Displaying 1 - 50 of 231

Aboriginal Learning and Healing in a Virtual World

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John Hodson
Canadian Journal of Native Education, vol. 28, no. 1/2, Transformative Sites of Indigenous Education, 2004, pp. 111-122
Discusses the merits of Internet delivery for Aboriginal education.
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Aboriginal Youth Experiences with Cyberbullying: A Qualitative Analysis of Aboriginal e-mentoring BC

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Johanna Sam
Katherine Wisener
Nahannee Schuitemaker
Sandra A. Jarvis-Selinger
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 13, no. 1, A Barrier-free Health System for Indigenous Communities, August 27, 2018, pp. 5-19
Reports results of survey of 189 mentees ( aged 11-17) and 199 mentors who had participated in the program. Four themes emerged: perceptions and use of technology; awareness of online safety and netiquette; cyberbullying prevalence; and prevention and coping skills.
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Adapting PC CARES to Continue Suicide Prevention in Rural Alaska During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Narrative Overview of an In-Person Community-Based Suicide Prevention Program Moving Online

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Caroline C. Wells
Lauren White
Tara Schmidt
Suzanne Rataj
Diane McEachern ... [et al.]
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, vol. 29, no. 2, Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Research with American Indian and Alaska Native Populations, 2022, pp. [126]-154
Examines the shift from a in-person suicide prevention program, Promoting Community Conversations About Research to End Suicide (PC CARES), to an online format and how this shift allowed the program to be more impactful while still maintaining its core features.
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AMBER Alert in Indian Country

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Jim Walters
Melissa Blasing
Department of Justice Journal of Federal Law and Practice, vol. 69, no. 1, Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons: Law Enforcement and Prevention, January 2021, pp. 21-34
An examination of the need for and successful implementation of AMBER Alert systems in communities throughout the United States. Entire issue on one PDF. To access article, scroll down to page 21.
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American Indian Genes in the Media: Representations of the Havasupai Indian Tribe in Their Case against Arizona State University

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Raymond I. Orr
Justin Reedy
Dalaki Livingston
Paul Spicer
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 45, no. 2, 2021, pp. 65-80
Discusses the media's framing of the Havasupai case against the Arizona State University's genomic research as a matter of ethics rather than an issue of Indigenous sovereignty.
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Beyond Racism: Some Opinions about Racialism and American Archaeology

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Roger Echo-Hawk
Larry J. Zimmerman
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 30, no. 3/4, Decolonizing Archaeology , Summer - Autumn, 2006, pp. 461-485
Authors reproduce an email conversation about race, racialism, and racism in Archaeological practice in the United States that occurred between Indigenous Archaeologists; and further discuss the issues raised in the conversation.
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Canada's Northern Communication Policies: The Role of Aboriginal Organizations

Alternate Title
Shifting Terrain: Nonprofit Policy Advocacy in Canada
E-Books » Chapters
Rob McMahon
Heather E. Hudson
Lyle Fabian
Looks at how Indigenous-led initiatives have dealt with the lack of private sector investment in provision of information and communication technologies in the region due to its sparse population and remote locations. Chapter from Shifting Terrain: Nonprofit Policy Advocacy in Canada edited by Nick J. Muléandd Gloria C. DeSantis.
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The Cedar Project - Mobile Phone Use and Acceptability of Mobile Health Among Young Indigenous People Who Have Used Drugs in British Columbia, Canada: Mixed Methods Exploratory Study

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kate Jongbloed
Margo E Pearce
Vicky Thomas
Richa Sharma
Sherri Pooyak ... [et al.]
JMIR Serious Games, vol. 8, no. 7, 2020, pp. [1-14]
Examines the use of mobile devices by Indigenous youth as means to obtain health support for HIV contracted due to substance abuse.
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Colorism’s Effect on the Presentation of Performative Justice for Indigenous Women in Video News Media

Articles » General
Sarah Bernal
Mundi: Global Studies Society Undergraduate Research Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, Global Connections, 2020, pp. 1-33
Using a comparative case study to examine the unequal mainstream media coverage of murdered Indigenous and non-Indigenous women in Mexico. The findings show that non-Indigenous cases are given more and longer media coverage that provides those cases a "higher profile" for law enforcement.
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Commemorating Stolen Generation Experiences Through Virtual Reality

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Reena Tiwari
John Richard Stephens
Kim John Scott
Renee Parnell
James Morrison ... [et al.]
AlterNative, vol. 20, no. 3, 2024, pp. 339-350

Examines the use of virtual reality to memorialize and teach about Australia's violent history towards its Indigenous populations.

