Displaying 1 - 50 of 64

Aboriginal Water Rights Primer

Documents & Presentations
Merrell-Ann S. Phare
Produced as a result of dissatisfaction with the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs' engagement process for the development of proposed legislative framework for drinking water in First Nation communities. Looks at three types of water-related rights: water, self-government, and adequate levels of environment protection.
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Accessibility, Quality and Safety of Liard First Nation's Drinking Water Supply

Documents & Presentations
Lalita Bharadwaj
Lisa Christensen
[Rebecca Zagozewski]
Study conducted 2012-2015 included assessment of 40 private drinking wells and how surface water and groundwater were connected using hydrological models and community survey that asked residents about their water sources, opinions about quality, alternative beverages, and preferences in ways to communicate with leaders.
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Between Law and Action: Assessing the State of Knowledge on Indigenous Law, UNDRIP, and Free, Prior and Informed Consent with Reference to Fresh Water Resources

Documents & Presentations
Hannah Askew
Corey Snelgrove
Kelsey R. Wrightson
Don Courturier
Alisa Koebel … [et al.]
Brief discussion of context and implications of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples followed by results of literature review based on research findings and academic literature, primary sources, grey literature, and Indigenous legal orders and case studies of their applications.
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Bill S-11: The Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act

Alternate Title
Legislative Summary (Parliamentary Information and Research Service) ; 40-3-S11-E
Documents & Presentations
Nicholas Auclair
Tonina Simeone
Brief description of background and contents of the Bill, which provides for federal regulations relating to provision of drinking water, water quality standards and disposal of waste water.
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Boiling Point! : Six Community Profiles of the Water Crisis Facing First Nations within Canada

Alternate Title
A Synopsis Prepared by the Polaris Institute in Collaboration with the Assembly of First Nations and Supported by the Canadian Labour Congress
Andrea Harden
Holly Levalliant
Polaris Institute
Assembly of First Nations
p. 28
Looks at the water crisis on reserves, and the right to safe drinking water and sanitation.
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The Canadian Water Sustainability Index (CWSI): Case Study Report

Alternate Title
Policy Research Initiative Working Paper Series
PRI Project: Sustainable Development
Working Papers (Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources) ; 028
Documents & Presentations
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources
Anne Morin
Presents the results from a Canadian Water Sustainability project to assess various elements of water well-being in Canadian communities.
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Confluence: Water as an Analytic of Indigenous Feminisms

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joanne Barker
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 43, no. 3, Indigeneity, Feminism, Activism, 2019, pp. 1-40
A discussion of Indigenous feminist politics and the relationship between Indigenous women and water using the Flint water crisis and NoDAPL action at Standing Rock to illustrate.
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Customary Water Laws and Practices in Canada

Documents & Presentations
Linda Nowlan
Discusses the country's water resources and the legislation used to manage them, customary laws and the legal interface between Aboriginal rights and statutory rights.
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Ensuring Water Security in Indigenous Communities throughout Canada

Alternate Title
Annual meeting of the ICSD ; 2019
Annual Meeting of the International Conference on Sustainable Development ; 2019
Documents & Presentations
Lateisha Ugwuegbula
Darlene Coyle
Alexander Wightman
Argues that fragmentation of jurisdiction and lack of coordination over different levels of government has led to gaps, uncertainty about responsibility, problems with accountability, and failure to protect source water. Further argues that the current model of using watershed management agencies is inadequate and government should be moving to Integrated Water Resource Management, which is a more inclusive and holistic approach.
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Exploring Water Governance and Management in Oneida Nation of the Thames (Ontario, Canada): An Application of the Institutional Analysis and Development Framework

Articles » General
Kate Cave
Ryan Plummer
Rob de Loë
Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 23, no. 4, Special Issue: Exploring the Governance Landscape of Indigenous Peoples and Water in Canada, 2013, pp. 1-27
Attempts to explore institutions associated with water in First Nation communities and their effects on water governance and management.
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Falaj Indigenous Knowledge in Oman and Iran

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Abdullah Saif Al-Ghafri
Majid Labbaf Khaneiki
Nasser A Al Saqri
Khalifa M Al-Kindi
AlterNative, vol. 19, no. 2, 2023, pp. 484-494

Looks at Iranian Indigenous knowledge and its connection to their water resources.   

