Mainstream Organizations' Interaction With Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in the Muuji Region of the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales

Articles » General
Julie Tongs
Nerelle Poroch
Jodie Fisher
David Thompson
Kerry Arabena
Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 33, no. 1, January/February 2009, pp. 8-10
Results of the Services Survey during the 2003-2006 period indicate poor service levels towards the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations.
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Make a 'Grateful Journal'

Alternate Title
Sandee Sez
Articles » General
Sandra Ahenakew
Eagle Feather News, vol. 10, no. 1, January 2007, p. 10
Author reflects on the New Year, Christmas, the government and more. Article located by scrolling to page 10.
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Making Research More Relevant to the Needs and Aspirations of Indigenous Australians: The Importance of Research Capacity Development

Articles » General
Komla Tsey
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal, vol. 25, no. 1, January/February 2001, pp. 19-24
Comments on opening of Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Tropical Health (CRCATH) aimed at bringing together organizations and service providers to improve health and wellbeing.
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Making Sense of Work on the Wind River Indian Reservation

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Garth M. Massey
American Indian Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 3/4, The Recovery of Indigenous Knowledge, Summer/Autumn, 2004, pp. 786-816
Focuses on the cycle of employment and unemployment on a reservation in Wyoming.
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The Maltreatment and Adolescent Pathways (MAP) Project:

Using Adolescent Child Protective Services Population-Based Research to Identify Research Questions

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Christine Wekerle
Eman Leung
Anne-Marie Wall
Harriet MacMillan
Nico Trocmé
Michael Boyle
First Peoples Child & Family Review, vol. 3, no. 2, Special Issue: Adolescent Development, Mental Health, and Promising Research Directions , 2007, pp. 43-49
Introduction to the Maltreatment and Adolescent Pathways (MAP) study, a longitudinal study of active case files of mid-adolescents in a large urban child protective services system, that collects information on the physical and mental health of teens.
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Manitoba Aboriginal and Northern Affairs

Web Sites » Governmental
Government of Manitoba
Provincial government site providing links to Health and Wellness, Education and Employment, History and Culture, Northern Development Strategy (NDS), community demographics, publications and select agreements.
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Manitoba First Nations Regional Health Survey Final Report

Documents & Presentations
Centre for Aboriginal Health Research
Provides information on background of the national survey, recommendations of feasibility study, development Manitoba survey and questionnaire, and presents results of key variables in graphic form.
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Māori and Medications: What Happens When the Pills Go Home?

Alternate Title
Maori and Medications: What Happens When the Pills Go Home?
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Linda Waimarie Nikora
Darrin Hodgetts
Teah Carlson
Mohi Rua
AlterNative, vol. 7, no. 2, 2011, pp. 88-99
Surveys households about procurement, storage, emplacement and administration of medications in relationship to the homescape.
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Māori Health Indicators: A Background Paper for the Project 'Action Oriented Indicators for Health and Health Systems Development for Indigenous Peoples in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand'

Alternate Title
Maori Health Indicators: A Background Paper for the Project 'Action Oriented Indicators for Health and Health Systems Development for Indigenous Peoples in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand'
Documents & Presentations
Mihi Ratima
Will Edwards
Sue Crengle
Janet Smylie
Ian Anderson
Outlines the Māori health indicator set development in context of the health sector.
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Mäori Responses to COVID-19

Alternate Title
Maori Responses to COVID-19
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Sacha McMeeking
Catherine Savage
Policy Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 3, Focus on COVID-19, August 2020, pp. 36-41
Argues that Maori's low rate of infection was not just due to government actions, but also how the community itself responded. Describes key components of the Maori strategy and discusses how it demonstrates effectiveness of a "strength-based" policy which could be applied in other sectors.
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Māori Women's Perspectives of Leadership and Wellbeing

Alternate Title
Maori Women's Perspectives of Leadership and Wellbeing
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Stacey Ruru
Maree Roche
Waikaremoana Waitoki
Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing - Te Mauri: Pimatisiwin, vol. 2, no. 1, June 2017, pp. 5-14
Looks at how Māori female leaders maintain their wellbeing while involved in leadership roles.
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Mapping the Issues: Healing, Equity, Opportunity and Governance in Contemporary First Nations Communities

