Saskatoon Indian Metis Friendship Centre Day Care

Documents & Presentations
City of Saskatoon
Includes Saskatoon City Council minutes from a meeting on Monday, February 4, 1980 regarding a request by Brian Tootoosis and Thelma Tootoosis to speak to Council regarding the denial by the Municipal Planning Commission of the application for the establishment of a Day Care facility by the Indian Metis Friendship Centre.
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[Satsan on Reconciliation. Part 5]

Alternate Title
Symposium on Reconciliation ; Toronto, Ontario February, 2011
Media » Film and Video
[Herb George]
Satsan (Herb George), President of the National Centre for First Nations Governance, speaks at the Symposium on Reconciliation in Toronto, Ontario, February, 2011. Duration: 4:33. Part 5 of 5.
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Secret Cabinet Conclusions Index

Documents & Presentations
1 file containing: March 7, 1959: Agenda for the day's cabinet meeting. Includes discussion on sale of a portion of Sarnia Indian Reserve land developers. - April 14, 1959: Agenda for the day's cabinet meeting. Includes discussion on compensation to Indians for air weapons range. - May 19, 1959: Agenda for the day's cabinet meeting. Includes discussion on the sale of Sarnia Indian Reserve lands. - September 2, 1959: Agenda for the day's cabinet meeting. Includes discussion on extension of liquor privileges to Ontario reserves.
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Secret Cabinet Conclusions Index

Documents & Presentations
File contains agendas for cabinet meetings including discussions on Indian Claims Commission and the Inuit vs. the Quebec government.
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Self-Determining the Self: Aspects of Saami Identity Management in Sweden

Alternate Title
Self-Determining the Self: Aspects of Sami Identity Management in Sweden
Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Hugh Beach
Acta Borealia, vol. 24, no. 1, 2007, pp. 1-25
Looks at the definition of Saamihood by the Swedish state and self-identifying Sami people and the effects on resource allocations.
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Setting the Table: Traditional First Nations Foods Lesson Plans K-8: Foundational Knowledge

Alternate Title
Traditional First Nations Foods Lesson Plans
Food Is a Gift
Gifts of the Season
Gifts of the Season
Documents & Presentations
Rachel Dickens
Jaymyn La Vallee
Jared Qwustenuxun Williams
Lucy Hemphill
Fiona Devereaux

Lesson Plans: Food Is a Gift suitable for K-2; Gifts of the Season suitable for Grades 3-5; Gifts of the People suitable for Grades 6-8.

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Settler Unfreedoms

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Shanya Cordis
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, vol. 43, no. 2, [Rethinking Blackness and Indigeneity in the Light of Settler Colonial Theory], May 2019, pp. 9-23
Discussion on how settler colonial theory is being used as a starting out point in theorizing Indigeneity and Blackness with regard to sovereignty.
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“Sexual Savages:” Christian Stereotypes and Violence against North America’s Native Women

Alternate Title
Religion and Men's Violence against Women
E-Books » Chapters
Alexandra (Sandi) Pierce
Contrasts British male colonial attitudes to women in general and Indigenous women in particular to their status in traditional Indigenous societies; traces the development of stereotypes about both men and women; looks at the impacts of government-church alliances, the role of contemporary media and incidence and types of violence perpetrated against Indigenous women; and argues that restoring safety will mean recognizing and attempting to correct harms done by non-Indigenous societies, and decolonization of communities so that they may heal from historic trauma.
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Simpler: The Future of Government

Book Reviews
Jason Steele
Northern Public Affairs, vol. 3, no. 2, Building New Partnerships, March 2015, pp. 48-49
Book review of: Simpler: The Future of Government by Cass Sunstein. Scroll down to page 48 to read review.
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Sister A. Brady, Anne Brady Walther, Dorothy Chapman

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Sister A. Brady
Anne Brady Walther
Dorothy Chapman
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Consists of an interview with three of Jim Brady's sisters. They talk about early life in St. Paul des Metis in the 1920s and 1930s, the politics and lifestyle of their father, Jim Brady, Sr., as well as discussing Brady's maternal grandfather, Laurent Garneau.
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Skiing and Divergent Ethnic Identities in the Multiethnic Northern Norway

Articles » Scholarly, peer reviewed
Helge Chr. Pedersen
National Identities, vol. 16, no. 4, special Issue: Sporting Nations without States, December 2014, pp. 365-376
Looks at the state's use of skiing to assimilate Indigenous Sámi people and how it became part of their identity in the 1970s.
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South Sask. River Dam Inauguration - Outlook, SK.

Documents & Presentations
File contains a copy of Diefenbaker's speech at the inauguration of construction on the South Saskatchewan Dam, in which he thanks the Chief, Little Crow and the braves of the Dene tribe for making him a honorary Chief. He also speaks of the proud history of the Dene, their contributions to Canada, and the appointment of an indigenous man to senate.
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St. Laurence Seaway, Cornwall Ont.

Documents & Presentations
File contains a copy of Diefenbaker's speech at Cornwall, ON. in which Diefenbaker notes that there is an indigenous person (James Gladstone) in the senate.
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Stan Durocher Interview

Alternate Title
Indian History Film Project
Oral History » Oral Histories
Stan Durocher
Murray Dobbin
Indian History Film Project
Stan Durocher was one of the original and most active members of the local Metis Association organized by Jim Brady.
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Stand Off, Alta. on Blood Reserve.

Images » Photographs
A photograph taken at Stand Off, Alta. on Blood Reserve. Shows a ceremony in which Alexander of Tunis, Governor General, was inducted into Kainai Chieftanship. A large crowd stands near a decorated teepee. There are two men with headdresses and three men playing hand drums.
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Stand Off, Alta. on Blood Reserve

Images » Photographs
A photograph taken at Stand Off, Alta. on Blood Reserve. Shows a ceremony in which Alexander of Tunis, Governor General, was inducted into Kainai Chieftanship. Five men on horseback are shown wearing headdresses. Part of a series of photographs, LH 2166-2169.
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Stand Off, Alta. on Blood Reserve

Images » Photographs
A photograph taken at Stand Off, Alta. on Blood Reserve. Shows a ceremony in which Alexander of Tunis, Governor General, was inducted into Kainai Chieftanship. Part of a series of photographs, LH 2166-2169. In this photograph, Percy Creighton stands in centre holding "weasel tail robe", formerly owned by Red Crow, Blood war chief and signator to Treaty 7. Robe now in Alberta provincial Museum. John Cotton, kneeling at right, is medicine man performing initiation ceremony.
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Stand Off, Alta. on Blood Reserve

Images » Photographs
A photograph taken at Stand Off, Alta. on Blood Reserve. Shows a ceremony in which Alexander of Tunis, Governor General, was inducted into Kainai Chieftanship. Part of a series of photographs, LH 2166-2169. In this photograph, Percy Creighton stands on the left and John Cotton on the right, the medicine man performing initiation ceremony. Alexander of Tunis stands in the centre wearing a headdress.
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Statistics on the Implementation of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement [2007-2019]

Alternate Title
Statistics on the Implementation of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement: Information Update on the Common Experience Payment (From September 19, 2007 to March 31, 2019)
Web Sites » Governmental
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC)
Reports latest information on payments to be paid to all eligible former students who resided at a recognized Indian Residential School.
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