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Gaining Insights About Water: The Value of Surveys in First Nations Communities to Inform Water Governance

Articles » General
Julia Baird
Blair Carter
Kate Cave
Diane Dupont
Paul General ... [et al.]
Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 23, no. 4, Special Issue: Exploring the Governance Landscape of Indigenous Peoples and Water in Canada, Spring, 2013, pp. 1-18
Looks at the importance of surveys as a tool for information regarding water governance, water quality and community connections to water.
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Glacial Lake Levels and Eastern Great Lakes Palaeo-Indians

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lawrence J. Jackson
Christopher Ellis
Alan V. Morgan
John H. McAndrews
Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, vol. 15, no. 5, 2000, pp. 415-440
Investigates new water level information on sites that have been inundated by rising water levels.
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Guidance Book: Resources for Winter Roads, Wildfires, Flooding, and Coastal Erosion

Alternate Title
Climate Change Adaptation Planning Guidebooks for Indigenous Communities
Climate Change Adaptation Planning Toolkit for Indigenous Communities
Documents & Presentations
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER)

Provides support to communities in identifying tools and resources, best practices, and key considerations when responding to impacts of climate change. Appendices Forms part of the Climate Change Adaptation Planning Toolkit for Indigenous Communities. Related material: Guidebooks.

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Indigenous Watershed Initiatives and Co-Governance Arrangements: A British Columbia Systematic Review: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Kate Cave
Julia Ko
Shianne McKay
Geneviève Layton-Cartier
Includes literature review and results of survey of First Nations communities and organizations. Participants were asked questions about water and water-related governance and management initiatives, strength of relationships with other First Nations, governments, institutions, and stewardship organizations, and key capacity challenges and opportunities.
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Media » Film and Video
Lee Francis
Anthony Rodriguez
Kevin McDonald
Vision Maker Media
New Mexico PBS

Series of 13 videos (each approximately 5 minutes long), geared toward children, explore how Indigenous knowledge and traditions have contributed to the modern world.

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Introduction to Determinants of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples Health in Canada

We’es Tes, Sandra Martin Harris
Christine Añonuevo
Margo Greenwood
Roseann Larstone
Tabitha Robin
Yvonne Boyer ...
Cassandra Felske-Durksen
Lisa Boivin
Armand Garnet Ruffo
Madeleine Kétéskwēw Dion Stout
Miyawata Dion Stout
Mary Teegee ...
Ryan O’Toole ...
Laura McNab-Coombs
Danièle Behn Smith
Shannon Waters
Aluki Kotierk
Garry Gottfriedson
Margo Greenwood ...
Jaimie Isaac
Thomsen D’Hont
Marjolaine Siouï ...
Marie-Pier Paul ...
Richard Gray
Lee Maracle
Donna L. M. Kurtz
Jessie Nyberg
Charlotte Coté
Harmony Johnson
Danièle Behn Smith ...
Norma Dunning
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Kindergarten and Early Learning Menu L

Alternate Title
Learn at Home Activity Menu L: Kindergarten and Early Learning
Web Sites » Organizations
Upper Canada District School Board

Lesson plans for math, literacy and French as a second language using themes from the books The Water Walker, Sharing Our Stories, When We Are Kind, and Let's Play Waltes.

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"The Legacy Will Be the Change": Reconciling How We Live with and Relate to Water

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lindsay Day
Ashlee Cunsolo
Heather Castleden
Alex Sawatzky
Debbie Martin ... [et al.]
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, The COVID-19 Pandemic and Indigenous Peoples, 2020, pp. 1-23

Looks at the Indigenous approach towards water knowledge and how this approach can be used in collaboration with Western knowledge systems for water policy making and research.  

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Multi-Barrier Protection of Drinking Water Systems in Ontario: A Comparison of First Nation and Non-First Nation Communities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Dan Walters
Nicholas Spence
Kayli Kuikman
Budhendra Singh
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, Water and Indigenous Peoples, 2012, pp. 1-23
Based on four components: protection of source water, treatment and distribution of water systems, monitoring for established standards, and communications regarding threats to water supplies.
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Nibi Declaration of Treaty #3 Toolkit

Documents & Presentations
Grand Council Treaty #3 (GCT3)
Declaration is about the relationship with water and the life it brings, is based on Gitiizii m'inaanik (Elders and knowledge keepers) teachings, and is meant to guide future policy and decision-making.
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Planning Around Reserves: Probing the Inclusion of First Nations in Saskatchewan's Watershed Planning Framework

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Warrick Baijius
Robert J. Patrick
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 10, no. 5, Special Issue: The Impact of Reserve and Reservation Systems on Indigenous Well-Being, November 22, 2019
Results from a study which examines a dozen watershed plans indicates limited inclusion of First Nations in watershed plans created by the Saskatchewan Watershed authority.
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Respect the Water #1

Documents & Presentations
[Suzanne Methot]
Teacher's resource for Grades 5 and 8 utilizes the poem “Water/El Agua, video The Story of Bottled Water, and the article No Running Water by Helen Fallding to explore issues surrounding the environment, the impact of human behavior on it, and the role of the public engagement in maintaining healthy, sustainable ecosystems.
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