Displaying 2401 - 2450 of 4878

Indigenous Nursing Students’ Readiness for Practice Perceptions = Les perceptions d’étudiantes autochtones en sciences infirmières quant à leur préparation à la pratique

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Noelle Rohatinsky
Heather Exner-Pirot
Michèle Parent-Bergeron
Kristopher Bosevski
Carrie Pratt
Quality Advancement in Nursing Education, vol. 4, no. 2, 2018, p. article 3
Reports on results of Readiness for Practice Survey conducted with 26 participants. Topics included clinical problem solving, learning techniques, professional identity, trials and tribulations, skills students were uncomfortable performing, and confidence in caring for number of patients. Results showed that respondents' concerns closely matched those found when survey had been administered general nursing student populations.
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Indigenous Patient, Family and Community Engagement Toolkit

Documents & Presentations
Indigenous Primary Health Care Council

Goal of initiative is to ensure that health systems are designed by, with and for Indigenous populations. Offers guidance on assessing level of community impact, selecting appropriate type and method of community engagement, developing engagenment and data sovereignty plans, and implementation of plan.

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Indigenous People and HIV in Ontario: An Overview

Documents & Presentations
Jessica Demeria
Chris Carriere
Lori Lyons
Jean Bacon
Overview summarizes report Current State of the HIV Epidemic among Indigenous People in Ontario which reported on rates of infection, risk factors, health status, and use of services.
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Indigenous People and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Documents & Presentations
Paula Arriagada
Tara Hahmann
Vivian O’Donnell
Questions were asked about participants' perceptions of their level of mental health since the implementation of physical distancing and feelings of stress and anxiety; findings reflect mental health disparities between indigenous and non-Indigenous people. Data from the online questionnaire "Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians: Your Mental Health".
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Indigenous People in Urban Areas: Vulnerabilities to the Socioeconomic Impacts of COVID-19

Alternate Title
StatCan COVID-19: Data to Insights for a Better Canada
Documents & Presentations
Paula Arriagada
Tara Hahmann
Vivian O’Donnell
StatCan COVID-19
Statistics on those living below the poverty line, experiencing food insecurity, and unable to cover an unexpected expense of $500. Data from 2016 Census and 2017 Aboriginal Peoples Survey.
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Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada: Teacher's Kit for Giant Floor Map

Web Sites
Canadian Geographic Education

Topics include climate change, demographics, Indigenous governance, housing, human rights, Indigenous languages, migration, famous people, original place names, residential schools, seasonal cycles, symbols, timeline, trade routes, and treaties, land disputes, agreements and rights.

Although activities were created for the giant floor map, they can be adapted to the printable tile version.

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Indigenous Population in Canada: Projections to 2041

Alternate Title
First Nations People in Canada: Projections to 2041
Inuit in Canada: Projections to 2041
Métis in Canada: Projections to 2041
Registered or Treaty Indians in Canada: Projections to 2041
Stats in Brief
Documents & Presentations
Statistics Canada
Centre for Demography
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Indigenous Populations Health Protection: A Canadian Perspective

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Katya L. Richardson
Michelle S. Driedger
Nick J. Pizzi
Jianhong Wu
Seyed M. Moghadas
BMC Public Health, vol. 12, 2012, p. article no. 1098
Discusses workshop on Indigenous Population Health Protection held May 7-8, 2012 at York University.
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Indigenous Presence: Experiencing and Envisioning Indigenous Knowledges within Selected Post-Secondary Sites of Education and Social Work

Documents & Presentations
Margaret Kovach
Jeannine Carriere
Harpell Montgomery
M.J. Barrett
Carmen Gilles
Study surveyed 16 tenured faculty members with 25 years or more of experience. Discusses what has been accomplished, summarizes current situation, and makes suggestions for future development.
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[Indigenous Statistics: Doing Numbers Our Way]

Media » Film and Video
Maggie Walter
Discusses statistics, storytellers, and the audience. States statistics are not neutral facts and the need for Indigenous data sovereignty. Duration: 50:39.
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Indigenous Student Success Survey (2021) Report

Documents & Presentations
Florence Glanfield
Nathalie Kermoal
Kelsey Lindquist
Megan Parrish

Questions were asked about demographics, educational background and aspirations, factors of success, barriers to success, funding, support services, adverse experiences, COVID-19 pandemic, and inclusion of Indigenous peoples and knowledges on campus.

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Indigenous Students and Literacy and Numeracy: What Does the Research Say?

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Nola Purdie
Alison Stone
Professional Educator, vol. 4, no. 2, May 2005, pp. 10-13
Results from the 2000 Longitudinal English Literacy and Numeracy Survey for Indigenous Students. Reports leadership; good teaching; student attendance and engagement and Indigenous presence at school are factors for achieving success in school.
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Indigenous Students and Vocational Education and Training in Schools: Ladder of Opportunity or Corrugated Iron Ceiling?

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sue Helme
Australian Journal of Education, vol. 49, no. 2, August 2005, pp. 169-181
Discusses the role of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in addressing the needs of Indigenous students and argues that VET in Schools cannot be a 'stand alone' solution to the problem of Indigenous educational disadvantage.
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Indigenous Unemployment in Rural and Regional Western Australia: A Contextual, Cultural and Bottom-up Approach

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Reena Tiwari
Stephanie Harris
José Van Den Akker
Indigenous Policy Journal , vol. 29, no. 1, Spring, 2018, pp. 1-18
Authors argue that current top-down policy models have produced poor outcomes, and that social and economic change must start at a grass-roots level and be tailored to individual communities' specific geographical and cultural concerns. Looks at the issues through fieldwork in the remote settlement of Wakathuni.
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Indigenous Voices Omnibus Survey

Documents & Presentations
Probe Research

Reports results of survey of 514 First Nations, Inuit and Métis people in Manitoba about their attitudes with respect to tourists. Survey was conducted between July 27 and Aug. 25, 2021.

