Displaying 51 - 96 of 96

Mistreatment of Older People in Aboriginal Communities Project: An Investigation into Elder Abuse in Aboriginal Communities

Documents & Presentations
Office of the Public Advocate
[Western Australia]
Project methodology included a review relevant literature, developing communication material to raise awareness of the problem, consultation with Aboriginal people and organizations, analysis of demographic data and information gathered through the consultations.
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Native American Elder Abuse

Documents & Presentations
[University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center]
Provides information on definitions of abuse, indicators, typical abusers and victims, tribal awareness and handling of the issue, resources for reporting and /or treatment, and the role of the National Indian Council on Aging.
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Ngā Tāpiritanga: In What Ways Are Indigenous Māori Perspectives on Attachment Similar to and Different From Western Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Attachment and What Are the Implications for the Practice of Psychotherapy in Aotearoa New Zealand? A Kaupapa Māori Critical Literature Review

Alternate Title
Nga Tapiritanga: In What Ways Are Indigenous Maori Perspectives on Attachment Similar to and Different From Western Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Attachment and What Are the Implications for the Practice of Psychotherapy in Aotearoa New Zealand? A Kaupa
Anna Hinehou Flemming
Psychology Thesis (M.Psych.)--Auckland University of Technology, 2016.
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Of Metaphors and Learning: Navajo Teachings for Today's Youth

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Robert S. McPherson
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 4, Autumn, 1998, pp. 457-468
Author draws on different interviews he has conducted with Diné (Navajo) to discuss metaphors used by elders to make traditional values accessible to contemporary youth.
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Older Māori: Downsizing Experiences, Outcomes and Needs

Documents & Presentations
Fiona Cram

Discusses responses gathered from focus groups and interviews conducted with 12 key informants and 29 individuals aged between 61 and 91 years old regarding decision-making about current and future retirement accommodation.

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Ontario First Nations Aging Study: Overview & Report

Documents & Presentations
Jennifer Walker
Kristen Jacklin
Melissa Andrew
Susan Bronskill
Janey Smylie ... [et al.]
Highlights findings from three sources of information: conversations about aging well with Anishinaabemowin language speakers and older Anishinaabeg from Manitoulin Island, First Nations Regional Health Survey, Phase 2, and health services data for all First Nations people with status and listed in the Indian Register with federal government.
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The Path of Creating Co-Researchers in the File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jessica Dieter
Lauren T. McKim
Jenna Tickell
Carrie A. Bourassa
Jaime Lavallee
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 9, no. 4, October 2018, p. Article 1
Examines current best practices for providing culturally-safe health care services, and conducting health research with Indigenous communities, and discusses a community-based research project which explored community members’ knowledge of and experience with dementia.
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Perceptions of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia among Aboriginal Peoples in Ontario: Final Report January 2014: Six Nations Community Report

Documents & Presentations
Kristen Jacklin
Wayne Barry
Melissa Blind
Outlines findings from interviews, focus groups, and participant observations involving 22 individuals as well as relevant information from academic literature. Goal was to gain understanding of local community's perceptions concerning symptoms and meaning of the disease, practices relating to detection, treatment and care, and healthy aging.
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Perceptions of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia among Aboriginal Peoples in Ontario: Report for Manitoulin Island First Nations

Documents & Presentations
Jessica E. Pace
Kristen Jacklin
Wayne Warry
Outlines findings from interviews, focus groups, and participant observations as well as relevant information from academic literature. Goal was to gain understanding of local community's perceptions concerning symptoms and meaning of the disease, practices relating to detection, treatment and care, and healthy aging.
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Perceptions of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia among Aboriginal Peoples in Ontario: Sudbury Community Report

Documents & Presentations
Kristen Jacklin
Wayne Warry
Melissa Blind
Outlines findings from interviews, focus groups, and participant observations involving 18 individuals as well as relevant information from academic literature. Goal was to gain understanding of local community's perceptions concerning symptoms and meaning of the disease, practices relating to detection, treatment and care, and healthy aging.
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Perceptions of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia among Aboriginal Peoples in Ontario: Thunder Bay Community Report

