nations People and AIDS: A Study of Social Work Knowledge in Northern Quebec

Articles » General
Francois Boudreau
Adje van de Sande
Marc Roulier

Native Social Work Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, HIV/AIDS: Issues within Aboriginal Populations, September 2000, pp. 165-182
Examines a study conducted on the level of knowledge by health and social service professionals, working with First Nations people on issues of HIV and AIDS, which suggests the need for AIDS prevention programs.
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A First Nations Voice in the Present Creates Healing in the Future

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Melanie MacKinnon
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 96, no. Supplement 1, Aboriginal Health Research and Policy: First Nations-University Collaboration in Manitoba, January/February 2005, pp. S13-S16
Discusses attempts to improve overall health status by promoting more holistic care.
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Food Insecurity and Hunger Are Prevalent among HIV-Positive Individuals in British Columbia, Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lena Normén
Keith Chan
Paula Braitstein
Aranka Anema
Greg Bondy
Julio S. G. Montaner
Robert S. Hogg
Journal of Nutrition, vol. 135, no. 4, April 2005, pp. 820-825
Study findings indicate that those suffering hunger and food insecurity were more likely to be women, Aboriginals and living with children.
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The Future Face of Coinfection: Prevalence and Incidence of HIV and Hepatitis C Virus Coinfection Among Young Injection Drug Users

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Cari L. Miller
Evan Wood
Patricia M. Spittal
Kathy Li
James C. Frankish
Julio S. G. Montaner
Martin T. Schechter
JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, vol. 36, no. 2, June 2004, pp. 743-749
Determines the prevalence of HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) doubly affecting youth, and mono infected youth with either HIV or HCV.
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"Gathering Dust Not Saving Lives": The Call For Texts Which Honestly and Straightforwardly Teach Aboriginal Children About HIV/AIDS and Other Important Issues

Alternate Title
Discussion and Debate: "Gathering Dust Not Saving Lives": The Call For Texts Which Honestly and Straightforwardly Teach Aboriginal Children About HIV / AIDS and Other Important Issues
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
William G. Lindsay
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 27, no. 2, 2007, pp. 503-508
The author was asked, by the BC Health Ministry, to write two texts to teach Aboriginal children about HIV and AIDS; but the Ministry rejected these texts as being to honest and candid. This paper looks at why the Ministry, and others, can not be upfront and honest with streetwise kids.
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Gender Differences in HIV and Hepatitis C Related Vulnerabilities Among Aboriginal Young People Who Use Street Drugs in Two Canadian Cities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Azar Mehrabadi
Katharina Paterson
Margo Pearce
Sheetal Patel
Kevin J. P. Craib ... [et al.]
Women & Health, vol. 48, no. 3, November 2008, pp. 235-260
Study reports impoverished Aboriginal women are at greater risk for HIV infection due to specific gender related harms.
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A Gendered Analysis of Canadian Aboriginal Individuals Admitted to Inpatient Substance Abuse Detoxification: A Three-Year Medical Chart Review

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Russell C. Callaghan
Randi Cull
Lisa C. Vettese
Lawren Taylor
American Journal on Addictions, vol. 15, no. 5, September-October 2006, pp. 380-386
Study shows Aboriginal women have higher rates of cocaine or opiate detoxification diagnoses and reported more physical and sexual abuse.
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