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Indigenous Watershed Initiatives and Co-Governance Arrangements: A British Columbia Systematic Review: Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Kate Cave
Julia Ko
Shianne McKay
Geneviève Layton-Cartier
Includes literature review and results of survey of First Nations communities and organizations. Participants were asked questions about water and water-related governance and management initiatives, strength of relationships with other First Nations, governments, institutions, and stewardship organizations, and key capacity challenges and opportunities.
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Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs in Canada: Summary of National Survey Findings

Documents & Presentations
Helen Bobiwash
Survey asked 36 questions about privacy, the entrepreneur, their business, support from an Aboriginal financial institution, entrepreneurial supports, and additional information. Sample size was 114. Related Material: Summary of Literature Review. Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs: Valuable Investments in Their Businesses, Families and Communities.
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Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs: Preliminary Report

Alternate Title
Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub
Documents & Presentations
Samantha Morton
Kevin Jae
Henrique Hon
Extracts results from the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business's 2016 Promise and Prosperity survey to create a profile of women-owned businesses.
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Indigenous World 2021

[Belkacem Lounes
Robert K. Hitchcock
Judith Frost
Issa Diallo
Hawe Hamman Bouba … [et al.]]
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Indigenous Youth and Language Revitalization

Alternate Title
American Indian Language Development Institute: Thirty Year Tradition of Speaking From Our Heart
E-Books » Chapters
Teresa L. McCarty
Mary Eunice Romero-Little
Larisa Warhol
Ofelia Zepeda
Study of five Native American languages and three language families over a period of five years. Chapter from American Indian Language Development Institute: Thirty Year Tradition of Speaking From Our Heart edited by Candace K. Galla, Stacey Oberly, G.L. Romero, Maxine Sam, Ofelia Zepeda.
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Industry and Government Perspectives on First Nations' Participation in the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Process

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Annie L. Booth
Norm W. Skelton
Environmental Impact Assessment Review, vol. 31, no. 3, April 2011, pp. 216-225
Research conducted with West Moberly First Nations, Halfway First Nation and the Treaty 8 Tribal Association suggests that both the First Nations and resource-based industries involved in environmental assessment struggle with engagement and consultation issues and could benefit from a review of the process.
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Inequities in Diabetes Outcomes among Urban First Nation and Métis Communities: Can Addressing Diversities in Preventive Services Make a Difference?

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Hasu Ghosh
Denise Spitzer
International Indigenous Policy Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, 2014, pp. 1-24
Study shows implementation of pan-Aboriginal strategies will not address existing health inequities and suggests ways to improve health services and policies.
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Infant Cereal Program in Nunavut: What Can We Do Better?

Alternate Title
Inuit Studies Conference ; 17th, 2010
[Inuit People and the Aboriginal World]
Documents & Presentations
V. Avinashi
V. Petkova
G. Osborne
M. Charon
S. Zlotkin
Looks at iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in children 0 - 5 years of age and how to manage and prevent it.
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Infant Feeding and Illness on an Indian Reservation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Ann C. Macaulay
Canadian Family Physician, vol. 27, June 1981, pp. 963-966
Examines the differences between breast fed and bottle fed babies, showing bottle-fed babies had five times more infectious illnesses in their first year of life.
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Infant Mortality among First Nations Versus Non-First Nations in British Columbia: Temporal Trends in Rural Versus Urban Areas, 1981–2000

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Zhong-Cheng Luo
William J. Kierans
Russell Wilkins
Robert M. Liston
Soo-Hong Uh
Michael S. Kramer
British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency
International Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 33, no. 6, December 2004, pp. 1252-1259
Study of 877,925 live births in British Columbia showed a steady decline in mortality rates in rural areas, but a rise-and-fall pattern in urban areas.
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Infant Mortality Trends and Differences between American Indian/Alaska Native Infants and White Infants in the United States, 1989-1991 and 1998-2000

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Kay M. Tomashek
Cheng Qin
Jason Hsia
Solomon Iyasu
Wanda D. Barfield
Lisa M. Flowers
American Journal of Public Health, vol. 96, no. 12, December 2006, pp. 2222-2227
Study found that although birthweight-specific death rates declined in both groups and across all birthweight categories, American Indian/Alaska Native babies were still 1.7 times more likely to die before their first birthday.
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Infectious Disease Mortality among American Indians and Alaska Natives, 1999-2009

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
James E. Cheek
Robert C. Holman
John T. Redd
Dana Haberling
Thomas W. Hennessy
American Journal of Public Health, vol. 104, no. S3, Supplement 3, June 2014, pp. S446-S452
Research shows improvements of infectious disease death rates are possible and suggests further studies to identify high-risk groups are needed to develop intervention strategies.
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The Influence of Indigenous Status and Community Indigenous Composition on Obesity and Diabetes among Mexican Adults

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Pamela Stoddard
Margaret A. Handley
Arturo Vargas Bustamante
Dean Schillinger
Social Science & Medicine, vol. 73, no. 11, December 2011, p. 1635–1643
Discusses how the socioeconomic explanations for obesity and diabetes are less prevalent among Indigenous than non-indigenous adults in Mexico.
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