Displaying 251 - 300 of 944

Developing Reservation Economies: Native American Teamsters, 1857-1921

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
J. Diane Pearson
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, vol. 18, no. 2, Spring, 2005, pp. 153-170
Looks at the freight moved by Native American entrepreneurs for government contractors, federal agencies, traders, the military and for private individuals.
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Development, Despair Co-Exist in Indian Country

Articles » General
Doug Cuthand
StarPhoenix, December 13, 1996, p. A5
Discussion of poverty and at the same time the development of Canada's first Aboriginal bank: the First Nations Bank of Canada.
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Developmental Financing for Aboriginal Businesses

Alternate Title
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Documents & Presentations
Marcia Nickerson
Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
Brief overview of Aboriginal Financial Institutions, the National Aboriginal Capitol Corporation Association and their role in enabling start-up and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises.
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Digital Economy Talent Supply: Indigenous Peoples of Canada

Documents & Presentations
[A. Cameron
A. Cutean]
Examines characteristics of current participants in the Information and communications technology sector and their employment experiences, and makes recommendations designed to further engagement and increase number of entrants to the field.
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Directory of Economic Development Programs

Documents & Presentations
Ministry of First Nations and Métis Relations
Northern Affairs Division
List of provincial government programs and services, federal government programs, other development agencies programs, and forums and training programs. PLEASE NOTE: For archival purposes only. Has not been updated.
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Does Business Success Make You Any Less Indigenous?

Alternate Title
Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research
E-Books » Chapters
Dennis Foley
Looks at Indigenous businesses situated in urban or remote rural locations and questions whether Indigenous Australian entrepreneurs loose their indigeneity and their Indigenous values? Chapter from Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research edited by L. Murray Gillin.
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The Economic Cost of COVID-19: Supporting the Recovery of Indigenous Firms and Communities

Alternate Title
APEC Research Report
Documents & Presentations
Fred Bergman
Information from interviews with chiefs, community officials and businesses and existing knowledge. Includes statistics on the pandemic's effect on community well-being, individual and community-owned businesses, the Atlantic First Nations fishery, employment, community program resources, health outcomes, food security, and use of relief supports.
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Economic Development a Priority in Nation

Articles » General
Cheryl Petten
Windspeaker, vol. 20, no. 3, July 2002, p. 17

Highlights the treaty talks between the First Nations people and the provincial government in British Columbia.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.17.

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The Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Indigenous Tourism Businesses in Alberta

Alternate Title
Publication (Conference Board of Canada) ; 12123
Data Briefing (Conference Board of Canada)
Documents & Presentations
Cherin Hamadi
Jonathan Lachaine
Gregory Hermus

Statistics on the industry's footprint in 2019-21, sector's estimated economic impacts and comparative performance projection, and discussion of data gaps and strategies to address them.

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The Economics of First Nations Governance Investment Capital, Money and Wealth Accumulation

Alternate Title
Research Paper (National Centre for First Nations Governance)
Research Paper for the National Centre for First Nations Governance
Documents & Presentations
Tim Raybould
Looks at the governance and economic potential of First Nation’s reserve lands, and issues that surround the importance of capital and the ability to turn assets into capital.
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Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Aileen Moreton-Robinson
Maggie Walter
International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, 2010, p. 1
Introductory editorial to themed issue on the operation of competing economies of knowledge, capital and values.
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Editors' Introduction: Lessons From Experience [Volume 4, Number 1]

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Isobel M. Findlay
Warren Weir
Louise Clarke
The Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 4, no. 1, Special Edition: Value(s) Added: Sharing Voices on Aboriginal CED, Fall, 2004, pp. 1-2
Presents a brief introductory article that discusses a presentation of two case studies and one interview from the Value(s) Added Conference .
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Editors' Introduction: Lessons From Research [Volume 7, Number 1]

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Warren Weir
Wanda Wuttunee
Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, vol. 7, no. 1, Fall , 2010, pp. 27-28
Introduction to articles relating to Aboriginal wineries in New Zealand and Canada, Indigenous labour mobility, First Nation social economy and the gaming industry.
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Effects of Corporate Strategic Motivation on CSR Outcomes & Small Business Capacity Development in Indigenous Communities

Alternate Title
Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada ; 2007
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada ; vol. 28, 2007
E-Books » Chapters
Ronald D. Camp
Examines business alliances between Indigenous communities and non-Indigenous corporations in Canada; looks at the the activities of one oil company and one environmental assessment company in Ecuador and their interactions with Indigenous people.
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An Empirically Justified Theory of Successful Indigenous Entrepreneurship: Case Study of the Osoyoos Indian Band

Alternate Title
Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2006: Proceedings of the Annual Regional Entrepreneurship Research Exchange
[AGSE International Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Exchange ; 3rd, 2006]
E-Books » Chapters
Bob Kayseas
Kevin Hindle
Robert B. Anderson
Focuses on the Band's approach to governance, land use and cultural development. Paper from Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2006: Proceedings of the Annual Regional Entrepreneurship Research Exchange.
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Employment Prospects for Aboriginal People

