Displaying 101 - 150 of 761

Canoes and Canoe Journeys

Alternate Title
NILI Canoe Curriculum
Documents & Presentations
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Northwest Indian Language Institute

Primarily designed for Kindergarten to Grade 5 students enrolled in Chinuk Wawa immersion programs.

What Do I Bail? student booklet in English. What Do I Bail? student booklet in Chinuk Wawa.

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Canoes at Vermilion [Creek, NWT]

Images » Photographs
J.B. Mawdsley (photographer)
Canoes and unidentified persons at Vermilion [Creek, NWT]. One man in canoe, others on shore.
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Carrothers Commission

Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies
Residents gathering for a hearing of the Carrothers Commission at Rae, N.W.T. which was studying the future directions of government in the Northwest Territories.
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Carving Cultural Connections: Alternative School #1 Seattle, Washington

Alternate Title
[Students Carve Cultural Connections -- And A Canoe]
Media » Film and Video
Ken Ellis
Looks at seventh grade students involved in an experience-based education project to built a traditional cedar canoe under the direction of Saaduuts Peele, Director of Carving Cultural Connections. Duration: 8:01.
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The Central Eskimo

E-Books » Chapters
Franz Boas
Gives account of observations made when travelling to Cumberland Sound and Davis Strait in Nunavut. Section from book, Sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1884-1885 edited by J.W. Powell.
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César's Bark Canoe

Alternate Title
César et son Canot d'écorce
Media » Film and Video
Bernard Gosselin

Film about César Newashish, Attikamek of the Communauté Atikamekw De Manawan, who builds a canoe in the traditional or old way, using only birch bark, cedar splints, spruce roots and gum. 

Lesson Plan.

Duration: 96:00

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Charlie Chief 1 Interviewer

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Charlie Chief
Alphonse Littlepoplar
Indian History Film Project
Interview of Charlie Chief who discusses the a Grass Dance, Round Dance and Sioux Dance (including songs). Also included are songs. The discusses the difference between old and new ways. Alphonse Littlepoplar is the intterpreter
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Chief Broken Eye.

Images » Photographs
Chief Broken Eye trekking across prairie near North Battleford, driving horse and wagon; his family sits in the back. A non-Aboriginal man stands in front posing for the camera.
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Chief Jeffrey H. Johnson Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Jeffrey H. (Chief) Johnson
Imbert Orchard
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview that mentions a smallpox epidemic.
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"Chief Joe Healy and Braves."

Images » Photographs
An image an Aboriginal chief on horseback with several other Aboriginal men on horses in background. They are all wearing ceremonial regalia. Unidentified buildings and water tower in background.
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Chief Star Blanket mounted on a horse

Images » Photographs
A copy of photo of Chief Star Blanket mounted on a horse in front of two tipis. Copied from book RED INDIANS OF THE PLAINS; context suggests this is Chief Star Blanket (A-ta-kwa-koup) who met the missionaries at White Fish Lake. The caption reads: A hunter of the plains in 1874.
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"Chiefs Campbell & Black, with Families."

Images » Photographs
An image of three horses, two of which are hitched to a travois. There are three Aboriginal people on horseback, and two standing nearby. The horse on the right appears to be carrying two non-Aboriginal men who are posing for the photograph.
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Child Stories Influence Writer

Book Reviews
Eldon Henderson
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 33, no. 1, Winter, 2003, pp. 4-5
Book review of: Billy Tinker by Harold Johnson.
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Children and Skidoos

Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies
Local children with skidoos nearby. Padloping, N.W.T. [NU].
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Children at Play

Images » Photographs
Institute for Northern Studies
Children playing outdoors [in Rankin Inlet, NU]. Part of the "Inuit of Keewatin" series (#30).
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Children Riding in Red River Cart

Images » Photographs
Fredrick Elmer Wait
A photograph of children riding in the back of a Red River Cart at pion-era in Saskatoon, Sask around 1940. A man with a wide-brimmed hat drives the cart which is towed by a large bull. Horse and buggy in the background.
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Clara Pratt Interview #1

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Clara Pratt
Alex Cywink
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview where she gives a general account of reserve life. She gives a description of Indian games and tells of the establishment of the Gordon Reserve, Saskatchewan
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Clarence Oliver Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Clarence Oliver
Burton Jacobs
Patricia Soney
Indian History Film Project
General discussion of ferry boats that serviced Walpole Island.
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Clyde Conrad Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Clyde Conrad
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Sergeant C.K.G. Conrad was the commanding officer of the La Ronge RCMP detachment in 1967 when Jim Brady and Absolum Halkett disappeared on a prospecting trip in the Foster Lake area of northern Saskatchewan Sgt. Conrad headed the search party for the two men.
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Commercialization of Indigenous Economy and Its Impact on the Environment of Modhupur Garh, Bangladesh

