Aboriginal Learning and Healing in a Virtual World
Aboriginal Youth Experiences with Cyberbullying: A Qualitative Analysis of Aboriginal e-mentoring BC
Adapting PC CARES to Continue Suicide Prevention in Rural Alaska During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Narrative Overview of an In-Person Community-Based Suicide Prevention Program Moving Online
The Age of Digital Media: (Un)truth of Native American-based Representations in 2010’s Video Games.
History Paper (BA) -- Redbound University, 2023.
AMBER Alert in Indian Country
American Indian Genes in the Media: Representations of the Havasupai Indian Tribe in Their Case against Arizona State University
American-Indian Media: The Past, the Present, and the Promise of Digital
Communication Thesis (PhD) -- Louisiana State University, 2013.
Becoming Visible in Invisible Space: How the Cyborg Trickster is (Re)Inventing American Indian (NDN) Identity
Beyond Racism: Some Opinions about Racialism and American Archaeology
Bridging Canada's Digital Divide: First Nations' Access to New Information Technologies
Bridging the Social Distance between Indigenous and Newcomer Youth during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploration of Identities and Relationship Building through Online and Arts-based Methods
Čá··hu – Is Anyone There: Video Games, Place-Based Knowledge, and the Future Imaginary
Arts Thesis (MDes) -- Concordia University, 2021
Canada's Northern Communication Policies: The Role of Aboriginal Organizations
Caribbean Aboriginals Online: Digitized Culture, Networked Representation
The Cedar Project - Mobile Phone Use and Acceptability of Mobile Health Among Young Indigenous People Who Have Used Drugs in British Columbia, Canada: Mixed Methods Exploratory Study
Characterizing the Internet as an Essential Organizational Resource: Results from a Study at the Native Men's Residence
Examines the importance of internet connection for homeless and outreach service users in obtaining housing and employment.
Colorism’s Effect on the Presentation of Performative Justice for Indigenous Women in Video News Media
Commemorating Stolen Generation Experiences Through Virtual Reality
Examines the use of virtual reality to memorialize and teach about Australia's violent history towards its Indigenous populations.
The Computers and Culture Project: A Multimedia Approach to the Preservation of Native History, Language, and Culture
Examines the use of computers and technology to help preserve Indigenous culture, history, and language for future generations to learn from.
Cree Technology: Ceremony with the Machine
Fine Arts Thesis (MA) -- Concordia University, 2022.
Cultural Mirrors Made of Papier Mâché: Challenging Misrepresentations of Indigenous Knowledges in Education through Media
Culture of Fearfulness? Connecting Patterns of Vulnerability and Resilience in Young Urban Aboriginal Women’s Narratives in Kjipuktuk (Halifax): Final Paper
Current and Future Broadcasting and e-Media Preferences of Mäori Youth: Qualitative Research Report
Cyber Safety in Remote Aboriginal Communities: Final Report
Cyberbullying and Indigenous Australians: A Review of the Literature
Cybersafety for an Indigenous Youth Population
Data Colonialism in Canada: Decolonizing Data through Indigenous Data Governance
Communication Thesis (MA) -- Carleton University, 2021.
Decolonial Māori Memes in Aotearoa
Examines the use of social media by urban Māori youth as means of addressing and protesting against colonization.
Decolonizing and Indigenizing Education in Canada
Decolonizing Technology through a Tipi: Creation of an Indigenous Mobile Application at York University
Interdisciplinary Studies Thesis (MA) -- York University, 2016
The Design and Relevance of a Computerized Gamified Depression Therapy Program for Indigenous Māori Adolescents
Developing an Indigenous Cultural Values Based Emoji Messaging System: A Socio-Technical Systems Innovation Approach
Developing Identity as a Light-Skinned Aboriginal Person with Little or No Community and/or Kinship Ties
Digital Access for Language and Culture in First Nations Communities
A report on community-based language digitization and preservation.
Digital Dreaming: A National Review of Indigenous Media and Communication: Executive Summary
Digital Ethics and Reconciliation: Digital Ethics Report
Digital Indigeneity: Digital Media's Uses for Identity Formation Education, and Activism by Indigenous People in the Northeastern United States
Digital Storytelling in Indigenous Education: Decolonizing Journey for a Métis Community
The Direct and Indirect Impacts of Organized Crime on Youth, as Offenders and Victims
“Don’t Respond”: Sexting and Scrolling in First Nations’ Queer Literature
Looks at the concepts of anonymity and privacy, used by queer Indigenous authors online.
Down in a Valley, Up on a Ridge: Applying a Case Repertoire to Advanced Telecommunications and Rural Developments
E-Whanaungatanga: The Role of Social Media in Mãori Political Empowerment
E-whanaungatanga: The Role of Social Media in Maori Political Engagement
Development Studies Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massey University, 2013.
Encounters Across Difference: The Digital Geographies of Inuit, the Arctic, and Environmental Management
Essential Song: Three Decades of Northern Cree Music
Ethnic Health Data in Hawai'i: Describing the Databases
Evaluation of the Indigenous Relationship and Cultural Safety Courses among a sample of Indigenous Services Canada nurses
Study uses a survey and a focus group to assess the effectiveness of the Indigenous Relationship and Cultural Safety (IRCS) courses mandated for Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) nurses as well as the online, modulated format for its delivery.