Displaying 1301 - 1350 of 3517

Indian and White Attitudes Relating to Indian Assimilation / A Comparison of Indian and White Pupils of Montana with Respect to Goals and Attitudes Towards Each Other. - H.E. Herrington and George V. Douglas. - Booklet. - December 1968.

Archival » Archival Items
Montana Agricultural Experiment Station
Montana State University
This study is the result of a questionnaire given to 8th and 12th grade Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students living in Montana who were from reserves or lived close to a reserve. It focused on the occupational, financial and educational goals. The questionnaire also asked about situations in which respondents would be willing to associate with members of the opposite race.
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Indian Brotherhood of the Northwest Territories / and / Metis and Non-Status Native Association of the Northwest Territories - Press release. - 2 July 1974.

Documents & Presentations
Indian Brotherhood of the Northwest Territories and Metis and Non-Status Native Association of the Northwest Territories
Press release relating to the first Joint General Assembly of the Indian Brotherhood of the Northwest Territories and Metis and Non-Status Native Association of the Northwest Territories. Ten resolutions were passed concerning land claims, economic development, local government and education.
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Indian Children Taken Illegally

Articles » General
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 7, no. 1, January 1977, p. 11
Examines the removal of children from reserves in Saskatchewan by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.
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Indian Claims Commission Proceedings (1994) 1 ICCP

Indian Claims Commission
vol. 1
Reports include: Cold Lake and Canoe Lake (Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range) Inquiries, Interim Ruling: Athabasca Denesuline, Treaty Harvesting Rights Inquiry, Related Materials on Specific Claims, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada / Outstanding Business: A Native Claims Policy - Specific Claims, First Nations Submission on Claims, Response of Minister Siddon, March 21, 1991. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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Indian Claims Commission Proceedings (2007) 18 ICCP

Alternate Title
Indian Claims Commission Proceedings: A Publication of the Indian Claims Commission (2007) 18 ICCP
Indian Claims Commission
Report includes background documents, articles, comments and responses regarding the following cases: Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation, Flooding Negotiations (Mediation); Peepeekisis First Nation Inquiry, Fire Hills Colony Claim; Moosomin First Nation ,1909 Reserve Land Surrender (Mediation); Thunderchild First Nation, 1908 Surrender Claim (Mediation); and the Betsiamites Band, Highway 138 and Rivière Betsiamites Bridge Inquires. Commissioners include: Renée Dupuis, Daniel J. Bellegarde, Jane Dickson-Gilmore, Alan C. Holman, and Sheila G. Purdy.
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Indian Economic Development in "The Indian News" (1954-1982)

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Malcolm Davidson
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, 1983, pp. 321-340
Evolution of this publication from a federal propaganda vehicle into a newspaper controlled by First Nation peoples.
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Indian Hunting and Fishing Rights

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
D. E. Sanders
Saskatchewan Law Review, vol. 38, no. 1, 1974, pp. 45-62
Looks at federal and provincial laws regarding Indian hunting rights on and off reserve, natural resources transfer Agreements, permitted methods and purpose of hunting, and Inuit and non-status Indian rights.
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Indian Land Claims and Rights - L.I. Barber. - Speech. - October 1974.

Documents & Presentations
L.I. Barber
This speech, given by L.I. Barber, Indian Claims Commissioner for Canada, at a Royal Society of Canada symposium on Amerindians, outlines the history of land claims in Canada and the negotiations occurring to settle the backlog of grievances relating to land claims. He also notes that Eskimo / Inuit concerns are only being recognized as a genuine concern in the early 1970s.
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The Indian Pass System in the Canadian West, 1882-1935

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
F. Laurie Barron
Prairie Forum, vol. 13, no. 1, Spring, 1988, pp. 25-42
Examines the aftermath of the North-West Rebellion and the consequences of a pass system established by Indian Affairs intended to control Native Peoples movements.
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Indian Policy in the New Conservative Government, Part II: The Nielsen Task Force in the Context of Recent Policy Initiatives

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sally M. Weaver
Native Studies Review, vol. 2, no. 2, 1986, pp. 1-45
Paper attempts to provide an overview of Indian policy developments in context of recent policy initiatives of the Minister of Indian Affairs, Concludes with with observations on the current status of policy reforms.Part I appeared in NSR, Vol.2, no.1
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Indian Record (Vol. 33, #11-12, Nov.-Dec. 1970)

Documents & Presentations
"National publication for the Indians of Canada." Focus on Indigenous issues, events at residential schools and legal decisions. Previously published as Indian Missionary Record. Articles reflect the attitudes and policies of the time.
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Indian Record (vol. 34, #5-6, May-June, 1971)