Documents & Presentations
Kristen Jacklin
Wayne Warry
Devin Dietrich
Outlines findings from interviews, focus groups, and participant observations involving 30 individuals as well as relevant information from academic literature. Goal was to gain understanding of local community's perceptions concerning symptoms and meaning of the disease, practices relating to detection, treatment and care, and healthy aging.
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Police Zones: Territory and Identity in Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Karen Piper
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 21, no. 3, 1997, pp. 483-497
Literary criticism article in which the author examines the Silko’s novel and its relevance to Laguna narratives of land, territory, resistance, and cultural survivance.
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A Postcolonial Discourse Analysis of Community Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Supporting Urban Indigenous Older Adults to Age Well in Ottawa, Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lauren A. Brooks-Cleator
Audrey R. Giles
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, Special Section: Indigenizing Entrepreneurship , January 31, 2020
Research uses discourse analysis to discover the underlying attitudes and narratives around supporting urban Indigenous older adults to age well in the semi-structure interviews of six managers/directors and seven frontline service providers from Indigenous and non-Indigenous health and social service organizations in Ottawa
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Prevalence of Chronic Disease Among American Indian and Alaska Native Elders

Documents & Presentations
Patricia Moulton
Leander McDonald
Kyle Muus
Alana Knudson
Mary Wakefield
Richard Ludtke
Analysis of data from 9,403 participants in the "Identifying Our Needs: A Survey of Elders". Statistics for demographics, incidence of individual diseases and prevalence in conjunction with factors of rurality, gender and age.
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Public Health Should Promote Co-operative Housing and Cohousing

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Amy Lubik
Tom Kosatsky
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 110, no. 2, April 2019, pp. 121-126
Advocates models of housing based on First Nations’ Longhouses in order to promote social cohesion and combat social isolation. Argues that this strategies would be especially helpful to seniors.
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Relocating to a New or Pre-existing Social Housing Unit: Significant Health Improvements for Inuit Adults in Nunavik and Nunavut

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Mylène Riva
Christopher Fletcher
Philippe Dufresne
Karine Perreault
Gina Muckle ... [et al.]
Canadian Journal of Public Health, vol. 111, no. 1, February 2020, pp. 21-30
Study collected baseline data and follow-up data on 102 participants 1-6 months before and 15–18 months after rehousing. Results: majority of participants reported lowered levels of psychological distress, lowered levels of daily stress, and lowered levels of asthmatic symptoms.
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Report: Annotated Bibliography of Available Studies on Elders in Nunavik

Alternate Title
Annotated Bibliography of Available Studies on Elders in Nunavik: Research Report Presented to the Kativik Regional Government
Documents & Presentations
Émanuèle Lapierre-Fortin

Focus is research studies on and consultations done with elders from 1992 to 2012. Sources for list were interviews with scholars and institutions focused on Inuit research and keyword searches in academic journals and databases, as well as non-scientific online sources.

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Resilience and Stress among Hopi Female Caregivers

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Felina M. Cordova-Marks
James K. Cunningham
Robin B. Harris
Lynn B. Gerald
Beatrice Norton … [et al.]
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, vol. 27, no. 2, 2020, pp. [76]-89
Based on a 2017 Adult Caregiver Survey for 44 Hopi women unpaid caregivers of elderly family members. The findings support that higher resilience was associated with lesser stress for the caregivers.
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A Response to "Developing Ontario's Dementia Strategy: A Discussion Paper"

Documents & Presentations
Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres (OFIFC)
Discusses areas needing attention in order to provide services tailored to the care of Indigenous seniors in the urban context. Looks at relevant social determinants of health outcomes such as racism and discrimination, poverty, housing food security, transportation, urban and off-reserve migration, and the residential school experience.
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The Sacred and the Secular: Tlingit Potlatch Songs outside the Potlatch

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sergei Kan
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 14, no. 4, Autumn, 1990, pp. 355-366
Article voices the concerns and commentary of Tlingit elders surrounding the effects of secular performance of sacred song and dances and weighs the value of creating cross-cultural understanding against the devaluation of ceremonial practices.
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“So we tell them”: Articulating Strong Black Masculinities in an Urban Indigenous Community

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bryan Mukandi
David Singh
Karla Brady
Jon Willis

