Let Me Suggest

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Fyre Jean Graveline
Critical Social Work, vol. 11, no. 1, Special Indigenous Issue, 2010, pp. 43-44
Short narrative expresses the struggles of Aboriginal academics in universities across Canada.
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Lethbridge, Alta - Elections - Canada

Documents & Presentations
File contains a copy of Diefenbaker's speech during the election campaign of 1965 in which he details his attempts to bring about equality of citizenship for indigenous persons, mentioning the appointment of indigenous senator, James Gladstone, and the establishment of an Indian Claims Commission.
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Letter from the Editors: [Food (In)security in the North]

Articles » General
Andrew Spring
Deborah Simmons
Joshua Gladstone
Northern Public Affairs, vol. 5, no. 1, Food (In)security in Northern Canada, April 2017, p. 8
Introduction to articles in journal issue on food security from the perspectives of community members, researchers, and policy analysts.
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Letter of Understanding Between her Majesty in the Right of Canada and Her Majesty in the Right of Saskatchewan and Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations

Documents & Presentations
Government of Canada
Government of Saskatchewan
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN)
Agreement will provide consistency and build on treaty relationships, recognize First Nations authority, and provide effective governance and program delivery.
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Letters To The Editor

Articles » General
Margie Cook
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 21, no. 3, May/June 1997, p. 2
Letter informs the readers that the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission has made arrangements to assist people who contributed to the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their families.
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Like the Sound of a Drum

Book Reviews
Macdonald Stainsby
Canadian Dimension, vol. 42, no. 2, March/April 2008, p. [?]
Book review of: Like the Sound of a Drum: Aboriginal Cultural Politics in Denendeh and Nunavut by Peter Kulchyski.
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Linking Arms Together 2013: PM Session Un Declaration Panel [Part 7]

Alternate Title
Linking Arms Together (Part 7): UN Declaration Panel
Media » Film and Video
Craig Benjamin
Ellen Gabriel
Jennifer Preston
Romeo Saganash
Paul Joffe
Panel speaks about the UN Declaration of Human Rights at the Linking Arms Together symposium held at York University June 28, 2013. Duration: 1:56:55
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Looking Forward to Sustainability: Executive Director's Message

Articles » General
Suzanne Benally
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 1, Sacred Places, Sacred Lifeways, March 2012, p. [?]
The executive director of Cultural Survival Quarterly presents her thoughts on Indigenous people's rights to be heard and determine their own economic, social and cultural development.
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Lubicon Indian Protest Hits Saskatchewan

Articles » General
Ivan Morin
Saskatchewan Indian, February 1988, pp. 7-9
Alberta's Lubicon Lake Cree Band publicizes its land claims by following the Olympic Torch Relay across the country.
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Making (Radio) Waves: Knua, Ngöbe, Bribri, and Brunca Style

Articles » General
Rosy Sul Gonzalez
Jessie Cherofsky
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 38, no. 2, We are Still Here: Tribes in New England Stand Their Ground, June 2014, p. [?]
Authors visit tribes in Panama and Costa Rica to exchange ideas on community radio, Indigenous rights and cultural survival.
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Mapping Our World: A Children's Rights Project

Articles » General
Linda Dale
Cultural Survival Quarterly, vol. 24, no. 2, Rethinking Childhood: Perspectives on Childrens Rights, Summer, 2000
Comments on a children's rights and research project aimed at providing a forum for children from around the world, one in which the children speak and the adults listen.
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Mary Two-Axe Earley

Articles » General
Wayne Brown
Windspeaker, vol. 25, no. 9, December 2007, p. 34

Author chronicles the life and works of the woman who championed the rights of First Nations women in Canada.

Entire issue on one pdf. To access article scroll to p.34.

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Matrimonial Real Property Rights in First Nations Communities: A Statistical Profile

Alternate Title
Report (Conference Board of Canada)
Documents & Presentations
Adam Fisher
Kala Pendakur
Includes explanation of the Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act, information on communities which have developed and ratified their own laws pursuant to the Act and statistics on factors that may affect victims of domestic violence ability to access their rights such as proximity of courthouses, police stations, law offices and health services, and access to broadband internet.
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Meaningful Consultation: Reconciliation through an Honourable Process

Alternate Title
Aboriginal Practice Points
Documents & Presentations
Jennifer Griffith
Discusses different aspects of duty to consult, the relationship between consultation and accommodation, and whether or not the B.C. Provincial Policy for Consultation with First Nations is meeting the demands of consultation.
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Measuring Attitudes Toward the Rights of Indigenous People: An Index of Global Citizenship

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Donald L. Rubin
Adam C. Landon
Michael Tarrant
Lee Stoner
Logan Mintz
Journal of Global Citizenship & Equity Education, vol. 5, no. 1, September 2016, pp. 1-16
Reports on statements used from the United Nations' 2007 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to evaluate preservation of culture, lands and resources, self-governance, restitution, and services and representation.
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Meeting Halfway: Reassessing “Cognizable to the Canadian Legal and Constitutional Structure”

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Julia Tousaw
Indigenous Law Journal, vol. 16/17, no. 1, 2018, pp. 85-129
Argues that because Canadian courts harbor two misconceptions about Indigenous laws (that they are facts and that they are excessively general) they reject them on the basis that they are not clearly identifiable. Author suggests that analogical reasoning, similar to that used in the application of Common law, with its emphasis relevance would be a more appropriate approach.
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The Metaphysics of Hating and Public Policy

Articles » General
Michael (Mickey) Posluns
Indigenous Policy Journal , vol. 17, no. 3, [2006?], p. [?]
Discusses the importance of language when framing Indigenous issues. Scroll down to access article.
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The Métis Nation and Métis Aboriginal Rights

Alternate Title
Research Paper (Scow Institute)
Fact Sheet (Scow Institute)
Documents & Presentations
Mark L. Stevenson

Research paper discusses history and legal aspects of rights in relation to the Powley case.

Related Material: Fact Sheet.

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Métis Nation of Ontario

Web Sites » Governmental
Métis Nation of Ontario
Includes resources covering governance, hunting and harvesting, registry, programs, services, language, genealogy and an interactive cultural map.
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Métis National Council

Web Sites » Organizations
Métis National Council
Website includes links to Métis governments, rights, women, youth and veterans.
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