Displaying 2351 - 2400 of 4893

[King Lear]

Alternate Title
Hinterviews ; no. 7, 2011-12
Media » Sound Recordings
Peter Hinton
Suzanne Keeptwo
Interview with the director of Aboriginal adaptation of Shakespeare's play. Duration: 44:27.
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Kinships - Names & Relations

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Eli Bear
Pius Dustyhorn
Daniel Ochapooways
Norman Frank
Mike Bear
Indian History Film Project
Elders discuss names and relationships and how their significance is being lost. No date given, probably the late 1960's or early 1970's.
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Kiowa Battle Tipi

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Vanessa Paukeigope Jennings
Whispering Wind, vol. 34, no. 6, November-December 2004, pp. 16-[?]
Explanation of the new scenes added to the Battle Tipi at Redstone, Oklahoma in 1916.
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Kisiskâciwan: Indigenous Voices from Where the River Flows Swiftly

Saukamappee (Young Man)
James Settee
Charles Pratt
kā-kišīwē (Loud Voice)
atakawinin (The Gambler)
mistawāsis (Big Child)
atāhkakohp (Star Blanket)
wīhkasko-kisēyin (Sweet Grass)
mistahi-maskwa (Big Bear)
kā-miyēstawēsit (Beardy)
wāwikanihk kā-otāmahoht (Strikes Him on the Back)
tatanka iyotake (Sitting Bull)
peopeo kiskiok hihih (White Bird)
Gabriel Dumont
pīhtikwahānapiwiyin (Poundmaker)
Louis Riel
kā-papāmahcahkwēw (Wandering Spirit)
piyēsiw-awāsis (Thunderchild)
nāh-namiskwākāpaw (Louis Moosomin)
kā-kīsikāw-pīhtukāw (Coming-Day)
kā-wīhkaskusahk (Maggie Achenam)
Abel Watetch
Edward Ahenakew
Michel Benjamin
Charlie Janvier
Charles Ryder
Peter Vandall
Marie Merasty
Eleanor Brass
nêhiyaw (Glecia Bear)
John F. Cote
Alice Ahenakew
Berta O'Watch
Arsene Fontaine
Howard Adams
Annie Benonie
George Klyne
Alexander Wolfe
Jim Kâ-Nîpitêhtêw
Augie Merasty
Helen Francis
Herbert Walker
Freda Ahenakew
Hubert Gunn
Vicki Wilson
Bernelda Wheeler
Maria Campbell ...
Gloria Mehlmann
Doug Cuthand
Margaret Reynolds
Tom Jackson
Priscilla Settee
Beth Cuthand
Blair Stonechild
Rita Bouvier
SkyBlue Mary Morin
Jo-Ann Episkenew
Erroll Kinistino
Sky Dancer Louise Bernice Halfe
John Cuthand
Solomon Ratt
Janice Acoose
Joseph Naytowhow
Kim Soo Goodtrack
Harold Johnson
Bevann Fox
Paul Seesequasis
Winona Wheeler
Connie Fife
Yvette Nolan
Ernie Louttit
James Tyman
Carol Daniels
Floyd Flavel Starr
Gregory Scofield
Warren Cariou
Randy Lundy
Joely BigEagle-Kequahtooway
Andrea Menard
Jessie Archibald-Barber
Lisa Bird-Wilson
Merelda Fiddler
Kevin Wesaquate
Brad Bellegarde
Thomas Roussin
Mika Lafond
Tenille Campbell
Shannon McNabb
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Kissing Billie Draper

Alternate Title
One Native Live
Articles » General
Richard Wagamese
Canadian Dimension, vol. 41, no. 4, July/August 2007, pp. 8-9, 4
Author talks about his feelings after kissing a classmate.
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Knowing of Indigenous Ways: Fieldwork Dispatches from Atitlán, Guatemala

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lucy Caroline Pollard Harbor
IK: Other Ways of Knowing, vol. 4, 2018, pp. 157-166
Author describes her experience conducting ethnographic research with Indigenous Tz’utujil residents of Santiago Atitlán, as they navigate the growing tourism industry in their town.
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Koasati Traditional Narratives

Book Reviews
Paulo Correia
Journal of American Folklore, vol. 126, no. 499, Winter, 2013, pp. 94-95
Book review of: Koasati Traditional Narratives translated by Geoffrey D. Kimball.
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Kookoom Mariah and The Mennonite Mrs.

