Displaying 2301 - 2350 of 3999

The Militarization of Indian Country

Book Reviews
Thomas A. Britten
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 37, no. 1, 2013, pp. 204-206
Book review of: The Militarization of Indian Country by Winona LaDuke. Review located by scrolling to page 204.
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[The Militarization of Indian Country]

Book Reviews
Greg Gagnon
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 33, no. 2, 2013, pp. 176-178
Book review of: The Militarization of Indian Country by Winona LaDuke with Sean Aaron Cruz.
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Mining the Boreal North

Articles » General
Nancy Langston
American Scientist, vol. 101, no. [2], March-April 2013, pp. 98-102
Brief history of resource use and exploitation in the taiga, home to Sami people.
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Mining the Gap: Aboriginal Women and the Mining Industry

Documents & Presentations
Raywat Deonandan
Kalowatie Deonandan
Brennan Field
Based upon synthesis of views and perspectives found in published studies, three key areas of concern are: the social ills generated by the wage labour relationship including substance use and domestic stress and reduction in engagement in cultural practices and shared family experiences; environmental effects of the industry and therefore on traditional practices taking place on the land; and a formal role in partnerships in order to establish legally binding protection for their rights.
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Mining Threatens Innu, Inuit

Articles » General
Carolyn Fast
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 20, no. 3, Whos Local Here?: Politics of Participation in Development, Fall, 1996
Reflects on the impact of the mining industry on the way of life of the Innu and Innuit peoples.The article also discusses the ecotourism industry the indigenous people are building in order to preserve their culture and environment.
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Minister Refuses to Back Down on Panel Representation

Articles » General
Shayne Morrow
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 4, July 2012, pp. 10-11

Comments on the lack of Aboriginal presence on a national hunting and fishing advisory panel.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.10.

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Minobimaatisiiwin: The Good Life

Articles » General
Winona LaDuke
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 4, Womens Work, Womens Worth, Winter, 1992
Explores indigenous womens relationship with the land.
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Modelling Paleoindian Dispersals

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James Steele
Jonathan Adams
Tim Sluckin
World Archaeology, vol. 30, no. 2, October 1998, pp. 286-305
Discusses a simulation model of human migration based on climate conditions during the late glacial period, 13,000-11,000 BP.
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Modern Rock Painting

Images » Photographs
An example of a modern rock painting at an Indian Reserve at Southend, Saskatchewan.
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Modern Treaties in Canada

Alternate Title
[Land Claims Agreements Coalition Free Online Courses]
Media » Sound Recordings
Land Claims Agreements Coalition

Links to six one-hour courses on comprehensive land claims agreements. Themes include general overview, modern treaties and land, self-government, and regional economics, modern treaty governments, and environment protection, regulation and assessment.

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Module 1: Post-Ice Age Geography and the Initial Peopling of the Arctic and Subarctic

Alternate Title
Module One: Post-Ice Age Geography and the Initial Peopling of the Arctic and Subarctic
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 321: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World I]
Documents & Presentations
Michel Bouchard
Jeremei Gabyshev
Overview of archaeology and history of major regions of the circumpolar North and factors which influenced human settlement patterns. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 2: Northern Perceptions

Alternate Title
BCS 100: Introduction to the Circumpolar North
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 100: Introduction to the Circumpolar World]
Documents & Presentations
Alec E. Aitken
Discusses various methods used to define boundaries of the circumpolar North, concepts of nordicity based on astronomical, physical, biological features and cultural identity, and compares biophysical and socio-economic conditions in different areas. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 2: Peoples of the Subarctic: Hunters, Gatherers, and Fishers

Alternate Title
Module Two: Peoples of the Subarctic: Hunters, Gatherers, and Fishers
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 321: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World I]
[Section Two: Primary Societies]
Documents & Presentations
Michel Bouchard
Ludmilla Zhukova
Reviews ecology of the region and examines traditional Indigenous economies, Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 3: Coastal Dwellers: Peoples of the Sea

Alternate Title
Module Three: Coastal Dwellers: Peoples of the Sea
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 321: Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World I]
[Section Two: Primary Peoples]
Documents & Presentations
Michel Bouchard
Reviews physical geography, natural environment, archaeology, of coastal areas of the circumpolar region. Also discusses major Indigenous populations prior to contact and their cultures, subsistence methods, and religious beliefs. Developed for class delivered by the University of Arctic.
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Module 5: Contemporary Economic Activity

Alternate Title
BCS 100: Introduction to the Circumpolar North
Module Five: Contemporary Economic Activity
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 100]
Documents & Presentations
John Newark
Looks at renewable and non-renewable resources and how climate change is affecting economic activity in the North. Developed for class delivered by the University of the Arctic.
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Module 7: Northern Tourism

Alternate Title
Module Seven: Northern Tourism
[Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies (BCS) 331: Contemporary Issues of the Circumpolar World I]
Documents & Presentations
Margaret Johnston
Dave Twynam
Looks at role played by tourism and potential benefits and problems associated with it. Includes case studies from Greenland and Nunavut. Developed for class delivered by University of the Arctic.
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Money Can't Trump Environmental Change, Says Minister

Articles » General
Isha Thompson
Windspeaker, vol. 27, no. 11, February 2010, p. 9

Discusses the need for alternative energy initiatives to help preserve the environment, including the Northwest Territories initiatives of harnessing the wind's energy and upgrading building standards for increased efficiency.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.9.

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Monique Verdin's Louisiana Love: An Interview

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kirstin L. Squint
Monique Verdin
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 1, Winter, 2018, pp. 117-133
Interview with co-producer and co-writer of My Louisiana Love, a documentary which details the effects of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and the BP oil spills on her family and community.
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Moon of the Crusted Snow: Reading Guide

Documents & Presentations
Anna Rodrigues
Kaitlyn Watson

To accompany book written by Waubgeshig Rice which tells the story of a small northern Anishinaabe community which finds itself completely isolated from the external world just as winter sets in. The key to survival is reconnecting with the land. Guide is arranged around the themes of land, colonialism, community, gender, language, traditions and culture, and real world events.o accompany story written by 

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Moose Hunters of the Boreal Forest? A Re-examination of Subsistence Patterns in the Western Subarctic

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
David R. Yesner
Arctic, vol. 42, no. 2, Current Perspectives on Western Boreal Forest Life: Ethnographic and Ethnohistoric Research in Late , June 1989, pp. 97-108
Looks at the effects of climate change on the moose and caribou populations, ethnoarchaeological study of moose hunting and butchering in Alaska and Yukon, and the importance of caribou to the Athapaskan lifestyle.
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The Moral Epistemology of First Nations Stories

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jim Cheney
Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, vol. 7, no. 2, [Telling Our Stories], 2002, pp. 88-100
Comments on several storytellers (Carol Geddes, Louise Profeit-Leblanc, Vine Deloria, Lee Hester) to show that storytelling should be part of environmental education, ethics and practice.
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