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Soma Dey
The Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 5, no. 2, Fall, 2007, pp. 74-83
Describes evolution of cash crop economy due to transportation improvements and the impacts on the local environment. [One or more images have been omitted from this article due to copyright restrictions. These images are accessible in the print version of this journal.]
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Community Development to Feed the Family in Northern Manitoba Communities: Evaluating Food Activities Based on Their Food Sovereignty, Food Security, and Sustainable Livelihood Outcomes

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Shirley Thompson
Asfia Gulrukh Kamal
Mohammad Ashraful Alam
Jacinta Wiebe
Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, vol. 3, no. 2, Fall, 2012, pp. 43-66
Comments on the unacceptability of the high rate of food insecurity, the lack of safe drinking water, the need for healthy, and other necessary infrastructure for healthy living.
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Community Perspectives on Food Insecurity and Obesity: Focus Groups With Caregivers of Métis and Off-Reserve First Nations Children

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jasmin Bhawra
Martin J. Cooke
Rhona Hanning
Piotr Wilk
Shelley L. H. Gonneville
International Journal for Equity in Health, vol. 14, no. 1, 2015, p. article 96
Interviewees identified low income, reliance on energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods due affordability and length of shelf life, and lack of access to transportation and country foods as underlying causes.
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Connecting Traditions: Secsepemc Pre-contact Village Life [Summer Map]

Alternate Title
[Connecting Traditions: Explore Secwepemc Pre-Contact Life]
[Secwepemc-Kuc: Let the Journey Begin]
[Secwepemc-kuc: We are the Secwepemc]
Web Sites » Organizations
[First Nations Education Council
School District 73?]
Mouse over images to link to: household life (includes clothing, cooking, preserving food, etc.), village information (homes), resource gathering, spirituality (includes ceremonies, medicine man), stages of life and transportation.
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Connecting Traditions: Secsepemc Pre-contact Village Life [Winter Map]

Alternate Title
[Connecting Traditions: Explore Secwepemc Pre-Contact Life]
[Secwepemc-Kuc: Let the Journey Begin]
[Secwepemc-kuc: We are the Secwepemc]
Web Sites » Organizations
[First Nations Education Council
School District 73?]
Mouse over images to link to: household life (includes clothing, cooking, preserving food, etc.), village information (homes), resource gathering, society (includes role of elders and chiefs, governance, naming), gatherings (includes dancing and singing, trade), stages of life, and games.
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Construction of a ceremonial lodge

Images » Photographs
A series of nine photographs (PH-87-127 to PH-87-135) that show various activities related to the construction of ceremonial lodge in Northern Saskatchewan. Men and young men are shown erecting the lodge poles, hauling the poles in behind horses, and preparing cloth offerings. A camp of white canvas tents can be seen in the background in two photos. There is also a photo of people arriving by horse and wagon.
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Construction Techniques of Whistles, Dog Travois, Bow and Arrows

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George First Rider
John Hellson
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with George First Rider where he discusses the making and function of whistles, briefly describes the making of a dog travois and mentions the making of bows and arrows.
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Copy of illustration: "Escape of the McKay family through the ice to Prince Albert"

Images » Photographs
Grip Printing & Publishing (staff artist)
A copy of illustration: "Escape of the McKay family through the ice to Prince Albert", from souvenir number of CANADIAN PICTORIAL & ILLUSTRATED WAR NEWS, 4 Jul 1885. It depicts Metis rowing boat through ice as his wife and children huddle in back. McKay was a farm instructor near Battleford. Incident described p.21.
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Cora Sanderson Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Cora Sanderson
Janet R. Fietz
Archdeacon J.E. McKay
Indian History Film Project
Cora Sanderson and Archdeacon J.E. McKay tell of their lives in the bush and in La Ronge.
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Correspondence and Circulars - Rex v. Angus H. Canadian

Documents & Presentations
Translation of notes from Judge Wilfrid Lazure, J.S.C., relating to Rex v. Angus H. Canadian. The Aboriginal defendant, from Ville LaSalle, Quebec, was found with a radio apparatus installed in his automobile without any permit or license, in contravention of Section 5 of The Radio Act, 2 Georges VI, Chapter 50 of the Statutes of Canada (1938).

Historical note:

Harold Nelson Woodsworth served as an Indian Agent at a number of agencies in Saskatchewan.
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Cree family and Red River Cart

Images » Photographs
Louis Cochin (photographer)
Image of family posing beside tent and Red River Cart in western dress.
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"A Cree Indian Brave"

Images » Photographs
An image of an Aboriginal man on horseback in ceremonial regalia and head dress. Colours have been added to the photograph in a chromolithograph process.
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Cree Indian encampment.

Images » Photographs
Ralph Dill
Cree Indian encampment near Saskatoon. There are wagons, teepees and tents with horses grazing nearby.
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