Tanya Sinha
AlterNative, vol. 15, no. 3, September 2019, pp. 253-260
Authors work to contribute to the field of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander masculinities in Australia by foregrounding and privileging how these men perceive themselves. Study considers interviews with 13 men and discusses “Indigenous masculinities rooted in place; a relationality motivated by an intergenerational sense of responsibility; a nuanced idea of acting hard.”
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Stumbling, Not Falling: Reviewing Cultural Competency in Fall Prevention Among Older Indigenous People

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jessica Jack
University of Saskatchewan Undergraduate Research Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, Fall, 2019
Reviews the 2011 study Healthy Aging through Fall Prevention among Older Aboriginal People: From Many Voices to a Shared Vision using a lens of cultural competency. Author highlights problematic elements of the study and suggests frameworks that can be used to improve the quality of research.
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Toku Toa, He Toa Rangatira: A Qualitative Investigation of New Zealand Māori End-of-Life Care Customs

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Tess Moeke-Maxwell
Rawiri Wharemate
Stella Black
Kathleen Mason
Janine Wiles ... [et al.]
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 13, no. 2, Death and Dying, December 2018, pp. 30-46
Reports on Pae Herenga pilot study undertaken to explore how care customs contribute towards strengthening extended family (whānau) resilience and bereavement. Results indicate a need for further study, wider understanding of whānau practices among health professionals, and a digital resource centre.
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Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Polar Bears in the Northern Eeyou Marine Region, Québec, Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Brandon J. Laforest
Julie S. Hébert
Martyn E. Obbard
Gregory W. Thiemann
Arctic, vol. 71, no. 1, March 2018, pp. 40-58
A summary of 15 semi-directed interviews with Cree and Inuit Elders, conducted in June of 2012 regarding climate change and the health of polar bears. Participants unanimously agreed on the reality of a warming climate and a prolonged ice-free season, but differed by community in their perception of the health of the polar bears
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Understanding Fall-Risk Factors for Inuvialuit Elders in Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Julia S. Frigault
Audrey R. Giles
Arctic, vol. 72, no. 1, March 31, 2019, pp. 13-27
Study uses the social determinants of Inuit health (SDoIH) as a conceptual framework, conducts 12 semi structured interviews and participant observations to assess how factors of personal health status and conditions, personal health practices and coping skills, physical environments, social support networks, and access to health services affect older Inuvialuit adults’ likelihood of experiencing a fall.
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Understanding Participant Driven Intervention Research through Three Vignettes

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Elizabeth J Cooper
Journal of Indigenous Social Development, vol. 7, no. 1, 2018, pp. 42-57
The experiences of three different participants in an intergenerational, multi-week research workshop which explored how the concept of wellness is understood are portrayed through the lenses of a girl, a mother, and a grandmother.
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Urban American Indian Caregiving During COVID-19

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Felina M. Cordova-Marks
Terry A. Badger
Robin B. Harris
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 44, no. 2, COVID-19 and Indigenous Peoples, Part 1, 2020, pp. 5-19
Discusses the results of interviews with twenty survey participants; five themes emerged: concern about care recipient contracting the virus, increased caregiving intensity and medical care issues, changes to personal health behaviors, and support during the pandemic.
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What Is Dementia?: Indigenous Perspectives and Cultural Understandings

Alternate Title
Dementia Factsheets
Preventing Dementia in Indigenous Peoples by Aging Well: Advice from Older Indigenous People
Signs and Symptoms of Dementia: An Indigenous Guide
What to Expect after a Diagnosis of Dementia: An Indigenous Persons' Guide
Documents & Presentations
Indigenous Cognition & Aging Awareness Research Exchange (I-CAARE)
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“Youth Will Feel Honoured if They Are Reminded They Are Loved”: Supporting Coming of Age for Urban Indigenous Youth in Care

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Andrea Mellor
Denise Cloutier
Nick Claxton
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 16, no. 2, Wisdom of the Elders: Honouring Spiritual Laws in Indigenous Knowledge, 2021, pp. 308-321

Examines the use of Knowledge Holder's dinners as means to bridge the cultural gaps between Indigenous youths with their elders. 

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