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Maria Campbell
Journal of Mennonite Studies, vol. 19, 2001, pp. 9-12
Short story Kookoom Mariah and the Mennonite Mrs., by Maria Campbell, about two wonderful old women who were an important part of the author's earlier years.
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Kurlumarniny: We Come From the Desert

Book Reviews
Amanda Hamilton
Aboriginal History, vol. 37, 2013, pp. 167-170
Book review of: Kurlumarniny by Monty Hale. Scroll down to page 167 to read review.
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Kwakiutl String Figures

Alternate Title
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History ; v.71
Julia Averkieva
Mark A. Sherman
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History
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Kwasinaboo Puha (Snake Medicine)

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Juanita Pahdopony
IK: Other Ways Of Knowing, vol. 1, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-8
Describes the Comanche tribal history of traditional medicine (kwasinaboo puha) as well as personal recollections of coming of age.
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Ladies Lib

Articles » General
Donna Pinay
Saskatchewan Indian, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 22-23
Memories about life in the old days shared at workshop held at the Saskatoon's Cultural College (SICC) in December, 1972.
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Ladies Workshop 5

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Annie Rock Thunder
Mrs. Fourhorn
Wm. (Mrs.) Joseph
Angeline (Mrs.) Roberts
Indian History Film Project
Group of elderly ladies compare old and new ways in childbirth, child rearing, use of alcohol, medicines, etc.
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Lakota Documentaries: The Legacy of Don Moccasin

Articles » General
Jurgita Antoine
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 23, no. 3, Technology and Culture, Spring, 2012
Comments on a language preservation project created by a man who wanted to keep histories, stories and genealogies recorded for generations to come.
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Land and Literacy: The Textualities of Native Studies

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Stephanie Fitzgerald
Hilary E. Wyss
American Literary History, vol. 22, no. 2, Summer, 2010, pp. 271-279
Discusses the importance of alternative textualities in Native literary studies from the contemporary present to the historical past.
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Language and Identity: An Inuit Perspective

Alternate Title
PAMAPLA 23: Papers From the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association ; 1999
E-Books » Chapters
Shelley Tulloch
Comments, from interviews with representatives, show that Inuktitut is an important part of Inuit identity and culture. Chapter from PAMAPLA 23: Papers From the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association edited by Wendy Burnett and Robert Adlam. Chapter located by scrolling to page 106.
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Language Healers: Revitalizing Languages, Reclaiming Identities

Articles » General
Brian McDermott
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 38, no. 1, From the Heart of the Earth, March 2014, p. [?]
Discusses the connection between language and culture and the importance of saving Native languages. Includes a clip of Heenetiineyoo3eihiiho’ (Language Healers).
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Laronde's Career a Celebration of Aboriginal Culture

Articles » General
Laura Stevens
Windspeaker, vol. 23, no. 6, September 2005, p. OB2

Recounts the achievements of Sandra Laronde, founder of Native Women in the Arts and Red Sky Performance.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.18.

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The Last Buffalo Hunter

Book Reviews
Heather Devine
Prairie Forum, vol. 21, no. 2, Fall, 1996, pp. 274-276
Book review of: The Last Buffalo Hunter by Mary Weekes.
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Last Good Sundance on the Blood Reserve

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George First Rider
Dave Melting Tallow
Joanne Greenwood
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with George First Rider where he describes the ceremonies associated with a Holy Lodge. Note: Dave Melting Tallow, interpreter. Joanne Greenwood, transcriber.
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Late Bloomer

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Anne Coray
The Northern Review, no. 31, Special Issue; Northern Literature, Fall, 2009, p. 57
A poem.
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Lateral Violence within the Aboriginal Community in Adelaide: "It Affects Our Identity and Wellbeing"

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Yvonne Clark
Martha Augoustinos
Merridy Malin
Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing - Te Mauri: Pimatisiwin, vol. 1, no. 1, Healing Our Spirit Worldwide, The Seventh Gathering, August 2016, pp. 43-52
Reports on qualitative interviews held with 30 participants. Several themes emerged: the covert nature of violence, relationship between racism and violence, and effect on identity and wellbeing.
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Laurie Plume Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Laurie Plume
Christine Welsh
Tony Snowsill
Indian History Film Project
NOTE: This transcript is a very rough English translation of an interview conducted in Blackfoot, and should be disregarded. Access is restricted to listening to the tape, in Blackfoot, until such time as an accurate translation can be obtained.
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Law & Punishment (Blood Tribe)

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
George First Rider
John Hellson
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with George First Rider where he describes various punishments.
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Lawrence Abbott Interview with Alfred Young Man

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Lawrence Abbott
Alfred Young Man
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 16, no. 2, 1996, pp. 315-362
Alfred Young Man speaks about his art, education, life experiences and artistic influences.
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