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Culture of Fearfulness? Connecting Patterns of Vulnerability and Resilience in Young Urban Aboriginal Women’s Narratives in Kjipuktuk (Halifax): Final Paper

Documents & Presentations
Trudy Sable
Pam Glode-Desrochers
Darryl Leroux
Chenise Haché
Salina Kemp
Results of interviews with 16 study participants grouped into five themes: identity, family and community, violence, systemic racism/colonialism, social networks/supports, and resiliency and integrity.
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Cyber Safety in Remote Aboriginal Communities: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Ellie Rennie
Tyson Yunkaporta
Indigo Holcombe-James
Looks at the issue of privacy and the concept of relatedness in Aboriginal culture, consequences of online conflict, how the filming of fights can escalate conflicts and make resolution more difficult, and discusses various approaches to overcome harms, including face-to-face mediation, moderation via social media platforms, and management of telecommunications products and infrastructure.
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Decolonial Māori Memes in Aotearoa

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ia Morrison-Young
Julia de Bres
AlterNative, vol. 19, no. 1, 2023, pp. 123-135

Examines the use of social media by urban Māori youth as means of addressing and protesting against colonization.  

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Decolonizing and Indigenizing Education in Canada

Angelina Weenie
Patricia D. McGuire
Bryanna Rae Scott
Candace Kaleimamoowahinekapu Galla
Amanda Holmes
Evelyn Steinhauer
Trudy Cardinal ...
Noella Steinhauer
Patricia Steinhauer
Angela Wolfe ...
Celeste Pedri-Spade
Lynn Lavallee
Emily Grafton ...
Chantal Fiola ...
Keri Cheechoo
Taima Moeke-Pickering
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The Design and Relevance of a Computerized Gamified Depression Therapy Program for Indigenous Māori Adolescents

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Matthew Shepherd
Theresa Fleming
Mathijs Lucassen
Karolina Stasiak. Ian Lambie
JMIR Serious Games, vol. 3, no. 1, 2015, pp. [1-13]
Using interviews with Māori youth to examine their views on the free online game, Smart, Positive, Active, Realistic, X-Factors (SPARX), designed to help with their mental health.
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Developing an Indigenous Cultural Values Based Emoji Messaging System: A Socio-Technical Systems Innovation Approach

Alternate Title
WebSci '20: 12th ACM Conference on Web Science Companion
E-Books » Chapters
Chu Hiang Goh
Narayanan Kulathuramaiyer
Discusses the socio-cultural technological challenges for Indigenous communities by examining the use of Emojis as means of communication that does not sustain Indigenous values. Chapter from WebSci '20: 12th ACM Conference on Web Science Companion.
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Digital Ethics and Reconciliation: Digital Ethics Report

Documents & Presentations
Karine St-Onge
Report offers 26 recommendations for library staff and researchers seeking to decolonize their services in regards to collaborative research with Indigenous communities, the products of that research, and previously acquired archival materials. Multiple case studies included; majority are Canadian, but also includes cases from Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, and the United States.
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Ethnic Health Data in Hawai'i: Describing the Databases

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Henry M. Ichiho
Claire Hughes
Pacific Health Dialog, vol. 8, no. 2, Health of the Hawaiians, 2001, pp. 340-352
Introduces a number of sources of data on the internet that offer health data relevant to Native Hawaiians and other minority populations in the State of Hawai'i.
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Evaluation of the Indigenous Relationship and Cultural Safety Courses among a sample of Indigenous Services Canada nurses

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Michelle Rand
Amanda J. Sheppard
Sehar Jamal
Alethea Kewayosh
Angela Mashford-Pringle
International Journal of Indigenous Health, vol. 14, no. 1, Physical Activity and Cultural Safety, May 28, 2019, pp. 29-41

Study uses a survey and a focus group to assess the effectiveness of the Indigenous Relationship and Cultural Safety (IRCS) courses mandated for Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) nurses as well as the online, modulated format for its delivery.

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Even an Activist's Gotta Eat: Taking Ownership, Building Platforms

Alternate Title
Reterritorialising Social Media: Indigenous People Rise Up
Articles » General
Leesa Watego
Journal of Global Indigeneity, vol. 1, no. 2, Reterritorialising Social Media: Indigenous People Rise Up, 2015
Creator of deadlybloggers.com discusses the use of blogs and other forms of social media as an avenue to for Indigenous represent themselves, results of survey of bloggers who use the site. Duration: 40:38.
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