Aboriginal Youth at Risk: The Role of Education, Mobility, Housing, Employment, and Language as Protective Factors for Problem and Criminal Behaviours

Alternate Title
Urban Aboriginal Communities in Canada: [Complexities, Challenges, Opportunities]
E-Books » Chapters
Raymond R. Corrado
Irwin M. Cohen
Combines data from the 2006 census involving risk and protective factors with literature review to form basis for policy/program recommendations. Chapter from Urban Aboriginal Communities in Canada: Complexities, Challenges, Opportunities edited by Peter Dinsdale, Jerry White and Calvin Hanselmann.
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Aboriginal Youth Gangs: Preventative Approaches

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jane P. Preston
Sheila Carr-Stewart
Charlene Northwest
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 4, no. 2, 2009, pp. 152-160
Outlines programs and strategies to prevent Aboriginal youth gangs, and discusses positive opportunities for youth to interact with community role models and participate in community programs.
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Aboriginal Youth: Risk and Resilience

Articles » General
Paula Du Hamel
Native Social Work Journal, vol. 5, Articulating Aboriginal Paradigms: Implications for Aboriginal Social Work Practice, November 2003, pp. 213-224
Discusses the­ psycho-social, economic, educational and environmental factors and the impact they have on the socialization experiences of Aboriginal youth. The article also examines the factors that contribute to risk and resiliency.
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Aborigines and Change: Australia in the '70s

Book Reviews
C. D. Rowley
Aboriginal History , vol. 3, no. 2, 1979, pp. 152-154
Book review of: Aborigines and Change edited by R. M. Berndt. Chapters are papers presented at symposium of the Institute of Aboriginal Studies. To access review, scroll down to page 152.
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Abstinence Versus Harm Reduction: Considering Follow-up and Aftercare in First Nations Addictions Treatment

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kimberly A. van der Woerd
David N. Cox
Jeff Reading
Andrew Kmetic
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, vol. 8, no. 2, [Indigenous Health Special Issue], April 2010, pp. 374-389
Reviews a participatory evaluation of the 6-week residential 'Namgis Treatment Centre (NTC) program in Alert Bay, British Columbia.
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Access to Justice for Indigenous Adult Victims of Sexual Assault

Documents & Presentations
Patricia Barkaskas
Sarah Hunt
Includes discussion of the context of colonization, barriers to justice, needs of survivors, and promising practices and innovative models, as well as a case law review and analysis, and suggestions for moving forward.
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Accessing Services across Jurisdictions: The Gaps, Duplications, Disjunctions and Opportunities Experienced by Urban Aboriginal Peoples in Fredericton, New Brunswick

Alternate Title
2012 UAKN Research Paper Series
Documents & Presentations
Verlé Harrop
Used 19 key informant interviews with experts, senior administrators and front-line workers to identify issues related to 12 sub-themes. Concludes with recommendations generated from responses.
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Achieving Consensus For a Policy Action to Reduce Alcohol Problems in the Unceded Indian Reserve of Wikwemikong: Wikwemikong Alcohol Policy Consensus

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Claire Narbonne-Fortin
Margaret Rylett
Susan Manitowabi
Ron Douglas
Louis Gliksman
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 21, no. 1, 2001, pp. 161-177
Describes the process involved in developing a policy to manage the use of alcohol in recreational facilities, including policy regulations, community survey results, and indicators of success.
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Across Australia ... From Health Worker To Health Worker

Articles » General
Sandra Gargita
Dennis Davey
Allan Gore
Myrtle Ward
Joseph Cox
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 9, no. 1, March 1985, pp. 57-60
Brief reports from several health workers from across Western Australia regarding local health practices and programs.
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Across Australia.....From Health Worker to Health Worker: My Grandfather's Culture; The House Fly, Musca Domestica

Articles » General
David Wurramarrabe
Wendy Lalara
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 4, no. 4, December 1980, pp. 48-49
Two personal narratives from employees of Groote Eylandt Mining Company's Industrial Health Department regarding the upheaval of mining development and the importance of hygiene in disease prevention.
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An Act to amend “The Indian Act.” [Assented to June 23, 1887]

Alternate Title
An Act to Amend “The Indian Act.” S.C. 1887, c. 33 (50-51Vict.) [Assented to 23rd June, 1887.]
Documents & Presentations
Government of Canada
Contains material on band membership inquiries by the Superintendent General, logging on reserve land, stopping of a payment of an annuity and interest money to any woman who lives immorally (section 73), intoxication and prostitution.
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Active Measures Field Guide

Documents & Presentations
First Nations Social Development Society
Designed to give administering authorities tools needed ensure communities receive an optimal system of income assistance.
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Activity at Cherbourg

Articles » General
J. Broderick
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, March 1986, pp. 37-38
Reports on health and social plan delivery in the remote Aboriginal community in south eastern Queensland, Australia.
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ACWS in Conversation with Lewis Cardinal