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Virgina M. McGowan
Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 24, no. 1, 2004, pp. 1-5
Introductory comments for a special issue which explores health and well-being of Aboriginal communities in Canadian society through the Multidisciplinary Aboriginal Program and the self-government review.
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March 2008 Survey Results: UGME Indigenous Health Curriculum

Alternate Title
March 2008 Survey Results: Undergraduate Medical Education Indigenous Health Curriculum
[IPAC-AFMC Summary of Indigenous Health Curriculum in Canadian Undergraduate Medical Education Programs]
Documents & Presentations
Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada (IPAC)
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC)
Information on programs across Canada including topics covered, how information is obtained by students, methods of evaluation, and opportunities for engagement with Indigenous peoples.
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Mashkiki medicine - Poster. - [198-?].

Archival » Archival Items
Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission (photographer)
Amoose (photographer)
Poster of close-up of a young Aboriginal girl standing in the doorway of a house-like structure. Subtitle: Some plants sustain us in their growth and existence; some heal; others give beauty and inner strength.
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Matrimonial Real Property Rights in First Nations Communities: A Statistical Profile

Alternate Title
Report (Conference Board of Canada)
Documents & Presentations
Adam Fisher
Kala Pendakur
Includes explanation of the Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act, information on communities which have developed and ratified their own laws pursuant to the Act and statistics on factors that may affect victims of domestic violence ability to access their rights such as proximity of courthouses, police stations, law offices and health services, and access to broadband internet.
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Max Ireland Interview #2

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Max Ireland
Alex Cywink
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview where he gives accounts of storytelling amongst the Oneida; accounts of the educational system and its abuses.
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MD Tickled by Eagle Feather

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Barbara Sibbald
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 162, no. 3, February 8, 2000, p. 397
Profile of Dr. Chandrakant Shah, a professor in the Department of Public Health at the University of Toronto and an advocate on behalf of marginalized groups.
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Me Tomorrow: Indigenous Views on the Future

Alternate Title
Me Funny
Darrel J. McLeod
Minadoo Makwa Baskin
Cyndy Baskin
Norma Dunning
Romeo Saganash
Autumn Peltier
Shalan Joudry
Clarence Louie
Shelley Knott Fife
Raymond Yakeleya
Drew Hayden Taylor
Amos Key, Jr.
Tracie Léost
Lee Maracle
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Measuring Changing Human Development in First Nations Populations: Preliminary Results of the 1981-2006 Registered Indian Human Development Index

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Martin Cooke
Éric Guimond
Canadian Diversity=Diversitié canadienne, vol. 7, no. 3, One Path, Many Directions: The Complex and Diverse Nature of Contemporary Aboriginal Reality, Fall, 2009, pp. 53-61
Uses 2006 Census data to determine that some improvements exist in educational attainment but both income levels and health have remained stagnant. Scroll down to page 53 to read article.
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Measuring the Well-Being of Aboriginal People: An Application of the United Nations Human Development Index to Registered Indians in Canada, 1981-2001

Alternate Title
Setting the Agenda for Change ; vol. 1
Aboriginal Policy Research ; vol. 1
Aboriginal Policy Research Conference ; 1st, 2002
E-Books » Chapters
Martin Cooke
Daniel Beavon
Mindy McHardy
vol. 1

Examines data from census years 1981 to 2001 to identify whether any progress had been made in narrowing disparities in education, life expectancy, and income.

Chapter three from Setting the Agenda for Change, vol. 1, which is vol. 1 in the Aboriginal Policy Research series.

Originally presented at the Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, 2002.

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Measuring the Well-Being of Aboriginal People in Ontario

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Bakhtiar Moazzami
The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 31, no. 1, 2011, pp. 117-123
Study concludes that the well-being of the Ontario Aboriginal population has deteriorated from 1991 to 2006 contrary to research done for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.
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