Alternate Title
Members' Briefing (Conference Board of Canada) ; November 1998
[Conference Board of Canada Publication ; 245-98]
Documents & Presentations
Stelios Loizides
Janusz Zieminski
Looks at barriers and challenges Aboriginal people face in finding jobs and firms creative approaches to promoting greater Aboriginal employment.
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Energy Planning for Indian Nations within the WRAP: A Field Guide

Alternate Title
Energy Planning for Indian Nations within the Western Regional Air Partnership: A Field Guide
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Thomas L. Acker
Chian Jones
Dean Howard Smith
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 30, no. 4, 2006, pp. 115-132
Overview of how one community energy planning template was designed by the Sustainable Energy Solutions (SES) team.
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Engaging Indigenous Economy: Debating Diverse Approaches

Alternate Title
Research Monograph (Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research) ; no. 35
Will Sanders
Chris Gregory
Kim de Rijke
Richard Martin
David Trigger … [et al.]
Research Monograph (Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research)
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Engaging Saskatoon Region Employers: The Business Case for Reconciliation

Alternate Title
#TRC92 Kîpa
Indigenous Engagement Employer Handbook
Documents & Presentations
[Saskatoon Aboriginal Community Action Plan (SACAP)?]
Handbook developed to provide guidance and practical options for those trying to improve Indigenous workforce recruitment and retention rates. Based on a series of workshops and consultations which included some of city's largest First Nations and Métis and non-Indigenous employers, employment, education and training institutions, business associations and community organizations.
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Enhancing Indigenous Financial Capability Programs

Documents & Presentations
Heather Saunders
Martha Piper
Report aims to capture current best practice approaches to incorporating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, knowledge and strengths into the design and delivery of financial education.
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Enquête sur la Revendication de la Première Nation des Chipewyans D'Athabasca: Revendication Concernant le Barrage WAC Bennett et les Dommages Causés à la Réserve No 201

Alternate Title
Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Inquiry: WAC Bennett Dam and Damage to Indian Reserve 201 [Inquiry Report, French Language Version]
Documents & Presentations
Indian Claims Commission
Indian Claims Commission Final Report which examines whether the Crown has obligations relating to damages sustained by the construction of the dam, French language version. Commissioners include : P.E. James Prentice, Carole T. Corcoran, Aurélien Gill. Historical background and submissions to the Indian Claims Commission (ICC) regarding Canada breaching its fiduciary obligations to the Band for environmental damages to Reserve 201 caused by construction and operation of the W.A.C. Bennett Dam.
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Entrepreneurship among First Nations Women in the Atlantic Region

Documents & Presentations
Monica Diochon
Alison Mathie
Eileen Alma
Sheila Isaac
Project's objective was to build research capacity. Phase one consisted of on-line survey to establish baseline information. Phase two consisted of case studies conducted in four communities; involved interviews with 39 entrepreneurs and focus group discussions with 40 non-entrepreneurs.
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Entrepreneurship among Sámi Reindeer Herders

Alternate Title
International Handbook of Research on Indigenous Entrepreneurship
E-Books » Chapters
Lars Rønning
Looks at the ways those involved with reindeer husbandry combine modern business methods with traditional culture to improve economic outcome. Chapter 19 from International Handbook of Research on Indigenous Entrepreneurship edited by Léo-Paul Dana and Robert B. Anderson. Entire e-book on one pdf. To access chapter, scroll to page 232 or select chapter 19 on side bar.
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Estimating the Economic Value of Narwhal and Beluga Hunts in Hudson Bay, Nunavut

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Carie Hoover
Megan Bailey
Jeff Higdon
Steven H. Ferguson
Rashid Sumaila
Arctic, vol. 66, no. 1, March 2013, pp. 1-16
Using figures from harvests in 2007, authors estimated revenues, costs and average value of use as well as effects of cost sharing and opportunity cost of labour on the model outputs.
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An Ethnographic Study of Entrepreneurship Among the Sámi People of Finland

Alternate Title
International Handbook of Research on Indigenous Entrepreneurship
E-Books » Chapters
Teresa E. Dana
Liisa Remes
Interviews reveal the various ways Sámi people in Finland are supplementing their reindeer herding income. Chapter 22 from International Handbook of Research on Indigenous Entrepreneurship edited by Léo-Paul Dana and Robert B. Anderson. Entire e-book on one pdf. To access chapter, scroll to page 287 or select chapter 22 on side bar.
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Evaluation of Aboriginal Tourism Team Canada

Documents & Presentations
Hussein Rostum
Results to determine what has been successful in influencing and developing tourism policy and programs for the benefit of Aboriginal people.
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