Alternate Title
Alberta Councial of Women's Shelters in Conversation with Lewis Cardinal
Building Relations Part 2: Stories from Community
Building Relationships Part 1: Lessons From Lewis
Circle Process
Foundations of Indigenous Worldviews
Indigenous Women in Indigenous Societies
Indigenous Women's Leadership
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls: Inquiry and Action
Treaty Relations: Spirit, Intent, and First Nations Perspectives
[In Coversation with Lewis Cardinal]
Media » Film and Video
Lewis Cardinal
[Tina Fox
Stephanie Harpe
Tracy Bear
Karen MacKenzie
Betty Letendre
Cora Voyageur
Ruth Scalp Lock]
Series of eight hour-long videos developed to educate women's shelter workers, but equally applicable to general audiences. Videos cover wide range of topics such as: treaty relationships; Indigenous worldviews; missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls; Indigenous women in Indigenous societies; women's leadership; and building relationships.
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Addressing Aboriginal Land and Treaty Rights in Ontario:

An Analysis of Past Policies and Options for the Future

Documents & Presentations
Michael Coyle
Discusses the historic approach of governments and the courts in addressing Aboriginal rights relating to land, and some of the key historical circumstances that have prevented resolution of the issues in the past. The article also looks at the current federal and provincial land claims policies in Ontario.
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Addressing Health Inequities Through Indigenous Involvement in Health-Policy Discourses

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Alycia J. Fridkin
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 44, no. 2, Indigenous Peoples Health and Health-Care Equity, 2012, pp. 109-122
Discusses disproportionate burden of poor health and social suffering on Indigenous peoples and the rational for why the involvement of Indigenous peoples in health policy is essential for addressing health disparities.
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Addressing Inuit Women’s Economic Security and Prosperity in the Resource Extraction Industry

Documents & Presentations
Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada

Reports results of literature search and qualitative and quantitative survey data from 29 women living in Arviat, Salluit, Inuvik, and Baker Lake. Study's focus was sexual violence and harassment in the workplace, and identifying gaps, opportunities and recommendations to ensure women's safety and economic security.

Related material: Literature Review.

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Addressing Mi’kmaq Family Violence

Alternate Title
Family Violence and Aboriginal Communities: Building Our Knowledge and Direction through Community Based Research and Community Forums
Documents & Presentations
L. Jane McMillan
Study conducted over five years consulted with over 150 Mi'kmaq through interviews, focus groups, and community forums in order to develop strategies to address violence.
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Addressing the Suppressed Epidemic: Violence against Indigenous Women

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Amanda R. Young
Journal of Indigenous Research, vol. 7, no. 1, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, 2019, p. Article 3
Author conducts a literature review examining resources and writings surrounding the issue of violence towards Indigenous women and the suppression of the issue; argues that media representation plays a large role, and issues a call to action from the general public to help solve the problem.
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Adequacy of Protection for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Articles » General
Michael Dodson
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 19, no. 2, March/April 1995, pp. 18-21
Discusses the broader issue of rights in every area of life and the difficulties in the legislative system with recognizing group rights.
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Adherence and Barriers to H. Pylori Treatment in Arctic Canada

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Megan Lefebvre
Hsiu-Ju Change
Amy Morse
Sander Veldhuyzen van Zanten
Karen Jean Goodman
CANHelp Working Group
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 72, no. Supplement 1, 2013, p. article no. 22791
Results indicate that treatment practices vary within the Canadian Arctic region, additional research is recommended.
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Adolescence: A Window of Opportunity for Positive Change in Mental Health

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christine Wekerle
Randall L. Waechter
Eman Leung
Monika Leonard
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 3, no. 2, Special Issue: Adolescent Development, Mental Health, and Promising Research Directions, 2007, pp. 8-16
Argues that Aboriginal youth have acculturation pressures, that do not exist for other adolescent populations, and discusses how community workers can effectively intervene and support youth during this vulnerable developmental period.
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Adolescent Mothers: A Challenge for First Nations

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ruth Montgomery-Andersen
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 63, Supplement 2, 2004, pp. 274-279
A mentoring program, which had success in African American and Latino communities, could have some value in the Greenlandic setting.
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ADR Process Launched

Articles » General
Paul Barnsley
Windspeaker, vol. 21, no. 9, December 2003, pp. 11-16

Criticizes the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) as not being a satisfactory process to fairly compensate all residential school survivors in a timely fashion.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.11.

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Advancing Suicide Prevention Research with Rural American Indian and Alaska Native Populations

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lisa Wexler
Michael Chandler
Joseph P. Gone
Mary Cwik
Laurence J. Kirmayer ... [et al.]
American Journal of Public Health, vol. 105, no. 5, May 2015, pp. 891-899
Suicide Prevention American Indian and Alaska Native Task Force of researchers met to identify important factors affecting suicide and outline a research direction in prevention.
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Adverse Health Effects of Experiencing Food Insecurity among Greenlandic School Children

Alternate Title
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Birgit Niclasen
Max Petzold
Christina W. Schnohr
International Journal of Circumpolar Health, vol. 72, Supplement 1, 2013, p. article no. 20849
Young boys aged 11 to 12 years of age, from lower income households, were found to have the greatest risk of food insecurity.
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