Displaying 51 - 100 of 944

Aboriginal Youth Entrepreneurship: Success Factors and Challenges

Alternate Title
Northern Development Ministers Forum 2010 Briefing Paper
Documents & Presentations
Aboriginal Economy Working Group (AEWG)
Northern Development Ministers Forum
Topics covered include education, training, job experience, business financing, information, mentoring, networking and community support.
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Aboriginals Stakeholders in Economy

Articles » General
Northern Ontario Business, vol. 22, no. 1, November 2001, p. 3C
Discusses economic gains being made by the Aboriginal population in Northern Ontario through employment and new businesses.
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Accelerating Native Prosperity Takes All of Us

Articles » General
Tina Deschenie
Tribal College Journal of American Indian Higher Education, vol. 18, no. 3, Building Prosperity, Spring, 2007
Argues that while there were over 200,000 Native-owned businesses reported in the 2000 census, these businesses must be supported in order to ensure their success and foster economic development.
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Accepting Reality Will Be Major Theme of 2003

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, December 27, 2002, p. A17
2002 overview focusing on First Nations concerns with self-government, responsible leadership and generation of business opportunities
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Affinity CU Opens First On-Reserve Credit Union

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Affinity Credit Union Opens First On-Reserve Credit Union
Articles » General
Warren Goulding
Eagle Feather News, vol. 12, no. 2, February 2009, p. 1,15
Discusses the benefits of an on-reserve credit union including serving Cowessess band members locally and returning profits to the community. Article located on page 1 and by scrolling to page 15.
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Affordable Housing & Home Ownership: Business Case Development for the Saskatoon Market

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Affordable Housing and Home Ownership: Business Case Development for the Saskatoon Market
Erin Foss
Research focused on industry partnerships, trades training, and home ownership, as well as background information on demographics and the current housing situation. Report forms part of the Bridges and Foundations Project on Urban Aboriginal Housing.
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Ahousaht First Nation and Cermaq Canada

Documents & Presentations
Aboriginal Business and Investment Council
Comments on a sustainable finfish agriculture business which provides employment and contract jobs for the community.
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Alexis First Nation Inquiry: TransAlta Utilities Rights of Way Claim

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
Historical background and submissions to Indian Claims Commission (ICC) concerning the federal Crown's granting of three rights of way to Calgary Power on Alexis IR133 during 1950s and 1960s. ICC concluded no effort was made to provide annual payments to the Band and recommended the claim be accepted for negotiation under Canada's Specific Claims Policy. Commissioners include: Roger J. Augustine, Daniel J. Bellegarde, Sheila G. Purdy. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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Alexis First Nation, TransAlta Utilities - Right of Way, Public Edition

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission

FILES CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED USING FIREFOX BROWSER. Document contains statements of claim, correspondence/letters, maps and transcripts in regards to Calgary Power's (now TransAlta) access to electrical transmission right of way granted in the 1950s and 1960s. The Commissioners include: Roger J. Augustine, Daniel J. Bellegarde, Sheila G. Purdy.

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All My Relations: An Inquiry into a Spirit of a Native American Philosophy of Business

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Joseph Gladstone
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 2, Spring, 2018, pp. 191-214
Argues that when business is carried out with a commitment to survivance, relationships and community, it is not in opposition to traditional values. Reports results of qualitative interviews with individual entrepreneurs who incorporate these values into their practices.
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Amaguk Inn

Alternate Title
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Documents & Presentations
Danielle Pottle
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Brief business case study of Inuk-owned hotel located in the remote community of Hopedale, Labrador whose clientele includes construction groups, government officials and employees, and Provincial Court officials.
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American Indian Women Managers: Living in Two Worlds

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Helen Juliette Muller
Journal of Management Inquiry, vol. 7, no. 1, March 1998, pp. 4-28
Look at links between gender and racio-ethnicity, historical and cultural patterns and switching techniques strategies. Concludes with recommendations for further research.
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Angry Inuk

Media » Film and Video
Unikkaat Studios
National Film Board of Canada
Alethea Arnaquq-Baril
Bonnie Thompson
Qajaaq Ellsworth
Award-winning documentary about the Inuit's battle against a new European Union seal ban in an effort to regain their economic independence. Duration: 1:22:19.
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The Annanacks

Media » Film and Video
René Bonnière
Documentary about the formation of the first cooperative venture in the Inuit community of George River in Northern Quebec. Duration: 29.15.
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The Art That Came In from the Cold

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
John Ayre
The Beaver, vol. 79, no. 1, February/March 1999, pp. 8-[?]
Describes John Houston's instrumental role in developing and promoting print artists from Cape Dorset, Nunavut.
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Assessing the Feasibility of Applying the Co-operative Model to First Nations Community Based Development Initiatives: A Case Study of the Xaxl'ep and a Native Plant Nursery

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kimberlee Chambers
BC Institute for Co-operative Studies Occasional Papers, 2001
Case study illustrates how combining ethnobotanical knowledge and the co-operative model can provide a viable method of sustainable community economic development.
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Assessment of the Impact on Aboriginal Business of Financial Support Provided By Aboriginal Business Canada

Alternate Title
Technical Report (Aboriginal Business Canada)
Documents & Presentations
Keith Vodden
Compares characteristics and performance of clients and non-clients of Aboriginal Business Canada. Key elements of comparison are survival rate after one, five and ten years of operation, profitability and employment creation record, outlook for sales growth and employment creation, and level of management skills, innovation and export-orientation.
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Assessment of the Industry Canada Aboriginal Business Canada (ABC) Program 1996-2000: Impact of Financial Assistance and Client Profile

Documents & Presentations
Goss Gilroy Inc.
Based on a survey of 364 clients, with the results broken down into six categories: youth entrepreneurship development, establishment of a new business, modernization/expansion of an existing business, trade and market expansion, Aboriginal tourism and miscellaneous.
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Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Inquiry: WAC Bennett Dam and Damage to Indian Reserve 201 [Inquiry Report, English Language Version]

Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
Historical background and submissions to the Indian Claims Commission (ICC) regarding Canada breaching its fiduciary obligations to the Band for environmental damages to Reserve 201 caused by construction and operation of the W.A.C. Bennett Dam. ICC found Canada has a lawful obligation and recommends the claim be negotiated under Canada's Specific Claims Policy. Commissioners include : P.E. James Prentice, Carole T. Corcoran, Aurélien Gill. [This file has been saved and made available online with permission from the Indian Claims Commission website before it closed down in March 2009.]
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Atiik Askii: Land of the Caribou - Building Community Partnerships for the Northwestern Manitoba Regional Tourism Strategy

Alternate Title
Atiik Askii: Land of the Caribou - A Best Practice Case Study in Community Tourism Development
Michael E. Kelly
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Case study of the Northwest Manitoba Regional Tourism Strategy, that looks at best practices in the strategic planning process on community tourism development.
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Authentic Indigenous Arts Initiative

Alternate Title
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Documents & Presentations
Katie K. MacLeod
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Brief case study of Aboriginal Tourism Association of British Columbia's consideration of expanding their authenticity agenda to incorporate a branding scheme.
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Award-Winning Band Puts Members to Work

Articles » General
Shauna Lewis
Windspeaker, vol. 30, no. 9, December 2012

Looks at recipients of the Fourth Annual British Columbia Business Awards.

Page 3 of insert entitled Raven's Eye: Special Section Providing Aboriginal News from BC & Yukon.

Entire issue on one pdf. Scroll down to access article.

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