Documents & Presentations
"National publication for the Indians of Canada." Focus on Indigenous issues, events at residential schools and legal decisions. Previously published as Indian Missionary Record. Articles reflect the attitudes and policies of the time.
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Indian Record (Vol. 36, Nos. 6-7, July-August, 1973)

Documents & Presentations
"National publication for the Indians of Canada." Focus on Indigenous issues, events at residential schools and legal decisions. Previously published as Indian Missionary Record. Articles reflect the attitudes and policies of the time.
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Indian Record (Vol. XX, No. 7, September 1957)

Documents & Presentations
"National publication for the Indians of Canada". Focus on Indigenous issues, events at residential schools and legal decisions. Previously published as Indian Missionary Record. Articles reflect the attitudes and polices of the time.
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Indian Record (Vol. XX, No. 9, November, 1957)

Documents & Presentations
"National publication for the Indians of Canada". Focus on Indigenous issues, events at residential schools and legal decisions. Previously published as Indian Missionary Record. Articles reflect the attitudes and polices of the time.
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Indian Record (Vol. XXI, No. 7, September, 1958)

Documents & Presentations
"National publication for the Indians of Canada". Focus on Indigenous issues, events at residential schools and legal decisions. Previously published as Indian Missionary Record. Articles reflect the attitudes and polices of the time.
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Indian Record (Vol. XXV, No. 6, November - December, 1962)

Documents & Presentations
"National publication for the Indians of Canada". Focus on Indigenous issues, events at residential schools and legal decisions. Previously published as Indian Missionary Record. Articles reflect the attitudes and polices of the time.
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Indian Record (Vol. XXVI, No. 5, October, 1963)

Documents & Presentations
"National publication for the Indians of Canada". Focus on Indigenous issues, events at residential schools and legal decisions. Previously published as Indian Missionary Record. Articles reflect the attitudes and polices of the time.
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Indian Record (Vol. XXVI, No. 6, November, 1963)

Documents & Presentations
"National publication for the Indians of Canada". Focus on Indigenous issues, events at residential schools and legal decisions. Previously published as Indian Missionary Record. Articles reflect the attitudes and polices of the time.
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Indian Record (Vol. XXXI, No. 6, June-July, 1968)

Documents & Presentations
"National publication for the Indians of Canada." Focus on Indigenous issues, events at residential schools and legal decisions. Previously published as Indian Missionary Record . Articles reflect the attitudes and policies of the time.
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Indian Record (Vol. XXXII, Nos. 8-9, August-September, 1969)

Documents & Presentations
"National publication for the Indians of Canada." Focus on Indigenous issues, events at residential schools and legal decisions. Previously published as Indian Missionary Record. Articles reflect the attitudes and policies of the time.
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Indian Registration: Unrecognized and Unstated Paternity

Documents & Presentations
Michelle M. Mann
Discusses the ramifications of Bill C-31, which amended the Indian Act, and the policy options available to the Registrar of Indian and Northern Affairs to deal with the inequities that have arisen in terms of children having status.
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The Indian Reorganization Act: The Dream and the Reality

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lawrence C. Kelly
Pacific Historical Review, vol. 44, no. 3, August 1975, pp. 291-312
Discusses John Collier's crusade to rebuild Indian tribal societies and rehabilitate and enlarge Indian lands.
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Indian Reserves: Procedure for Adding Land

Alternate Title
[Mini Review] (Parliamentary Research Branch) ; MR-125E
Documents & Presentations
Peter Niemczak
Briefly discusses government policy and procedures for adding land to some reserves and for creating others. Current as of 1994.
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Indian Residential School Survivors and State-Designed ADR: A Strategy for Co-Optation?

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Neil Funk-Unrau
Anna Snyder
Conflict Resolution Quarterly, vol. 24, no. 3, Spring, 2007, pp. 285-304
Argues that the state-sponsored alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process reflects a misuse of ADR because it represents the government’s attempt to pacify residential school survivors through social control.
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Indian Residential Schools: A Chronology

Articles » General
John Edmond
LawNow, vol. 38, no. 6, Bench Marks: Cases that Change the Legal Landscape, July/Aug. 2014, p. [?]
Presents timeline beginning at 1755 leading up to the inception of the residential school system and ending at 2014 with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings wrap up.
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Indian Residential Schools & Reconciliation: Teacher Resource Guide 11/12: Book 2: The Documentary Evidence

Alternate Title
150 Years' Relationship: Documentary Evidence
Documents & Presentations
First Nations Education Steering Committee
First Nations Schools Association
Documents relating to the “Indian Question”, residential schools, The Bryce Report (health conditions in the schools), the McKenna McBride Commission, further restrictions imposed by the Indian Act, post-war activism, etc. Backgrounders and primary sources for topics covered in Book One.
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